Mel B revealed her fitness secret to George Lopez on 'Lopez Tonight' (weeknights, 11PM on TBS): She and her husband try to have sex five times a day. "Today was only three because I had a busy day," Mel said. "My husband tapped out, he was like, 'It's a wrap.' Me and my husband, we're the same age, he's my best friend and I guess we're both just perverts with each other. What else can I say?" At this point Mel, not much. But, doesn't the sex interfere with the filming of her reality show? Nope, Mel said as an executive producer she sends the crew on break when she fancies a shag. Watch video:
Mel B is from the UK. Writes this date on calender........denzbenz referred to something from the UK that wasn't negative.
Side note-- Mel B's husband is not the son of Harry..
But she's still from the UK and she's still British 5 times a day is good... usually don't quite get there, between 3 and 4 for me lol
there is an extreme health benefits to sex. for example psychologists says that it help you sleep better