Her name is Gianna Michaels. Probably the best porn chick out there. Plus she does brothas so even sweeter.
Yeah Gianna is a beast, only whitegirl in porn that fucks like the black girls. And she is a boss fo' real. She don't let any of them dudes tell her what to do.
Yeah i heard that, Kenny. And she's real, unlike most of these chicks out there. She didn't see the need to go for the fake titty, barbie blonde look.
yep, they are real. If you've seen a flick of hers, you'd see it is real. When she takes off her bra, it just doesn't stand there, like these: http://www.makemeheal.com/news/images/victoria-beckham-breast-implants-3.jpg Instead, they "flap" down, suggesting it's the real thang.
fake boobs "flap" too, if they're big enough. skin and natural breast tissue can only hold up under so much weight.
yeah, i know what you mean....but i'm still not buying that those things are real. but than again....her body isn't super scrawny so i guess it's possible. who knows.
The exact same reason that black supremacists get upset about Halle Berry and Alfre Woodard dating a white man. People see this kind of thing and they act as the sky is falling. Racism = Jealousy
White supremacist will not be mad at her dancing with the dude,she is half black,and mulattos are full Blacks to white supremacist