Most racist nations in the western world.

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Madiba, Mar 6, 2009.

  1. Madiba

    Madiba New Member

  2. Dex216

    Dex216 New Member

    I was suprised about how high Italy, Spain, Northern Ireland, and Greece were on the list
  3. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    I wasn't suprised w/ Spain nor Italy.

    I am somewhat suprised about Belgium and seeing Sweden at the bottom of the list sounds about right.
  4. fromrussiawithlove

    fromrussiawithlove New Member

    Spain is one of the most racist countries in Europe.
    Ireland is pretty bad, too.
    I was surprised about Italy and Greece though.
  5. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Out of all my friends, the Swedish one has the most racist family members, mainly his god damn grandmother. :neutral: :eek:But of course, I'm not gonna judge a whole country on that.
  6. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Where's Russia? I guess it is dangerous to conduct a survey there.
  7. Madiba

    Madiba New Member

    Lol..I think its because its considered eastern block.
  8. Machiavel

    Machiavel Active Member

    Exactly. When people say the West, they usually don't include Russia.
  9. satyricon

    satyricon Guest

    How many countries on the list have any of you been to?
  10. malikom

    malikom Banned

    Not surprised by Italy or Greece at all.
  11. fly girl

    fly girl Well-Known Member

    The only place I have ever been called an N lover to my face was in Rome.
  12. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    interesting that the most racist euro nations are also the darkest....can we say self-hating mofos still mad the Moors kicked their asses
  13. Complex

    Complex New Member

    If you were from Europe you would not be surprise Spain is rated one of the highest.

  14. malikom

    malikom Banned

    I was thinking the same thing.
  15. satyricon

    satyricon Guest

    Unfortunate but one must admit that such a thing could've easily happened in TX or even CA as well.

    My experience in Italy was radically different from this and can attest to the warmth and hospitality I was shown in several locations there.

  16. Dex216

    Dex216 New Member

    It just goes to show you that there are warm and welcoming people in every nation just the same as there are bigoted and mean-spirited people in every nation
  17. DI

    DI New Member

    I'm glad Russia is not on the list!:D
  18. Madiba

    Madiba New Member

    I think if you live in Europe, Spain definitely will not be a suprise for most people. This is partly because of the way Spanish football fans treat black football players. I remember a few years ago the English football team went to play in Madrid, and at that time the English team had a few black players, something like 5 of the starting eleven were black. Anyway, everytime a black player touched the ball the was a chorus of monkey noises. There was also the Lewis Hamilton situation at the Spanish Grandprix. I know sports supporters are not the best people to judge a nation of people, but I think people who haven’t been to Spain tend to judge Spain this way.

    I have actually been to Barcelona. It's strange though, I never felt any racism directed towards me. I only speak a little bit of Spanish though and don’t speak any Catalan, so things may have been said I didn’t pick up.For some reason, a lot the Spanish thought I was American. I would be out ordering food and they would point at me and say" Americano" in a polite friendly way.

    I think my pleasant experience was mainly due to the fact I was in a touristy place though. My experiences would probably been different if I mingled with the locals more.

    Can't say I am shocked Italy is so high up on the list either. My time spent at Rome airport was not the most pleasant I have spent at an airport.
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2009
  19. Stheno

    Stheno New Member

    well every country have racists i guess i can understand why greece will be that high a lot of people can't really separate racism with been ethnics nationalists, that are very very pround of who they are and at the end you do end a little (or more lol) arrogant :wink: and thats what i think most Greeks are. :wink:
  20. untitled1985

    untitled1985 Member

    not surprised, italians greece, ireland, just look at boston mostly irish and racist as hell

    but again this is just a little survey prbably polled like 1,000 folks

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