Miss Daisy suing Morgan

Discussion in 'Celebrity WW/BM Couples' started by shion, Feb 28, 2009.

  1. shion

    shion New Member

  2. nobledruali

    nobledruali Well-Known Member

  3. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    She is also a racist man-hater. She gone after Micheal Jackson,O.J. Simpson,and other famous Black male celebs. Does Meyer want to go that route? It is going to be nasty if it comes to trial.
  4. nobledruali

    nobledruali Well-Known Member

    Well Meyer sounds like she's got nothing to lose & everything to gain namely Morgan's stacks:roll: so he'll probably try to settle out of court.
  5. shion

    shion New Member

    Don't forget he's going through a divorce as well after 20 years I think....they're gonna bury that old man to death with debt.

    He should have taken care of Meyers after the accident..he doesn't need this kind of P.R.
  6. shion

    shion New Member

    Allred stands up for the girls period no matter how trivial the case...Scary Spice.

    The only time I agreed with Gloria was when she called out the various Women's groups for not holding Clinton accountable for his actions as they did Bob Packwood.
  7. satyricon

    satyricon Guest

    Why does Morgan Freeman live in Mississippi? hahaha

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