I hope some of you ladies read this and quite pretending its all in our heads. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/06/18/do-women-want-rich-men_n_879760.html http://www.match.com/y/article.aspx?articleid=6265&TrackingID=526103&BannerID=689200
Ah! See I was getting to the point that beautiful women are *still* photoshopped into perfection. Julia Robert's crow's feet are taken out. Sara Jessica Parker's hands are usually photoshopped, Halle Berry is made slimmer, Cameron Diaz's hipbones are softened, this one's freckles are removed, that one's boobs made bigger, this one's hips made curvier, the other one's lines softened. There's a whole industry around this now. Take a peek here at some before/after pictures to see how they made already beautiful women into "perfection" (removing much character IMO in the process) Before and After Magazine Covers
From the article you cite here: So a guy can grab a woman's attention with shiny, expensive objects? Yes, it seems, but the new study also suggests that he won't try to hold it for long. A woman might choose the guy with a Porsche for a date, but she doesn't necessarily view him as a better marriage partner than a guy driving a Honda Civic. "When women considered him for a long-term relationship, owning the sports car held no advantage relative to owning an economy car," explained Daniel Beal, an assistant professor of psychology at Rice and a member of the research team. "People may feel that owning flashy things makes them more attractive as a relationship partner, but in truth, many men might be sending women the wrong message." The women in the study took the flashy car to mean the man was looking for uncommitted sex.
Again do you know women make a bigger deal over that then men do. Even if the corporation is run by men they only adhere to what consumers react to. And the things that men buy are usually endorsed by other men. I never noticed an xbox because a hot girl was advertised with it or wanted sneakers because Michael Jordan was standing next to some model. The things super models are known for are marketed to women. Men aren't buying bras and lip liner so again its women who create that monster not men. And no one is lusting after those models, well maybe teenage boys but grown men are far more likely to lust after a woman at work or at the gym and none of them are airbrushed so you can let go of that excuse my friend.
Ok gotcha. But again, it goes both ways. Men are photoshopped all the time as well especially on Men's Health magazine covers.
Nice try but if you read further you would have seen this: "The bottom line is when you take a look around the world, women -- if they can win over the Porsche guy -- they'd rather have the Porsche guy," Fisher said. Can't believe you did that. You should run for office lol
This part, I agree with. Grown men don't expect perfection, but women are already tuned by society to expect you do. Even *knowing* this, it shocked me to understand how attractive my 20 year younger fling thinks I am. I truly was stunned that a gorgeous young guy could think a woman my age was beautiful and sexy. Which is to say, this shit soaks into our pores from the time we're having "Disney princesses" pushed at us and by the time we're grown, regardless of WHO is pushing that idea, it's already well embedded in our consciousnesses.
Yes, and I think it's equally as bad - the *only* difference is that it's newer with men, and has intruded less into their consciousness. Give it another generation and guys will be just as neurotic about how they look as women are :-(
Thank you I'd have to understand how the study was done, what were the selection factors used for who responded (i.e. self selection, random, etc.), what the questions asked were, including specifics on how they were worded to determine the value in the actual study. But I did find the parts I highlighted to be far closer to the reality of my experience and that of the women I've known over the last 40 years. I don't want a Porsche, but a guy who'd be willing to bring me a cup of tea and watch a Torchwood marathon with me would be good.
This I can agree with but the same thing goes for money and men. Most days I feel pretty confident but then I have to remind myself that I'm 30 and not earning a high six figure salary. That shit weighs on you heavily. Its like you truly believe you don't deserve happiness or love without it.
Your also a woman of a certain age who isn't look for a provider. Ask women in their 20s and 30s how they feel about this shit. Btw I love how you need to understand the study when you don't agree but when you did agree it was totally quote worthy. You definitely crack me up lol
Believe it or not MrF, that's sorta what I've been trying to say to some of you younger guys who are convinced it's about your wallet. Grown-ass women don't really give a shit as long as you're self supporting, any more than grown-ass men expect women to all look like whoever this weeks hot tootsie in the media does. You do deserve love and happiness for being a good person. If you're running into women who truly are hung up on the money thing, find yourself some more mature (and I dont mean older, I mean mature) women to hang with. Even some young women get that it's not about money, just like some young guys get that it's not about physical perfection.
I was playing with you, honey. Truly for me to think any study is worthy, I have to know how it was done. I have a friend who is a statistician, and she's gotten me all hung up on that stuff. She's right. There was, this week a headline which proclaimed "Men think family is more important than women do." Turned out the so called study offered men 6 items to put in order of value. It was a completely different list of items than the 5 the same study offered to women. The women's list didn't include family at all. So the headline and the story were ultimately quite misleading.
Your right and they're usually not American. We've cultivated a very spoiled and entitled youth who believe in an all or nothing frame of mind. I think I might have to wait a few years to move before I can find Mrs F because it sure doesn't seem like it's here.
I hope you get surprised by a lovely MrsF here, because this country needs passionate (and I'm not talking about sex here) men with deep convictions and concern for others. I know every generation bitches about the next one, but I do see a sense of entitlement even in my own son (who *ought* to fucking know better). He'll be 24 next month. By the time I was his age, I'd been living on my own for six years, had moved 3000 miles away from my family, etc. He's down the hall in his bedroom, playing on the computer and hoping someone drops the perfect teaching job in his lap :-( He's a smart kid, a really smart kid, but somehow, he seems not to have the motivation to hustle. I'd have found a job, any job, and worried about looking for "the right" teaching position while already earning money.
My little brother is the same way. Thank God for having a bad relationship with my dad that forced me to move out
I couldnt *wait* to be out on my own. Don't get me wrong, I love my son dearly, and I would never deny him food or shelter, I just don't get the mind set that thinks it's perfectly normal at 24 to work 4 hours a week while waiting for the Perfect Job Fairy to drop a career in your lap. Seems sorta like waiting for Prince Charming, yanno? That dude is *never* gonna show up
Sounds like a wonderful life! I wouldn't mind my boys living with me all of their life, it'll be like that movie Step Brothers.