Mayhem in Chicago with black teen mobs last night

Discussion in 'In the News' started by tropolis, Apr 1, 2013.

  1. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    What do you mean 'cool' Smashing in car windows with people in them? Beating up a cop? Beating a mall security guard into unconsciousness? beating up women, robbing them, repeatedly punching a man in the face, deliberately shoving into stranger people to start brawls? Show me their parents-
  2. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    Their definition of cool and ours is different. What do gang members have to do to be initiated? That's their brand of cool. "Cool" is what appeals. I'm not saying it's right. But it's what appeals to the individual. And somehow, this is what these kids think is cool and therefore acceptable.

    And yeah, show me their parents. You're exactly right.
  3. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Sheet. I hit 7 out of 14 on that list.:smt087
    But I ain't no damn killa!!lol

    IMO it sounds more random like a whole mess of kids just showed up at the same time and things got hectic. Mobs of teens congregating together isn't the same as a 'flash mob'.

    Maybe being arrested will wake some of these kids up. No, you can't walk around a mall punching random shoppers in the face.

    BTW I didn't read anything about thefts happening.

    Is Rahm Emmanuel the shittiest mayor in the country or what??
  4. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Well that's why their are 14 and not 7, Andreboba. Now it might take 7 to be a bleeding-heart lib :smt031

    Didn't read? There was a whole damn paragraph on it. :???:

    '..A group of women said they were attacked by a mob of girls on the CTA Red Line. The women reported a robbery once they got off the train at the State and Monroe station. Eleven females were arrested—10 juveniles and one adult—and charged with battery. Two of the teens also were charged with strong-armed robbery.

    “I caution those parents if their child has been arrested which numerous teenagers have been arrested tonight, that you need to think about your child. Just don’t say the Chicago police picked on your child, when we were watching all the assault going on, especially by teen women,” said Holmes.'
  5. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    I forgot to mention, I was reading up on it and "Eric and Dylan were NOT the victims of bullying. Read the book "Columbine" for a thoroughly researched recounting of the crimes."

    Also, they built bombs in their bedroom and had an arsenal of weapons. Didn't Andreboba (blame) hold the Sandy Hook massacre killings/killer's mother accountable, and you co-signed his comment?
  6. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Before Columbine parents didnt really have a reason to suspect their kids were capapble of murder. To an untrained eye a bomb could easily look like a science project or they could hide it somewhere in the house. I dont know about you but parents rarwly went in my room let a lone searched it because I was never in any trouble for them to suspect they had to.
    As far as the claim they werent bullied I will reserve judgement on that one. I wasnt in that school so I dont know but in my experience kids who are not part of the "in crowd" especiay during that era were usually picked on and no one did anything about it. It was considered character building. Remember at the time there wasnt really any comparison to what long term bullying could do to a person. I can easily see the bullying scenario played out that way especially back then when parents qnd administrators ignored stuff like that.
  7. Archman

    Archman Well-Known Member

    Parents hold absolutely no culpability here.....they have done more than their share by contributing this blessed generation to the society ......What is needed is more money !......millions of new dollars for after school programs.....millions of new dollars for sensitivity training!......millions of new dollars for job and vocational training!......millions of new dollars for birth control and assistance to young unwed minority mothers.......what is needed is a fresh new start out of the slums and ghettos and into new government subsidized single family homes !......and finally what is needed is millions of new government subsidized dollars to satisfy the fashion needs and spending whims of these disadvantaged youths....We must begin to understand that they will take-- if we can't help them to have...... We must sacrifice as a nation, spread our wealth and give more to the deprived.....It has nothing to do with personal conduct but all to do with money....have a heart......
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2013
  8. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    The Trenchcoat mafia was picked on at Columbine. Maybe not beat up, but they were treated by some like they were freaks. Doesn't excuse their behavior however.
  9. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    But that's the HARD way.

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