Guy gets killed right in front of his son. Poor black kids... The lesson? STOP IT WITH THE BADASSISM. Even if the guy had gotten out of the car spewing racial epithets, you have to understand: 1. Violence as a first response is stupid -- ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU ARE WITH YOUR KIDS. Does your ego trump the safety of your kids? 2. Anyone can be armed. 3. Arrogance is stupid. Society works better overall without it, and courtesy is the lubricant in the societal machine. I wish all people would embrace that, especially black people. Speak softly, and carry your own "big stick"! No, the white guy should not have shot him. He did that because he wanted to, not because he had to. If our justice system was fair, the white dude would be charged. (He isn't being charged.) The white dude is dead wrong in his own way. But frankly, that issue pales in comparison to the stupid mistakes the black dude made. And if you're going to go around shoving people -- where is YOUR gun? At least be able to shoot back! But nope -- he wanted to be a badass ... and fucked over his little black son by getting killed right in front of him.
Tragic for the child for sure, feel bad for the little guy, truly a victim of IDIOTIC adults, the woman for parking in a handicap spot and the father for being unnecessarily violent in the initial confrontation. That being said the father was moving away from the gunman once he drew his weapon. If I was handling this case I would dispute the element of the stand your ground law that says it's legal to use deadly force when still under imminent threat, to me with the father backing up, there was no imminent and continuing threat. Let's see if there is a civil suit..
The couple brought this shit on themselves. Parking in a handicap spot is stupid. Getting physical in response to some stranger yelling at you is even stupider. Doing it in front of your child is asinine. The shooter felt bold because he had the gun. If you're a brother, you need to know better. A lot of these conceal/carry assholes are looking for an excuse to shoot someone. That's not supposition. This is shit that I used hear people I knew who walked around strapped say when I lived in Texas. They can't wait for shit to pop off, so they can pull the gun and punk somebody. If someone (especially somebody non-black) starts talking shit to you in public, take the high road and back off. Brothers have to know that if it's a non-black person and a black man in a confrontation, the brother is never going to get the benefit of the doubt. This shouldn't even be a question if you're with your kids.
Who checks to see if someone is legally parked in a handicapped spot? According to that idiotic Florida law, the BM could have been shot for simply running up on that White guy and yelling. Just prove you were afraid you were going to get your ass beat. I agree with Loki and don't understand why there's no grey area with Stand Your Ground. A justified shooter should at least try to use the sight of his drawn weapon as a deterrent to see if the aggressor backs down.
Same type of person who calls the cops on a kid selling water in front of her building for not having a "permit." They look for excuses to put people whom they believe are beneath them in check. If Florida weren't a stand your ground and conceal/carry state, dude probably would have called the cops on the couple instead of confronting them.
I agree with your last sentence. I'm not for shooting unarmed people. I also agree with Loki that once someone is backing down, stand your ground should be challenged. At the same time there are laws that are even worse in other states. For example still having a duty to retreat in your own home is ridiculous. I don't agree with having a duty to retreat at all, especially in your own home. If someone breaks into your shit in VA and you shoot them, your likleyhood of going to jail is a coin toss unless they have changed some of their laws. If the burglar isn't armed then you are going to jail for sure. You'll just have to bond out and win the case. So yeah, stand your ground needs some work, but I feel more comfortable here than I would in many other states.
So it goes back to letting each state have the laws they make for themselves. That duty to retreat can kick rocks. If you don't like Florida, don't move here, simple. We can use the extra space. Or we can keep playing Daddy to each other every 8 years by reversing what the last party did and get absolutely nowhere. Seems silly to me.
Been watching this video for a few days on other sites. My visceral reaction was that he over-reacted by shooting this man, who appeared to be retreating. I think a verbal warning would have sufficed. I also think blind-siding a man by violently shoving him to the cement ground might shake him up enough to viscerally pull his gun and shoot.(which he did). Some responses that I have seen that disagree with my first opinion have been that: it looked to them that the deceased lifted his shirt like he was going to pull a gun. That the deceased didn't look like he was backing away. That the deceased should expect violence to be met with violence. Also, many said the shooter should have called the security officers of the parking area, or the police, and let them handle the handicap problem. But as we know, many have been mocked for calling the police, which would have been the best choice here in hindsight. I wish he had done that though. And l wish the deceased approached him more calmly. Just a horrible outcome, all over a stupid thing.
The shooter got charged with manslaughter. I doubt this guy gets convicted though.
The thing about matching violence with violence is that it usually needs to be met with appropriate force(except in Florida apparently), so firing a shotgun at someones face who is approaching you with a spatula or running someone over with your car while they are kicking your bumper can still get you charged in many cases. And he pulled his gun because of the "big black man/thug" he perceived was going to harm him severely or even kill him. He knew he wasnt that level of danger. It was half fight or flight and half knowingly amplifying his own feelings that he had control of. Also, looking at the video, the father was not reaching for anything. Didnt lift his shirt at all.
You can tell by the sheriff's response and demeanor in the first video that they dont give a fuck about this brother. He did everything short of saying "welp....themselves the breaks". Fuck Florida
I totally agree that the guy definitely didn't need to shoot. I think he could have warned him off, but he fired instead. I wondered today after watching the tape again on another site... if the narrative would have been different if it was a woman who shot him. Or a woman who shoved him. Read another story today on this guy on UKDM, this guy has an anger problem and a road-rage problem. And unfortunately he took it out fatally on the father. He felt emboldened by the gun. BTW, watch the video - he quickly raises his shirt on both sides with his hands and slightly moves forward, like he's about to fight him further. Still, the site of the gun then had him immediately starting to retreat, didn't even get a chance to fully do so and he was shot. It was that quick.
Surprise, surprise. The shooter has a history of picking fights and threatening to kill people. The brother served up what he was looking for on a platter.
The first time he fixes his shirt(or shorts that may have been sagging). Pretty much every man does that when about to fight. The second time he raises his hands, they barely go up. His body language when he does that says "so what's up then? What you trying to do?" That was done as he was backing up. His body was partially turned, showing that he was no longer a threat. Unless hes preparing to side kick him(from a distance that was even past kicking range), the father was minimal threat from that range. Also, a good second and a half went by from the time he pulled out his weapon until the time he fired. There was a clear pause that shows it wasnt pure reaction. He didnt scare the brother enough for him to take off in a full sprint. Backing off slowly wasnt good enough for him and that's what he was banking on.
Figures. An unstable wannabe badass with a gun. Wouldn't surprise me if this dude washed out of basic training or wasnt good enough to get into the academy.
The NRA seems to have learned a PR lesson after all of the shit they got for defending Zimmerman and staying silent on Philando Castile.
Well said. Its like I said earlier in this thread, it was clear that the father was backing away when the gun was drawn, the prosecution has a very good (but not perfect) case for manslaughter, it will not be easy though.
A lot of people check because of rampant abuse, but usually other handicapped people check. From what l read, he uses the parking. I also read that Florida recently changed the SYG law(?) to now requiring that Law Enforcement must 100% prove the shooter was NOT in danger, in order to make an arrest. If they can't, then they can't arrest them. It's why the Sheriff passed the case to the DA to decide whether to prosecute. He was technically unable to arrest if the shooter said he was defending himself. I think in this case, after he was violently shoved, he wanted to punish/payback his agressor by shooting him. Me? I'd have also pulled it in order to back him off from coming for me again and then got in my car and hi-tailed it out of there and then called the cops. I hate when people abuse the SYG. It's vital for true victims.
Uh..what is up with people killing people over fucking parking spots (that don't even BELONG to you)??. I mean, it's a 5x1 piece of asphalt!! Man, 27, 'shoots and kills a driver who was arguing with his fiancée about a parking space outside a Walmart' By Valerie Edwards For and Associated Press Troy Hunte, 27, was arrested for allegedly killing Fadil Delkic, 49, at a Walmart Delkic reportedly got into an argument with Hunte's fiancee over parking space Police said Hunte pulled out a gun from his pocket and shot Delkic in the chest Hunte has been charged with voluntary manslaughter, according to police