[YOUTUBE]Hq-URl9F17Y[/YOUTUBE] [YOUTUBE]3yFTyZ-iAbI[/YOUTUBE] also Michelle Obama Physique Criticized http://www.washingtonpost.com/lifes...19c9a8-6efb-11e2-aa58-243de81040ba_story.html No, The First Lady Did Not Spend $50,000 on Lingerie http://www.theatlanticwire.com/politics/2012/01/no-first-lady-did-not-spend-50000-lingerie/48055/
Why don't these people speak their piece to The First Lady's face? It all comes down this country's idea of beauty. Whatever that is.
The right wing is so jealous of the First Lady and bytching almost everything she had done. Those critics should get a huge chill pill with a gallon of water.
yeah, people are saying she is being over exposed. I say have your fun . besides she has her agenda and she needs to push it. being at the oscars is nothin g more than a thank you to hollywood
I don't get why people got so bent about Michelle Obama's Oscar appearance. It's not like she's this overtly political figure. She's more of a national treasure IMO. But I guess if you view the world in only Red and Blue, you might have a problem with Mrs. Obama being on your television set. Even I kinda liked Laura Bush, when she wasn't defending her husband(!!):smt076
Mrs.O is just fine. Guess what the Iranian media covered up her dress! It looked like she was wearing a t-shirt. The people from Hollywood was not happy that the President did not thank them for the funraising and it is good Mrs.Obama gave a appearance to the Oscar ceremonies.