Ever since I can remember I have just found white women attractive. I could relate to them more, and I just found them to have similar interests to me, and I guesse I just found them aesthetically pleasing. The softness of the skin that smooth hair that I can run my finger's through. Yet I have always been perplexed by the question of attractiveness. Why is it I find mostly white women attractive? Ive been attracted to a few asian women before. What so called Hispanics I have been attracted to were mostly of european admixture. While yes Ive found women of other races attractive just not at the same ratio. I have considered a few possibilities to this. 1 Biological People say that your attracted to what resembles your mother. Perhaps my mother being white I sort of picked up on that? 2 Media/society influence. The media constantly has enforced this idea of eurocentric beauty. Perhaps this has influenced me psychology from an early age, and then developed? 3 Inborn personal preference Everyone has a preference, and no one has any control over it.
you like what you like, and thats as simple as it is, people who dont like you liking white women will prob call you brainwashed by the media etc, personal preferences are what they are no matter what ass hurt people spew, i have noticed that people like certain preferences seems to sting them quite a bit
Funny how there's no brain washing when Asians like ww or wm like aw or when they like black or latina women but the minute its a bm liking a ww or vice versa oh dear lord its the media people. Watch out lol.
too true, it is funny, they go on like innocent precious sweet virgin white girls are throbbin downstairs at the sight of a bm on tv etc so thats why they go for bm, if these idiots really knew how alot of ww who like bm felt about bm they would never get over the shock
I thin the whole "opposites attract" thing is so true. And scientists showed that kids of different genetic mix are healthier and stronger on average.