Pays off with what? A dried up old prune twenty years his elder who's had too much plastic surgery? If that the best American WW a successful brother can hope to get, I don't even know why any bother.
Did you not read what I was saying to him and replying to? The woman wasn't even a part of our conversation nor the equation. He's (Babybro) a talented artist who I think will go far if he keeps pursuing his dream. He liked the (I hate to use this word) the "swag" that dude has. Suit and tie and having a distinguished look. Get that hating shit outta here....
this. why? because some white men do label white girls, REGARDLESS of status or looks, that go black as their trash they didn't want.... which is odd to me.....considering I see women like her with white guys all kickin' it day long
Maybe because she and her twin sister have been arrested multiple times. Maybe because she use to have group sex with her sister and man older that her grandfather. Maybe because she has been videoed tongue kissing and making out with her sister (TMZ, all over the web). Also, maybe because the "actor' she is with has been busted for "allegedly" drug dealing in the past year. Or maybe it's because she is the typical white girl that messes with brothas.
By "typical" do you mean, tall, blonde and hot? Nothing wrong with that. I'm guessing you're NONE of those things.
Look, I respect the differences in opinion - we all aren't supposed to march in lockstep - but i'm sensing a holier-than-thou mentality among some. Just my opinion.