Men and Monogamy

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Juli3113, Nov 13, 2008.

  1. Juli3113

    Juli3113 New Member

    Monogamy seems to be difficult for a lot of men- and women too for that matter! I'm curious to know, how important is it for you to be faithful in a relationship? Have you ever cheated? Would you forgive your significant other if they cheated? If you are monogamous, why is important to be so? And if you aren't, why not? I'd really like to hear from the men, but ladies, feel free to weigh in too. I have read statistics and surveys on the subject and the answers men give are very different from "I saw a hot girl in a club and just couldn't resist" sooo... please allow me to pick your brains! :)
  2. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    There's an old saying, "don't ask the question if you don't want to know the answer."
  3. Canelle

    Canelle New Member

    Well, I never cheated. Ok thats a lie. I kissed my new man one day before I broke with my ex. But I felt a distance, I separated myself on the inside in a process over month before I separated myself oficially therefore its ok I think.
    And it was only one day.

    I think, shit can happen. If someone has a bad time in his/her relationship and gets drunk and flirts with someone else, maybe even kisses...that can happen, but if it happens once, the person should honestly try to make a change in his/her relationship to make sure it never happens again.
    This should be a sign to think about everything.

    Because when I am really really happy with someone, he fills my heart with so much love I cannot get close to someone else. so I suggest that if you get close to someone who is not your partner you are not happy enough.

    And there is no excuse for sex with someone else. You decide to leave the party/club/Cafe together., You take the car/taxi/bus. You drive together. You search for the door keys -> plenty of time to think about what you do. if this time thinking does not prevent you from having sex with someone else- wrong partner for me.
    I want a monogamic relationship.
    I accept everybody who has a open relationship but i could not do it.
  4. Juli3113

    Juli3113 New Member

    Yes Karma, I know, and I really want honest answers or I wouldn't have posed the question.
  5. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    Monogamy is incredibly important to me. That's the only kind of relationship I'm interested in having. I've never cheated. I've been cheated on and yes, I've forgiven it somehow, it wasn't easy, but if you're both willing to work together, I don't think anything is wrong with forgiving someone for that. I believe people make mistakes and that they can change if they want to. Monogamy is important to me because that's just who I am, those are my beliefs, I don't really know how else to explain it. I think I'm kind of living in an old-fashioned fairy tale and I just feel that when you're in a relationship and devoted to someone then that's how you should be - faithful and devoted. Otherwise, you shouldn't even be in the relationship. I just feel that when you give yourself and your heart to someone, then they should be the only one who can have you. I remember during a relationship with someone, it actually made me sick to my stomach to even think about giving myself to another man that way/cheating. So that's basically how I feel about it.
  6. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    WOW, this is going to be an interesting thread.
  7. Dex216

    Dex216 New Member

    I have cheated before. It was when I was with my ex. We had a lot of problems. We fought and argued about the littlest things. She always wanted to "change" me and my appearance, to mold me into what she wanted me to be. But the minute I suggested she make some changes, she'd throw a fit. And when I tried to do things for her, it seemed like it wasn't enough. I could never do enough. And I just couldn't take it, so I looked outside the relationship. I was tired of her. "Well, with all the problems, you and she were having, why not break up with her?" you might be asking. I just couldn't bring myself to do that. I knew it would hurt her (I know it's not smart). So when we finally ended it, it was she who initiated it. And, of course, I didn't object. We had grown apart. We'd hardly had sex for the last two months of the relationship. I was pretty happy when it was over, but I didn't let it show. I didn't wanna gloat. I just moved on and so did she.

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