It's racist, because he is painting all black youths with a broad stroke of criminal behavior, and using known race baiting stereotypes to prove an incorrect assumption of Black families. The key word here is "Urban", which is a well known code word for Black. Here is a simple formula: If a person blames A RACE for the actions of an INDIVIDUAL then they are racist. People like this Ex-Fire Captain, who associate skin color with behavior are dangerous in a position of authority, and that is why it was a good call to demote him. On a personal note, I was born and raised in the "ghetto" and I was never in a gang, and Ive never committed a crime, and neither did any of my brothers or my friends. So when scumbags like this Fire-Chump say things that paint us all as hoodlums, because we share a skin color, it cant be anything other than racist.
also trayvons family were in a working class neighborhood ....they were not on welfare. because when black kids wear a hoodie we are gangster when white kids wear it...they are white kids wearing a hoodie.
Assuming that you're a real person and not an elaborate troll account, how the fuck do you even function in the real world with this level of ignorance and naivete?
How could anyone possibly not think that was racially motivated? He went as far as to insult the parents and their dead child and then to add injury to that..he dodges responsibility by saying he copy and pasted that shit? GTFO. It's on YOUR wall and YOU put it there to voice a message. You, sir, are an idiot. You should be fired plain and simple.
It isn't racist; granted, my definition of racism leaves little room for ambiguity. Now, racial and socio-political overtones are definitely present in his expressed personal feelings. That is obvious.
Due to his world class comprehension skills and the need to see others as fuck ups and dirtbags, he clearly thought she had to be talking about him....:-|