Men Are Weak to Beauty Power

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Blacktiger2005, Sep 17, 2009.

  1. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

    If all "men" were exactly the same, this website would have a different name.;)
  2. FRESH

    FRESH New Member


    I am coach at one of the local colleges, & I get hit on by lovely colleagues & athletes alike. Our institution doesn't have rules or policies against dating colleagues, but I have personal rules that do not allow me to, we also don't have strict rules or policies about staff-student relationships we abide by. I don't entertain any of these "come-ons" because I don't trust that my job is safe, no matter what the norm is, I'd rather error on the safe side. You've all seen these teachers posted up on the news with students. It's really funny or interesting to see the really good looking female colleagues or athletes get all up in arms if when I politely but sternly decline their offers. I mean some of these females get really angry, empowered, confused, and a bunch of other stuff when you don't return the come on. Not all us men are jelly in the knees, plus, if you do decide to go there with the beautiful intern, new hire, whatever, some of us guys know when we play it cool, calm & collected, it gives us some of the power in the exchange.:smt028
  3. chicity

    chicity New Member

    I, very respectfully, disagree.

    I believe that, ideally, everyone who wants kids should work hard to ensure that they can support that child themselves. Any income that comes from a SO is gravy.

    Life is hard & unfair, so not everyone will be able to make as much as they'd like, but depending upon a SO for money essentially makes them your boss. Working for someone you sleep with is often demeaning, and it throws off your own independence in the relationship.

    I'd never want to consider my financial future when deciding whether to stay or leave a relationship. I'd never want to feel like the money I lived off of belonged to someone else.

    Better to be a woman with money, then to seek a man with money, IMHO. Beauty power's great and all, but I'd rather have something I can bank.
  4. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member

    Thanks CBQ for your opinion. Please let me explain a little bit more detailed.

    A very long time I was on this independent trip, I wanted to do everything alone. I earned my money by myself, never took any support from anybody else. I was to proud for this. Today I think different, if somebody wants to have a kid with me, he has to take his responsibility. Not for me, but for the child. Many times I see children alone the whole day, because their mother has to go to work.

    You talk about staying in a relationship, because of money. Exactly this is not the case. Men leave many times.. In Germany it´s not possible just to go and never seen. The family, the kids are on first place,(by law). That means the financial status of the kids have to be the nearly the same.If the parents are now married or divorced. That´s the security that women with their children do not come in misery.

    I was several years in a relationship and I was earning much more than he did. The first year it´s not a big deal, but after 2-3yrs it became complicated. His self-confidence was suffering and this whole situation got on my nerves. Needless to say there was no future.

    A man with money means for me, depending on his age, that he has a goal and follows it consequently. These kind of men are reliable and normally can afford a family, no matter now, if the woman has money, too or not.

    I can just talk about my opinion. I want a strong partner next to me.

    Rich people and these kind of women, as you mentioned, is a different topic
  5. xoxo

    xoxo Well-Known Member

    I admit, I am, but it only lasts for a short time, until i use my right mind again.
  6. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    i c wut u did there. :)

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