White folks take advantage of it more because there are more white people genius. Look at the total percentage and see the percentage that are on welfare and that is your REAL NUMBER. I AGREE with affirmative action. If the all things are equal (grades qualifications etc) Agree in the interracial dating thing.
Were you being serious or insincere with someone else's fault comment? I replied with that comment to point out that the community influences what someone comes out to be and the actions that they take. I interpreted your comment as he is an island onto himself in his actions. I used insincerity in my comment to battle what was perceived as insincerity in a comment. That being said I don't assume that. My first comment actually supports that someone was involved in his upbringing but that the parents probably didn't get the educational or occupational chances given the time that they were growing in comparison to their counterparts. This would lead to lack of funding and wisdom to keep this person out of trouble and on a correct career path.
I agree with this. Burning up yout own neighborhood is some real dumb shit move Of course more white get killed by cops. There are more whites in america....duh If you want to break it down by rate then its five times higher
By why is the point brought up that there are more white people on welfare? It's true but that is also why there are more white people Why does "because there's more white people" work one way but not the other
I personally don't think it matters. In my mind if you need public assistance.... Assuming you're elegible then that person should receive it. A huge problem is that conservatives want to make it out to be a black thing. Also blacks on public assistance are routinely made out to be lazy and looking for a handout.
Its called math. Math means logic. If the "rate" of more blacks then.... Then what? So pull up the stats about whites versus black on welfare, then we can discuss
I never said that a person that isn't eligible shouldn't get it. If someone needs it they should get it. But they should at that point be doing everything in their power to get off of it. And welfare def isn't just a black thing. Plenty of other races and corporations that are on it.
Sigh. Follow me here. When the fact is brought that there are more white people shit by cops than black folks every year. The rebuttal for that is becausec there are more white people. But then you go right back and say there are more white people on welfare but the only reason that is, is because there are more white people. So why does the total number vs the actual number only work in ome argument and not he other.
By all means let's see you excuse this shit. I mean when you justify burning down your own neighborhood I really can't trust your rationale but enlighten me.
Police tend to be concentrated on sections of the country where as welfare programs run by the federal government are not. Also, police can discriminate on who they give a ticket to where as the welfare programs should not. This makes it unfair for those who get the ticket as oppose those who do not.
It works in both arguments. Being on welfare is not a crime, it is supposed to assist people that are in need so.....only people like you think its a big deal when black people use it. Shooting an unarmed man is murder. Murder is a crime. Did they not mention this on sesame street?
You didn't get the memo? If you're black in Amerikkka and you break the law even in the tiniest bit, death is clearly an acceptable punishment for any of your transgressions.....
Yep. The only qualification you need to be judge jury and executioner of black people is to be able to read on a third grade level and have white skin. Of course someone like Paniro who hasn't read anything since the third grade, would never have a problem with that.
Ok to your first point the argument more white people are on welfare is used to show that black and hispanics being the face of welfare is completely false. It's obvious propaganda to fuel this xenophobia of the "other" taking your hard earned tax dollars doing nothing. And to be absolutely fair if black people as and entire people decided to be on welfare for the next hundred years it still would be a drop in the bucket for what's owed to us as people in this country (actually I should say ya'll since my people were slaves elsewhere). Trillions upon trillions of dollars in free labor that shot this country to being a first world nation. All those hundreds of years of free labor that made this country what it is, so if the dare to use blacks as the face of welfare there should be a banner saying thank you we would have never gotten here without you. The reason the argument doesn't work when applying it to cops is because despite whites as a whole getting shot more they don't get shot as often per capita. So let's do simple math lets say there's 100 white people and 8 get shot then you have 10 black people and 5 get shot sure more people were shot but per capita four times as many black shootings by cops. Why are blacks 4 times more likely to get killed? See the point now? And as for why do they burn down their city well just like Baltimore we are literally invisible our pain unnoticed until we do shit like that. Property matters more than life apparently.
Turns out the cop was black from what I'm reading. This was ALMOST avoided if he had just been black and not a cop this could have all been avoided. Maybe the cops should stop patrolling black neighborhoods and responding to calls in black areas. But then that would be racist. They can't win! Lol