You get a kick out of talking out of your ass. I go to Norway and Sweden at least once a year, mainly Norway as my family lives there. And I am very familiar with the two countries. Sure, the two countries have had high profile, racially motivated killings of two teenagers in the past. Isolated incidents, nothing rampant. But to state that they are the most racist countries in the western world is a bit of a stretch. Their respective governments take matters like this very seriously and take every measure at their disposal to quell and prevent it from spreading. To me, it sounds like you're posing as a black man who sympathizes with black while trying to inflict psychological damage to black members of this board. You try to inflict wounds with your subliminal messages. It's very transparent. You won't succeed. Many of us here are if not all, wouldn't have it any other way about what and who we are. You're just wasting your time, ass wipe.
No, you've never been to Sweden, anyone who knows Swedes knows that I'm speaking the truth, even redneck girls from Mississippi are easier to get. You don't have to believe, believe what you want.
You know what? You nailed it with this post. Some of what he is saying may have some truth to it, but damn, a lot of it is straight bullshit. From the appreciation of being referred to as a monkey to blanket statements about an entire country's racism, it's been a complete mess to say the least. I'm waiting to see how nutty he gets with his ideas.
Australia is a very racist country but Australian girls like American black men, mainly American black men as opposed to blacks in general.
Ok, let me see, is there anyone here who has been to Sweden? I have, I have been to Mora in Dalarna and Göteborg, I would love to discuss that with someone who has actually been there, anyone I know who's been to Sweden has the same opinion as me, they're nice but extremely cold, and one more thing, I've never seen a beautiful Swedish blonde who likes black men ... that's like magnetic monopoles, everyone talks about it but I'm yet to see one, I'd be glad if someone could show me one, just a myspace or facebook profile of a Swedish blonde who happens to date a bro...
*WWBM members proceed go to their myspace friends lists to find all the Swedish blonds* I'll be sure to get back when I'm done searching for a Swedish blond. Dumbass.
I think she means not bright, bright blonde. Like the girls you see in those pictues with 40 Swedish girls lined up next to each other.
I didn't say they hate black men, please, don't put words in my mouth, I'm just saying most of them wouldn't date a black guy, I would love to be proven wrong though ...