Movies with BM/WW Couples

Discussion in 'In the Media' started by Kid Rasta, Jan 13, 2006.

  1. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member


    Yeah, but it's still a site about whitewomenblackmen. Salma Hayek is another non white latina that has been mentioned here for her role in the Hitman's bodyguard. I rarely ever bend the rules and you guys know that so his reply to me was once again unnecessary. Plus how do we know she also doesn't put down "white" like most latinos do. Her last name whether it's her real name or not isn't a latino or spanish last name. It's french. lol. That's why when I first seen her and saw that Alexa Demie was her name it threw me off. lol.
  2. Thump

    Thump Well-Known Member

    01:40 mark.
  3. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    Trailer for "The Rhythm Section" just dropped:

  4. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    Jesus l, dude no one said this thread was dedicated to bm/ww specifically. But you made the mistake of referring to the relationship in Waves as being between a bm/ww. That’s not the case, that’s like false advertising. I posted the first info about this movie and this couple weeks ago in the Upcoming IR Slate thread. I dropped a pic of this actress with it and she’s clearly not white. In fact she is the most prominent Latina on that Euphoria show you love to groan about. You don’t recognize her? I doubt she would like being refer to as white, bro but that’s just my guess. Don’t get huffy at me for your own false labeling. Try not getting that stuff wrong instead.

    Man, you don’t even read thoroughly enough. If you think this was some intentional sabotage this time out then so be it. You could be right. My point was that Deadline had posted stories and updates on this movie previously a half dozen times over a couple of years without making that mistake. That leads me to believe that the site was being led by social media whining/outcry when they went with that erroneous and bogus story title this time around. In other words I’m giving them earned benefit of the doubt for why they made the mistake this time around, NOT denying that they made a mistake in the first place. Chill out. Life’s too short.
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2019
  5. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    Great trailer. Never heard a version of “In the Pines” sung by a woman which is no surprise since its much about a man’s lament regarding his female lover.

    Love the boldness of showing the quick clips of Blake and Sterling getting it on. Such a clip of a black dude, even if the star, getting such action in the trailer with even women of his own race is kinda rare.
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  6. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    You really need to stop with the excuses and poor defenses. Point is I don't come to you and purposely crap on damn near everything you post in these threads, but you do that to me almost constantly. That means it's that serious to you! No one else is chirping at me at this rate but you and another guy. Like I said you don't check anyone mentioning Salma Hayek, Francia Raisa or other latinas being mentioned here UNLESS I would mention them. Her last name is Demie and as people like @ColiBreh1 has educated folks on latinos before some of them DO Identify their ethnicity as white. In fact several sites got her ethnicity listed as white Caucasian Descent . Mexican is NOT a race and neither is latin. One google search will lead you to her ethnicity being of white caucasian but I forgot you just like to hit me with your invisible rules and confidence in THINKING you know what you're talking about rather than to actually fact check me because you can't!

    I don't have a problem with being wrong and being corrected and it is evident on this site. YOU DO!
    But like I said to you before come to me with facts and not expect me to take what you say as fact and just believe you for no damn reason other than you're @JamalSpunky and you said so. Because Im not stupid I WILL check into what you say to me if you can't provide any info and just your opinion.

    And believe whatever you want to believe about what deadline pulled. I'm not going to convince you nor do I want to. But you defending them like they pay you. lol.
  7. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    Dude, you are the one resorting to all caps to make a point which suggest something is wrong with your fucking state of mind.

    But since you are resorting to revisionism let me try to set things straight.

    1-I'm happy Coli tried to school you on what it means to be labeled a Hispanic. Now please don't to to the same to me because I don't need the schooling. For example I would never refer to Mexican as a race nor did I do so in this thread, so why even bring it up in the first place? I understand that technically speaking there is no Hispanic race but here's the thing....that doesn't stop many so-called Latinos from considering themselves as one race. Its extremely complicated but the reality is that you can be a Latino of mostly European descent, mostly African descent or one of Native American descent. You can also be a combination of all those things or a couple of those things such as mulattoes or you can be mestizo. Mestizo is the combo of Native American and European. Think Jennifer Lopez, she fits that type, and people of her complexion and mixture make up most of the people that are labeled as Hispanics. A white/heavily European ancestry Hispanic would be someone like Ana de Armas of the recent Blade Runner and if she was in "Waves" instead I would have considered that relationship to be between a bm and a ww. Demie however is clearly mestizo. She doesn't necessarily talk about her heritage but I never read anything that defined her as white or which she referred to herself as white. If Hollywood thought she was they wouldn't be tossing at her roles in which her characters have a Spanish surname. Let me ask did you ever refer to her as the white gal when commenting on your obsession, Euphoria? When the four young actors in "Waves" were being talked about during the Toronto Film Festival it was mentioned how three of them were people of color and the only one was white. The white one is a male and he has a relationship with the black sister in the film. That's the only black-white hookup in the damn movie. Period. This is a pet peeve of mine. Hated when growing up people were referring to any Asian they see as being Chinese or today in which we refer to Hispanics as "Spanish". That's lazy American nonsense. So if I see someone getting an ethnicity wrong or confused I will typically step in and say something.

    2- Once again you fail to grasp that my correcting you had nothing to do about thinking the thread was specifically about black men and white women. Even though it does state in the thread title that its for discussions regarding BM/WW, most of us here have given up on the idea that people will stay within those parameters when discussing movies. That's why when I created my Upcoming IR Slate thread I didn't even bother with it, I instead made it clear in the title it was about IR and not specifically bm/ww. So its all good in all these threads these days to broaden the topic to black men on screen involved in any type of IR.

    3-You list once more examples of other people who posted stuff about movies with black men in IR relationships with Hispanics and or Asians. Okay, I don't recall the exact examples but I'm not denying it happened. You then whined once more that I didn't pick on those guys but I'm picking on you (are you four years old?). Well, I'm guessing I didn't call out those fellas, if I actually read their posts, because those fellas didn't describe an onscreen relationship between a black man and a non-white woman as being a relationship between a black man and a white woman. Hello? That's it. There's no agenda here, there is no ax to grind, there is no desire to pick on you. You labeled something incorrectly while the other guys didn't. Its just that simple. But I will say that when I saw your post about "Thirsty" with the linked trailer I was genuinely interested in that. Alas it was only a short film and I wanted to make it clear to folks who might have sought it out eventually at the movie theaters or on Blu Ray. When I also noticed you mistakenly refer Waves as having a bm/ww romance, I actually thought to myself I hope darkcurry didn't think I was picking on him. But then I followed it up by thinking to myself that you are an adult and you would understand I was only clarifying the information. Boy, did I give you too much credit. How fragile is your ego, man? You actually thought that was personal when it wasn't. But I doubt you can be convinced otherwise so I won't bother. What I will say in my defense at least is that you repeatedly go to threads getting shit wrong. That's the facts. At times you end up jumping the gun and claiming you have spotted a bm/ww hookup on film from afar, only for me or maybe someone else to point out you got it wrong. Its not like I want you to be wrong. I want more of such portrayals to exist on screen. I just wish you would stop spreading what turns out to be false information. Is that too hard? I guess so.

    As for Deadline....there is something real off in your reaction to that whole thing and my take. Pay attention once more. I'm not denying that they made an error and I'm not denying they have to give a retraction. What I argue against is that there was some malicious intent on their part when an editor chose that title (and by the way the story and title emerged AFTER controversy started to brew on social media). You have the audacity to tell me to provide you proof when you have zero proof on the intentions of the Deadline website. Can you read the minds of the folks over there? You took the low road and just assumed Deadline was trying to discredit the film intentionally, purposefully and cruelly. Where's your proof of that? That's a site dedicated to reporting on the business of the entertainment industry s far as Film, TV and stage are concerned and has never had the rep of maliciously trying to savage a project. Can you find any examples of them ever doing such a thing? I doubt it. There reputation is very good within the industry. The article in question was for the most part even-handed' and spelled things out better. It was the title that was misleading and titles are usually determined by a single editor. How are you any better than the other side who jumped to all the wrong conclusions about the movie when you did the same thing regarding the website Deadline which was reporting on it? You can feel all you want that the website was intentionally lying about the film but such currency would get you nowhere in the court of law. You are lacking proof.

    And please if you respond to any of this try doing so without losing your shit this time. You are a grown ass man acting as if someone on this site is out to get you. That's absurd.
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2019
  8. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    lol. You are warped and delusional in your obsession with not only being right but your unhealthy, irritating, angry obsession with IR in movies and TV. This whole back and forth you have been doing is pointless, inaccurate and obsessive. Next time my post bothers you this much go report it and see how the moderator deals with your lack of facts, controlling behavior, arrogance and obsession. Don't forget to mention your "spot on" analysis of invisible man and annihilation to prove how what I'm doing is sooo wrong.

    Go away. The next time you come at me I will report you for HARASSMENT!

    Take this internet trolling somewhere else.
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2019
  9. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Took me awhile to remember this casting news. Okay the trailer looks pretty good.
  10. SilverSmith

    SilverSmith Well-Known Member

    The new romantic comedy The Wedding Year, starring Sarah Hyland, Tyler Williams and Jenna Dewan, is on demand and in theaters today. We're going to stream it this weekend and get our laugh on.

  11. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    Here's the trailer:

  12. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Going to see it in theaters this weekend since it's playing at the show we usually go to.
  13. Rashad

    Rashad Active Member

    Last edited: Sep 27, 2019
  14. Young Herschel

    Young Herschel Well-Known Member

    "The Wedding Party 2" on Netflix. I'm in paradise lol!!! Just started watching but I already love the premise and production values on my new TV. Surprising that it was shot in 4k by an African studio and all but I hope it plays up to its first 15 minutes :)
  15. Young Herschel

    Young Herschel Well-Known Member

    ^^ Now I'm 20 minutes in but have to get ready for work and I love this movie and the vision and objective of this Nigerian movie studio even more!!! I can see what he is trying to accomplish here by the overall concept of "The Wedding Party 2". Bravo!! Bravo to Netflix too for buying this movie I'm sure many like me never heard of last year.
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  16. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

  17. Target 02

    Target 02 Active Member

    Lots of good romance!

    Hoping they get in a room or at least a car. Closer action.
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2019
  18. Young Herschel

    Young Herschel Well-Known Member

    Here is the trailer from "The Wedding Party 2" and it is available even for those who don't have Netflix:

    It is clear to me that someone got some serious capital to back this film as it is apparently shot in Ultra HD on location in London, UK, Lagos, Nigeria and most impressively Abu Dhabi, UAE. They are a very nice looking young couple too and it is very refreshing to see such a positive portrayal of wealthy, upscale Nigerians in their homeland. This movie makes for good tourism advertising lol and I graduated with the Nigerian President's son years ago at St. John's Law so I got to meet some very upscale people from the in the Nigerian First family at the time of commencement.
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2019
  19. Rashad

    Rashad Active Member

    Well if it is, then it's news to me.
  20. Rollx007

    Rollx007 Well-Known Member

    yhhhh that Obsession movie rubs me off odd, I'm not into infidelity plots
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