Mexican Heroin Causing Deaths All Over U.S.

Discussion in 'In the News' started by DenzBenz, May 27, 2010.

  1. chicity

    chicity New Member

    Sure. But that doesn't mean they should be able to do anything about it. For instance, they shouldn't just bomb Arizona. That would be an overreaction. So we're looking for something somewhere between blowing up Arizona and nothing at all. Obviously, there's a lot of options there. It's ridiculous to think they're all good ones.

    Eh. Other states have bigger problems. We don't let them rewrite the constitution without good reason.

    No one has suggested Nazi roundups, in any argument anywhere ever.

    The new laws are clear racial profiling.

    The latest out of Arizona is that they are going to be cracking down on teachers with accents. But that's not racial profiling either, right?

    You are a plant. You are a non real being, in that you aren't who you say you are.
  2. Iggy

    Iggy Banned

    Christ, you are ridiculous. Bombing Arizona or nothing at all? What college did you attend?:smt017

    And there was many remarks regarding this law to Nazi Germany.
    Heck, on page 5 of this thread

    "The type of White Woman who will cosign this law is not the same type that will be on this board. There are essentially two kinds of White people, and we're the other kind. It is against our nature to support this sort of thing. You want to dial our White Power department, but none of us here have that extension. We always suspected that the number was 1-800-kkk-nazi, but we can't be sure. "

    Then on Page 7, lipstick makes a genius comparison to Nazi germany and the state of Arizona
    "the reference that i made to nazi germany came in response to having to show your papers...prove who you germany every person had to prove who they were...the jews and the non jews...if you remember, the nazis branded the jews...gave them a number...a tattoo..."

    This is the ONLY arguement used from the people againist this law and its pathetic. Just try to cry racism and anyone who supports it must be all about White Power. So fuckin stupid and pathetic on your part to think that. It isnt just white folks supporting this law. A lot of the african americans in Arizona and across the country are supporting this law as well.
    All you can do is throw out baseless accusations which only digs you into a deeper hole.
  3. Iggy

    Iggy Banned

    chicity, do you have a link to where Arizona is cracking down on teachers with accents?
    Not saying you are wrong but I havent heard of that. Thanks;)
  4. chicity

    chicity New Member

    A pretty one. Yes, indeed the two most outermost extremes are bombing or nothing at all. You suggested one extreme, I suggested the other. The point being that the answer is not limited to the most outmost poles.

    yes, college boy, but that is not at all the same thing as anyone suggesting there will be Nazi roundups. You keep making silly allegations, because the arguments here are too logical to fight directly. So you pretend we're saying something else, and then argue with that.

    There are plenty of arguments against this law.

    Technically speaking, everyone advancing these laws are in fact all about White Power. In fairness, no, that doesn't mean that everyone who supports the law is about White Power, just like all Republicans aren't about White Power. But the people who are about White power? Totally love this. And the politicians calling for it? Know what sheet holes look like.

    It is pretty stupid to think the comparisons to Nazi Germany are simply allegations of racism. In fact, it's a historic comparison that's pretty apt. If one form of law is similar to another, comparison of the two makes sense.

    And across the country, Mexicans and Mexican Americans are treating African Americans in deplorably racist ways. Which would be perfect justification for African Americans to tolerate or even support racism against Hispanics.

    Whatever. Your law will last a minute and a half. No one in the public eye is willing to touch this thing in a positive way, because it's toxic. Everyone with any political skill is distancing themselves. Cling to it if you like, but the entire world associates this shit with the Tea Baggers, and its not a good look.
  5. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    You just stomped that trolls ass.:smt038
  6. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

  7. Iggy

    Iggy Banned

    Uhh how so flamer???:confused:

    She didnt answer shit. She keeps making the same baseless comments that she has before. And its not like a small minority of people support this law. Look at the facts, stats, polls etc. Or you can just keep shouting "racism" like you have been.

    And chicity, I am NOT suggesting a extreme method of combating illegals at all. I just think the USA should take an active stance on illegal immigration. Sheesh. I am not wanting to round all them up and gas them. I would be all for prison time, felony charges and/or deportation (cause it is kind of a serious offense). My methods are hardly "stoning some illegal to death":smt120
  8. chicity

    chicity New Member

    Good lord, pretend to try to keep up.

    You suggested that the alternative to the current law was not doing anything at all. That is one extreme. Got it yet?

    Okey dokey.

    Again, nobody has suggested you are.

    If you're going to quote the laws of nations that stone people to death as an acceptable solution to our own, than their other laws -- such as stoning people to death -- become relevant.

    Prison time will cost you more than you are spending now. If the problem is the burden on your system, why make them a bigger burden?

    I'm really looking forward to finding out who/what you really are. I hope you get frustrated and pen a really long swan song about how we're all intolerant and intimidated and admit your "experiment" to try and join as someone you're not. I love those things.
  9. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Why are we even arguing. Let's forget laws and let everyone run a muck. Fuck safety and boundaries let those who care nothing about his country have it. Why fight it. I hope to God that the idiots screaming racism about this law ever have their kids molested or have a drunk driver kill a loved one because that's what you happens when we have illegals coming in here by the hundreds of thousands but why hurt some peoples feelings its far better to let everyone suffer. Smfh
  10. Espy

    Espy New Member

    Pretty sure that 'ever' is supposed to be 'never'?
  11. chicity

    chicity New Member

    We have child molesters and drunk drivers and rapists amongst our own citizenry. I know people who have been affected by all of the above, none by illegal immigrants. I do not support special laws for any of the groups that the criminals in the situations I know of belong to.
  12. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Thank you sweetheart
  13. Espy

    Espy New Member

    Anytime honey.
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Then why invite more? By opening the borders that's what we are inviting.
  15. chicity

    chicity New Member

    Um, that doesn't necessarily follow.

    Btw, has anyone actually recommended "opening" the borders?

    I absolutely support greater enforcement of, and stiffer sentences for, child molestation, drunk driving-related manslaughter and rape. Profiling Hispanics for these crimes is not likely to produce any greater results than the last few hundred years of profiling African Americans has. I would prefer that we actually work on the issue of rape in this country, rather than simply picking new people to blame for it.
  16. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Chi I'm done with you. I'm sentence away from being nasty and I don't want to turn it into that kind of conversation. So enjoy the rest of your night.
  17. Espy

    Espy New Member

    I would have to agree that you'll find people with faulty wiring upstairs in all groups, it's not just Hispanics. I will also say that though I'm not sure there's any direct correlation between an increase in the illegal alien population in the US and an increase in drunk driving-related manslaughter, child molestation and rape, that I grew up around a lot of illegal Mexicans and they were an oversexed bunch of men. I'm not saying they're all that way, but their culture appears to be very sexually charged and they do view pretty much all females mid-teens and above as eligible. That's a bit off track I know, I only mention it since Andrae brought up child molestation and though having sex with a 15 year old girl would be considered rape or molestation in the US, that's something the Mexican men I knew would have considered normal and acceptable.

    I'm not sure I understand what you're getting at here sweetie. Have you seen statistics that show a rise in crimes perpetrated by Hispanics, or illegal aliens from Mexico? If you don't mind clarifying, I'd like to be able to appreciate your point.
  18. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Yeah Bookie posted a study in the Immigration thread about how the influx of illegals add to crimes by large percentages. I think its basic math though. The more people in a population the greater chance of having more criminals especially when you have less opportunity since you're here illegally and there's a language barrier. Its sad that this is hard to see.
  19. Espy

    Espy New Member

    Thanks for the explanation I didn't see that post, I'll go back and look for it. I agree that any increase in population is going to lead to an increase in crime, that is common sense. Of course you being the numbers man, I would expect you to see and appreciate that babe. BTW there's a line in the song Thanks for the Memories by Fall Out Boy that makes me think of you every time I hear it: "They say I only think in the form of crunching numbers". Now I realize that's not entirely the case, but it's just very Andrae. ;)
  20. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Thank you baby doll

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