Millionaires Collecting Unemployment?

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Bliss, Oct 7, 2010.

  1. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    IDK, it's much like food stamp mentality....I always ask, are you really HUNGRY, and penniless? By the same token, are these millionaires really hurting for money?
  2. Howiedoit

    Howiedoit Active Member

    If these millionaires who apply for unemployment or even food stamps have no other income coming in for the next 6 months I say . . . why not.

    I would hope they would start selling everything of value and move into a home they can afford.
  3. botoan

    botoan Active Member

    There are more Americans on food stamps than ever before. Millionaires in America have a long history of getting over.

    Many millionaires on average pay a lower tax rate (around 15%)than the average American worker and with tax loopholes they may be able to pay far less. I remember when Billionaire Ross Perot ran for Pres. in 1992 he stated that he paid less in taxes than someone that made $35,000.00 per year. He also pointed out that everything he owned was due to government grants and corporate welfare. He worked the system.

    Those millionaires are working the system. Wall Street lives off a system that is nothing more than speculation about the buying and selling of others. This is what capitalism really is making money for nothing, it is not about values, or 'In God We Trust'. Communism is a system where everyone knows the score, that is why no one can ever prosper in a communist nation, the system is meant to be simple. Capitalism is a system where most do not know the score. Because they are intentionally distracted by the goods that capitalism produces such as clothes, cars, cell phones, porn, television, movies etc., an educational system that teaches fear, and above all the so-called 'Christian' faith.

    I have faith but, God is not an American, the Holy Ghost is not a business major and Jesus is not a Republican. I know because I am an American, have been a business major and I have often voted Republican (believe it or not).

    It is a system however, and therefore it can be changed but, we all know how us brave and fearless Americans react to change! LOL!
  4. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    Now I KNOW you're crazy.
  5. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Good post fam. I see someone read the Communist Manifesto
  6. botoan

    botoan Active Member

    'that is why no one can ever prosper in a communist nation'

    No, I have prospered. LOL! I am not moving to Cuba anytime soon.
    My argument was about systems. It is the same argument that Pres. Obama makes and in a sense even Ron Paul makes the same argument about political parties being different sides of the same coin i.e 'Democrats/Republicans' are really the same party. They have switched back and forth on issues since the Civil War, it is all a game. If you know the game you win. In communism no one ever wins, because you are told to get there and how, everyone is a sheep in communism. In capitalism we kill sheep and eat them raw.

    My question to all is this do we want to change the system. And create one that is neither capitalist nor communist something socialist-lite or something better more libertarian with unilateral, unconditional free trade, local self-government, Constitution rights, and a noninterventionist foreign policy.

    I am opposed to the the welfare state, and the warfare state. I believe in sound Constitutional doctrine, sound economics, and the philosophy of freedom.
  7. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I question all political systems that don't practice fairness. I don't believe in equality some people are just better than others but I base that on merit not on vain appearances.
    The problem with capitalism is that it acts without regard or conscience for those not fortunate. Any system where the vast majority has to live in fear and without basic needs while only the few live well is a broken system. Communism doesn't work because it removes incentive and most people won't strive for achievement for achievements sake they need their pot of gold at the end of the rainbow so many things wouldn't be done well. The socialist regime gives way too much power to the state leaving no room for self determination so I guess we are left with the question should we have government at all?
    Locke coined the term if men were angels he would need no government, but since he's not he must be policed so that weakest of us won't be subject to the whims of the strong. Unfortunately all systems seems to advocate that very thing.
  8. botoan

    botoan Active Member

    Correct, Brotha andrae09
  9. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the intellectual exchange fam. We've been lacking lately on the forum.
  10. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    I wonder how much are they getting like the rest of us or more?

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