My Favorite Country in Africa is......... What's yours?

Discussion in 'The International Perspective' started by Salmon23, May 24, 2012.

  1. Salmon23

    Salmon23 New Member


    2. Kenya

    3. Eritrea/Ethiopia


    5. Cote D' Ivoire

    bummer, can't upload pics :-( Files keep failing! Too large I suppose.
  2. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member

    1. Namibia

    2. SA



  3. Salmon23

    Salmon23 New Member

    You know what? I love Cheb Jen from Senegal, and The various peanut sauces. I forgot about Guinea. i hiked across the country for a month. All the way pass Mali Ville up north, Nzerekore ( thrown in jail for being a Liberian rebel for three days), hit all the water falls, Faulon area , Labe, Kindia, etc. and it was a blast. The greenest most beautiful place on earth it seemed. i hated Conakry actually.

    Will hit Uganda soon for the Gorillas. SA is on the bucket list too. Where were you in Senegal? Only Dakar? Did you make it to Goree Island? I have a lot of friends from Mali. All the women get swooned by the beautiful , tall, dark men.
  4. Sin Mari

    Sin Mari New Member

    1. Kenya (for obvious reasons ;) LOL)

    2. Tanzania

    I'd love to travel around the continent a bit more though. :) Maybe one day, when finances allow.
  5. Salmon23

    Salmon23 New Member

    is your Partner Kenyan? From Where?
  6. Sin Mari

    Sin Mari New Member

    He sure is. :) He's from Naro Moru.
  7. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member

    That you hate Conakry- is understandable:smt042.. I was once in Kindia and several times somewhere outside of Conakry, but don't ask me, where I've colleagues just come, tell me, "come on" and we Dakar I was a few days, had to jump from Guinée to Senegal and back. Goree Island is the Island you see from the beach ? The harbour of slave trade? Yes, I've seen it, but also just quick,quick..was too much in hurry..about Senegal, I find it funny what power that Imams have. Anyway the country is beautiful and civilized, except the strong influence of these religious leaders (and btw- crooks like hell)

    You were hiking in Guinea? You've never had problems with the military? :smt107

    Going to jail in Africa is definitly something you have to
  8. Salmon23

    Salmon23 New Member

    We're you swooned by Woolof men in Senegal? lol! Yes, Goree Island is the Slave trading Island.

    Yes, i was arrested on the Border of Guinea/Liberia, And Cote D'Ivoire. I was heading back home. They said I was a Liberian Rebel, because I speak French with an Anglophone ascent. Also my Size, A well built man, by American Standards 6'3 240, very muscular. They held me three days, no water or food, or mosquito net, outside the entire time. Finally released when the commander came back and saw my passport was American. The guys that grabbed me couldn't read. The commander slapped those guys and told me to get the hell across the border, he didn't want any trouble. Got to the Ivory Coast Border,and the first border guard I ran into was speaking Gouro, a local dialect I Learned a few words of in the village I lived in. He was so happy I could speak a few words of Gouro, he found a bus That took me all the way back to Abidjan , and I went home from there. Though I got Malaria, after it was all said and done, because I didn't have mosquitos netting and wasn't taking any anti Malarials. :smt102
  9. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    You are fortunate that you are alive.
  10. Salmon23

    Salmon23 New Member

    We're all fortunate we're alive. I don't look at life like that. I have far more friends in the states that have died from drugs and violence. though I live is=n some of the most violent places in the world. Maybe My time is coming, but it can happen anywhere. I'm least worried about Malaria. I think I've had it 8 times, but I've been able to come through it each time.

  11. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member

    lol...yeah that's the way they speak and act, many times..but seriously to travel these countries without any backup plan is risky. You are right that it can happen something to you everywhere, but you can also provoke it. Friends of mine have many times two passport with them, for the case of any shit . I was arrested once in Thailand, because guys by police wanted to have money and in Uganda a guy from the airport made trouble.. in Ghana a friend of mine was be careful

    Hey it's nice to talk to you about Africa..:smt045
  12. Salmon23

    Salmon23 New Member

    You probably don't know this, but I'm the back up. I'm that person. People call me when things get hot, lol! That's why I hit the ground first and have these situations, so you don't. That's essentially my job. I also do kidnapping and abduction trainings. I recently had two kidnappings in Haiti and negotiated the release, ransom pay off, and medical attention without harm in 4 days. If something happens to me, it's not because I wasn't prepared, it's just the nature of my profession. It's why I have three weeks in Sweden, pay for by my employer, I get mandatory breaks every couple months anywhere I want..
  13. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member

    So we know us????, I'm joking of course. My backup is Russia, not America..

    Interesting job, indeed. I didn't quote you, so that you can delete your last post. So you go to Spa and have some fun now in a civilized and free of stress country;)?

    Are you an adrenaline junky, or how did you come to this exotic job?:D
  14. Salmon23

    Salmon23 New Member

    MY FLIGHT WAS 7 HOURS LATE COMING out of xxxxxx, the President was coming in the couyntry so they closed the damn airport. So no hanging with my boys in Addis, and no massages, and my hair looks like a wolf. Oh boy! so hanging out iat the internet cafe in Ethiopia. maybe I'll go have some enjera and a beer, I LOVE it so.

    YES, I', probably a adrenaline junky, but I've never been diagnosed offcially. So I'm not sure, to bw honest I'm super safe and never that rest on the job, it's justr my job is inherently dangerous.

    This job fell in my lap. I had years of experience responding to emergencies abroad, that was my specialty, first on the scene business. Then by default, I started working in countries no one would go to, so i developed on the job expertise in those cultures and operating environments. I left all of this for a girl, we broke up, then I found myself working at Google, got bored, left Google for one of our start companies, another foul break up, and i decided to come back abroad. When I came back abroad I was offered Director of XXXX, for XXXXX and i loved it. Security started going south in the country really badly, we could n't find anyone qualified for the xxxxx position, so i was called to duty, left the director position, and the rest is history. Did some trainings privately and with the UN. But mostly on the Job training. not so exoctic actually.

    Off to enjera and beer.
  15. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member

    You make it sound less exotic, but anyway it is..Let us know, how your holidays are in Sweden and have much fun with your friends:drinkers:
  16. FG

    FG Well-Known Member


    I thought AFRICA was a country!!!!!

  17. naija4real

    naija4real New Member

    it used to be has graduated to a continent now...we are catching up ...won't be long before we colonise Sweden :D
  18. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    It is nice to have someone who knows a lot on going to third world nations and get things sorted for others before their arrival. S23,you enjoy every minute in Sweden since of all the things you had been through relaxation in a less stress state brings rewards.
  19. FG

    FG Well-Known Member


    That would probably be an improvement:)
  20. Salmon23

    Salmon23 New Member

    Now of course I couldn't tell you the entire truth. Could I? It's more exotic than you know, and I can admit. I'm actually working in Stockholm right now. But in two days I'll be free :) Yeah! We're gonna get along just fine.

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