due to the concussion issue in football and sports overall should there be a minimum age rquirement?
I'm sure the majority will say yes but I still say no. My son plays. He's done the safety camps. His coaches are amazing in their skill at keeping the boys disciplined and safety conscious. It is what it is. I can understand people not wanting their kids to play but if you seek out the right coaches/environment, sports can be an amazing (and *safe*) experience.
Concussions don't care how old you are. All the benefits you get from football you can get from other sports. Other sports that are not as violent are not the problem. Keep football and say tennis split because one is much more violent than the other and more likely to give a concussion.
[YOUTUBE]ciM1P_Smpq8&feature=youtube_gdata_player[/YOUTUBE] the doctor who brought cte to the forefront.
Nope I think parents and kids will know the risks involved in aggressive contact sports and the decision is with them. My Son plays for a local Football team (Soccer to you lot) and I did have him enrolled onto the schools Rugby classes (run by England Rugby coaches) but he kept getting put in with more experienced older players because of size and he was getting hurt (i was worried he'd torn his ligaments at one point) and it affected his football and had to miss games, which left his team a defender short for a league match and training sessions missed. So I removed him, but we had a choice so the choice should always be there for these things.
MSNBC interviews doctor who discovered cte See video....after watching the vid....your thoughts of your kids playing football