So? Conservatives are running with juvenile bullshit logic arguments like the middle & lower class are jealous of the rich and successful so will not vote for Romney. Something you yourself wholeheartedly are riding on. So what is it that you're trying to point out other than just wanting to parrot the same tired talking points simply because you can? Again you or anyone else are not changing anyone else opinion across either ideological line. Bottom line is people, for whatever reasons, are going to vote for who they THINK has THEIR BEST INTEREST in mind whether it's actually true or not.
Turnout is going to be fucked more on the progressive side due to the current bullshit nature of politics. Point?
Yes. Just like Ryan was one of the politicians that voted against and bad months the stimulus bill but had no problems trying to get some of that bad for the economy stimulus money for businesses in the district he represents.
And none of the shit conservatives say or do is not. Okay. Got it. Thanks. You've accomplished your ongoing mission to prove that. The thread can be shut down now.....
Not before pointing out that the GOP and their dear tea bagging supporters are the biggest hypocritical lot out there. But then you know.. Truth hurts. Can't fix stupid. Do as I say not as I do. Ad nausea... *vomits*
Just like implamenting an "obamacare esque" healthcare plan as Governor then damning it when you're running for president?
How so? Maybe according to you perhaps. I find Obama to be the biggest hypocrite out there. Demonizing the successful & wealthy people in this country("You didnt build that!") all while taking 1 million dollar donations from from the likes of Bill Maher and fundraisers hosted by George Clooney. Anyways, whatever. No one in this thread is gonna change their mind on anything. Most of you think Obama is the Holy Messiah and can do no wrong. And me, I think Romeny could give this country a much needed boost. We'll just have to agree to disagree I guess.
you have now entered the no-spin zone:smt006 quoting people out of context or just doing it partially is a trick of the trade
This is why you have no credibility when you try to put up arguments. Show proof where anyone in this thread actually said this and not just based on your spinned opinion.
Ain't you heard? We're a bunch of racist and intolerant bastards and bitches up in here. We just can't face the truth about how the world really is because we wants that free shit, sorry mutha fukkas that we are. Where are my reparations damn it!!! Gives us, us free shit!!!
Its just so weird. Its like they'll forgo all logic and honesty just to make a point. One must ask is it a point worth making if you need to be dishonest to make it.