Here's the latest celeb IR couple -- TV talk show host Montel Williams & Tara Fowler (scroll down): The Kid Rasta 8)
I was reading the comment from someone who "claims" they know Tara...and writes that she's a racist, and used the N-word. Sounds suspect to me. The Kid Rasta 8)
Yeah it does Kid and I hope it's NOT TRUE or maybe she's been blessed with a change of alot of money. :twisted: Who knows :?: :roll:
Good pic. I watch his show from time to time, and his good friend Sylvia Browne (psychic) told him he'd meet someone. And new he was with her when she appeared on a future show. But I would never have seen her picture if not for this site. He's always seemed to be into white women though. Wasn't one of his former wives a dancer from Vegas? What was her name? Grace? Anyway, happy for the brother. Though, I hope that one flight attendant's post about Tara being racist isn't true. Of course, in my experience, people who feel that way rarely put themselves in contact with object of their hate. Maybe the broad got it wrong. Or Tara made some ignorant comments on that day. Who knows.
This is his 3rd marriage and how old is he ??? 50 ? Sorry to say this but ppl who go through several marriages have some issues for one thing they don't wisely chose their partners ...... so don't be suprised if you see him marry again in the future.
Yeah they do but I'm not a big Montell fan because he comes off to me like he's an ASS :evil: epsecially on his show so I don't know how long this one will last either.
Montel has his work cut out for him. I know Tara Fowler really well, right down to her fake tits. She is capable of almost anything. Deception, infidelity, lies, you name it. She cares only about two things: Herself and Money. Racist? She is such a racist that she doesn't even know it. When I dated her(I happen to be a caucasian), she not only used the "N" word, she made all kinds of rude jokes about blacks and other minorities. Sorry Montel, this bitch will bring you unspeakable pain. AdMan
Well, maybe people are right about her; who knows. Montell better play it smart so he doesn't end up dissapointed like Lionel Richie when he got burned by that dark-haired gold-digger. I don't know her name. I'll post it when I find it.
lo; you're right. It seems like old men are always the targets (and victims) of gold-digging scams namely James Brown, Lou Rawls, J Howard Marshall etc. You just gotta be careful when you get old.
:idea: Her name is Diane Alexander and here's my link: Also, everybody says all kinds of things 'bout other people, genders, & races when they are with their own or peeps that they feel comfortable with especiallly when they are angry so in that case the whole damn world's got some kind of racism or prejudice in my opinion. As far as old rich fools go, if the golddigga' can or makes them happy in their last days then why not pay them :?: :!: BUT, BE SMART ENOUGH TO DO A PRE NUP FIRST :!: :!: :!: :wink: