in the article it stated ---------- "It's unlikely that Murray can pay any sizable sum, including the $1.8 million cost of his funeral. He was deeply in debt when he agreed to serve as Jackson's personal physician for $150,000 a month, and the singer died before Murray received any money." another aspect to discuss is we love bashing athletes for fucking off their money and here is a doctor in a messed up financial position also. Its ironic he needed the money and didnt get paid for his services
The only way he doesn't get paroled early is if he's a trouble maker, which I highly doubt he would be.
Back in 2010, Michael Jackson's father Joe and his sister LaToya accused Dr. Murray of being a tool of a Masonic cabal that runs the music industry. Conrad Murray Wearing Freemason Lodge Officer Chain Collar: Dr. Conrad Murray Secret Freemason Recognition Hand Signal:
One theory is that the Masonic organization Dr. Murray belongs to brought him connections with powerful people within the recording companies and touring agencies that are also members of that organization, and they conspired together to continuously drug Michael, sway him to assign his rights to music copyrights and other income streams over to them while under the influence of drugs.
and you didnt say crap when he was stalking me nor have you said anything when he started in on my daughter either...all unprovoked
You both got in good on that one (and yes, the comment about your daughter was really nasty)..... However, you keep going - you get unprovoked attacks in everywhere, This was really immature - he is not even in the thread.
I never saw anyone attack you out from the blue when you weren't in a discussion or had a conversation. Must have missed that. So if you were attacked out of the blue when you were not in a discussion.. perhaps you should have understanding for it instead of think its funny when you didn't think its was funny when it happened to you.
again. it doesnt matter. what you dont get is that for about several months he would out of the blue and make snide remarks (unprovoked). he would stalk to see if I make an error but you never said anything. I can show you post after post after post and where were you ?
Stop that silly ass childish knee jerk stuff. How on earth do I have a secret alliance w Tirkah. But keep going with those childish unprovoked attacks. You just look stupid when you cant let go of shit and keep pouring gasoline on beef. Don't go crying if he comes after you then since you keep poking.
Where were I? I don't read every fucking post. What I saw was that you were after him just as much as he was after you and you both were called on it. It looks to me he has let it go but you keep going.
again, you havent said shit when he was doing his shit. right ? did you ? no you havent. so all of the sudden you want to talk about it. here we have two people saying the samething and you just dont want to see that maybe there is something there