Movies with BM/WW Couples

Discussion in 'In the Media' started by Kid Rasta, Jan 13, 2006.

  1. beeehave

    beeehave Active Member

    Derek Luke plays Katie's significant other. Conveniently plot-line wise she went on the trip ahead of him and it goes from there.
  2. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

  3. daemonova

    daemonova Well-Known Member

    Anthony Mackie has had one hell of a career, especially considering white women.

    I forgot about she hate me ,that was almost twenty years ago.

    He was in a movie with Jennifer Connelly, filmed by her husband where they made out. What the hell going on in they marriage?

    In IO, you led to believe he hooked up with margeret Qualley,the hippie in once upon a time in Hollywood with her head n brad pit lap.

    The reason why he is in Detroit because he and Kathryn Bigelow used to date. She directed him in hurt locker.

    He makes out and dry humps Ilana glazer in that Seth Rogan Christmas movie.

    He out kick his coverage a lot. Captain America indeed.
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  4. daemonova

    daemonova Well-Known Member

    He dry humps her and she don't show nothing. It ain't even a long dry hump. Good for him on set I guess. But it doesn't do anything for the rest of us, I'm went ahead and spolied it for you so you won't have to waste time like I did.

    This was already listed for interracial I don't know why this movie needed extra attention.
  5. Summerred

    Summerred Well-Known Member

    Speaking about Jordan Fisher i saw that his wife just had a baby not a long time ago. His wife kind look like Jennifer Lawrence.
  6. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    How do you know that?
  7. Summerred

    Summerred Well-Known Member

    This last part isn't a surprise, i heard other stories about husband directors filming their partners with co-stars doing hot scenes. It's so "normal" to Hollywood. I think this is the liberal behavior adopted by celebrities, they don't see it as a big deal unlike the average couple. Connelly probably would do the same for her husband filming him making out with another actress. Everything in name of art.
  8. Young Herschel

    Young Herschel Well-Known Member

    Legally lol . . . I'm in NJ.
  9. Young Herschel

    Young Herschel Well-Known Member

    They were not fully clothed and they were in bed . . . movie fucking 101. I just enjoyed the set-up of the movie . . . it delivered what I rented it for. Most horror movies are less sexually explicit via IR than "The Summoned" @daemonova . . . it comes with the territory. Look at "American Carnage" by comparison. A very explicit IR scene in a horror movie is rather rare . . . "Flesh is Heir to" & "Seclusion" are not the usual standard bro lol :)
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2022
  10. Jeffrey Tripp

    Jeffrey Tripp Well-Known Member

    He was also with Kristen Stewart in the movie Seberg.
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  11. daemonova

    daemonova Well-Known Member

    The plot of IO I don't want to give away, it was on Netflix
  12. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member


    I'm talking about how do you know he and Katherine Bigelow was a thing?
  13. daemonova

    daemonova Well-Known Member

    Ok, I don't know, I was lying, you got me
  14. daemonova

    daemonova Well-Known Member

    You can watch this on Showtime.

    Or you can watch it here.
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  15. Young Herschel

    Young Herschel Well-Known Member

    There are two movies which were released several years apart. They are both available on TUBI. I just started the original one and will probably watch the sequel subsequently. It looks like a Sci-Fi / Action / Comedy with strong IR undertones. So far they're already showing where the movie is going with the beautiful Blue-Eyed Blonde Aryan Academic and the Black NASA Astronaut so I look forward to seeing it develop (she already got partially undressed as he saved her life from flying into outer space). Hope there is more Interracial in the sequel too!!
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2022
  16. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Mayim Bialik wrote & directed this. That was a surprise to see her name there.
  17. daemonova

    daemonova Well-Known Member

    If you blink, youll miss it, I think
  18. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    timestamp? I missed it. lol.
  19. daemonova

    daemonova Well-Known Member

    1:58 to 2:02
  20. Jigga521

    Jigga521 New Member

    He's not black
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