My fiancée is from Ukraine and she wants me to visit her mom and sister in Ukraine

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by V777, Nov 13, 2008.

  1. V777

    V777 New Member

    My fiancée is from Ukraine and she wants me to visit her mom and sister in Ukraine. I heard that if you are non-white in Russia or Ukraine you might get killed??? Any advice from Russian or Ukrainian people.

    I posted a photo of her if you are curious to what she looks like?
    Thank you and have a nice day,

    Last edited: Nov 13, 2008
  2. BlkCasanova

    BlkCasanova Guest

    Umm why on earth would you post a pic of her like that? To brag? If I'd a venture a guess, that's not really your girlfriend. Jess sayin.
  3. V777

    V777 New Member

    hello BlkCasanova! How are you, nice to meet you? No i didn't want to brag. Everyone else was posting pictures and i wanted to be with the in crowd. Her best friend introduced us on a blind date. We were both becoming future professionals and thought maybe we should date. I'm a medical student and she is a law student. Maybe I invite you to the wedding if you want to come?

    Thank you and have a nice day,


    :smt017My Spidey senses are tingling:smt017
  5. V777

    V777 New Member

    Hi LUCIFERMORNINGSTAR! I see you are a medical student too! I'm a 1st year medical school student. How do you like med school? i would like to invite you to the wedding. Would like to come? How do i get in contact with you?

    Have a nice day,
  6. V777

    V777 New Member

    Why does everyone doubt our relationship? It’s not cool. I don’t persecute other peoples’ relationship, so why persecute mine? Anyone can tell me why. Maybe you people are just ignorant!

    Have a nice day,
  7. fly girl

    fly girl Well-Known Member

    No problem. But why not post a pic of the TWO of you. Would make more sense, no?
  8. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    Take your fiancee's picture off this site, please.:mad: She trusted you her pictures not for this purpose. Yes, theoretically you might get killed over there so it's better if she comes to visit you or you meet elsewhere. People do do that. If you choose to go, well be brave and be smart.
  9. V777

    V777 New Member

    She has the digital camera and the memory card of all of the photos. I only have one photo of her on my computer. She is in law school in chicago and i'm in the carribean for med school. we both just started our graduate schools this august. I asked her to e-mail our photos but she says on the phone or text message she is too busy studying and she is trying to pass her classes without any distraction as I am too. Med school and Law school are not easy to fly through. You must dedicate yourselves to many hours of studying and no distractions. The hard work would pay off years later. I like taking the photos but not appearing in them. She's more photogenic than i am. She is only with me because i'm educated and i have a happy outlook to life and i know how to respect a woman. We are both mellow and just want to take care of each other when we grow old togather.

    P.S: I got her permission by the way to post her picture on the phone with her in the morning today. Thank you for your concern.

    Have a nice day,
  10. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    Okay, so what do you need our help with? Are Russia and Ukraine dangerous for black people? Yes, they are.
  11. INJERA70

    INJERA70 New Member

    Damn you folks jumped on that brother,it is not like he posted a nude of her or anything. I don't get why you would doubt that is his girl and why because she is fine. I know I am playing Devil's advocate but give the man the benefit of the doubt first.
  12. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    I dunno. It just screams "fake" to me, too. A new photobucket account with only one photo in it, coupled with the responses the op has made just make it all seem a bit too fishy. I'm wary to engage a conversation until it has been proven not to be a troll.
  13. V777

    V777 New Member

    But i want to know why people Russia and Ukraine are so angry towards black people? My fiancee does not have these feelings. She has been in America for 4 years now and see how people get along here and wonders what so wrong with Russia and Ukraine.

    Have a nice day,
  14. V777

    V777 New Member

    I'm not a troll you ignorant loser! I'm sick of your ranting! Your very rude and your jealous you don't look like her too! You are the real Troll here! Shut up and leave... your ignorance disturbs me.

    Have a nice day,
  15. V777

    V777 New Member

    thank you for backing me up!

    Have a nice day!
  16. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    and this is exactly what I'm talking about. I didn't insult you, I didn't even speak to you. I operate on a "guilty as troll until proven innocent" basis on this board because of all the hatred and spite that gets thrown around. Considering how irate you are getting over a comment that wasn't rude, ranting, nor ignorant, proves my point. Plus, how can you be "sick of {my} ranting" when that was the first time I even posted on this thread?

    Fuck off and have a nice day, douchebag.

    P.S. Do you make it a habit to join message boards, be rude to the members who've been there for a while, and tell them to leave as if you're presuming you're important enough to make such decrees? Get a life, retard, and stop claiming pictures of random girls on the internet as your girlfriend. It's really pathetic.
  17. V777

    V777 New Member

    I have seen all your rants on this site. And you are just a person who wants to cause trouble so you should check yourself. i came onto this site to make new friends and meet new people. You are just a bully who has no future. Peace out!
  18. fly girl

    fly girl Well-Known Member

    V777, you sho do move fast. Not a month ago you were talking about meetup sites and dating sights. Now you are engaged?
  19. Persephone

    Persephone New Member


    I'm a bully?!?!?!?!?!?


    Please, tell me which world you live in, cause I'd love to live with lovely delusions like you do.
  20. V777

    V777 New Member

    yes you are a bully for stirring up stuff. I had no beef with you and you began accusing me that my relationship with my lovable finacee wasn't real for some sort of reasoning i don't know. You started it and that makes you a bully. I live in the real world and so do you. So We should stop harassing each other and I will be the bigger man and say I’m sorry for engaging someone who needs help. You have a problem and I hope you get help. God Bless your soul. All i want to do is make new friends and meet new people on this site. I don't want to cause trouble. So Peace out...

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