I don't think I ever said thank you for killing the spell cow... Thank you! Now, can we have some moderators?? I'm not sure what has happened but there seems to be more personal attacks than normal and I think a mod or 2 or 3 could help to keep things even. I like that fact that we are free to “talk” about things but sometimes when a member is trying to communicate a thought “we” shut them down before any open dialogs can start. We need [I think anyway] some even handed, clique free moderators. Not to be the thought police [we have many of them already... Too many] but to help keep the free flowing communication free of the name calling and personal attacks.
I am trying to decide between going with moderators, or installing some kind of "report abuse" system where you can click a button on a particular post and report it as abuse.
Just my 2 cents... I fear that the "report abuse" button is not as personalized a service as can be provided by a moderator. It seems that in the past when things have gotten "bad", members have reported trolls and inapporpriate behaviour, so I don' think that it would change very much. I think that a moderator (or a few) would be able to help out even when things get "heated" and when discussions go way off-topic, not only when there is abuse.
And that's exactly the reason why I would prefer a report abuse button over moderators. :smt003 A moderator has to handle difficult situations in a neutral and evenhanded way, and I couldn't point out a member who is emotionally detached enough to be trusted with this assignment. Currently, the "notify webmaster" section is only used to report massive trolling and extreme board rule violations. You simply do not report every single personal attack, especially if it was uttered during a heated discussion. You most likely will not report inappropriate behavior either if it occurs only periodically, for instance, a member leaves an abusive comment on the board, then disappears until s/he can safely assume that the other members most likely forgot about the other incident, and then comes back to start another attack, and so on. Or a member creates several aliases to create the illusion that his/her inappropriate posts are generally appreciated, so that people will shy away from speaking up against/reporting the incidents (example: the troll and its sockpuppets who got kicked out the other week - it took months until it was realized what was going on). A report button would help to sort through those things because it would give members the chance to simply put inappropriate posts on "record", even if the single incident may not require immediate sanctions. This would give the webmaster the chance to detect patterns of disruptive behavior. For instance, if a high percentage of members report a high percentage of posts by a certain individual as "inappropriate", it will show up on the personal record, and the webmaster can then review the user and take action as he sees fit.
I used to be active in another forum, Mods are humans and can be biased against some members they'll give preferetial treatment which will create resentment and anger the situation will only escalate over time so abuse buttons are better idea.
I am a member of a few different boards and the Mods are fair and even in how they deal with issues. They don't/won't jump in every time some memebers have "problems" but they will keep things from going too far and they will make sure that the old "troll" name [or any other name for that matter] is not attached to new members who happen to disagree with someone who's a long standing member. No one person or group of people own this board but I think there are some self appointed Kings/Queens and their suck up pawns who feel it's their job to rule us all. I think Moderators would do a better job than a report button. My two cents.
Self appointed Kings and Queens huh? I hear you brother, don't you hate such people coz I've seen them on other boards frankly they take the fun out of the MBs. I am not against Mods please don't misunderstand me, they just have to be fair..... My two cents
If an owner pics fair mods, sets it up so they are instructed how to handle things, it sure saves him a lot of work. And sometimes just their presense helps maintain some order Personally though I think this site has very little drama. I'm on another board where it screams for the need for moderation.
I've decided to go with the abuse MOD and see how that works first. It's currently being tested on the test forum right now.
I've installed the abuse module. You should see an exclamation point at the top right corner of every message.
Don't worry baby - I'll protect you!! *starts sharpening all mutli-syllabic words in preparation for show-down...*
It takes about 15 seconds to ban someone and remove all their posts. It takes much longer for the offender to sign up a new email account and/or IP address, register as a new member, and generate new posts. Beyond that, there are all sorts of tools and resources available to stop someone, if you really want to stop them. As far as content goes, there are going to be sites on the internet that some people do not like, do not have an interest in, or they may have issues with the content. The solution for them is simply not to visit those websites. If there are posts on this site that violate the GUIDELINES, members can report those posts. No matter what a person's interests are, there are sites out there that will cater to them. There are more than 108 million websites online. It takes a conscious decision to join one and become a troll.