why is it always black teens who are starting these? and this isnt some small thing, this was a coordinated plan with at least 500 people.
The word on the street is that racist gangs cannot wait to mix it up with "mud people" as they call minorities with automatic weapons to take out as many as they can. If that ever happens expect a race war. With all the problems in this country you think we as a country would work together to be the best country we can be for everyone. Like Rodney King would say "can we all just get along".
Where the hell are their PARENTS?! Fucking ridiculous at this point! You couldn't pay me to live there and that's saying something living in Philly. And I tell you what, you assault a Philly cop like they did that Chicago cop and your ass is grass. They will come find you and beat your ass on national TV. And your mom better not cry, she should just take over. These teens are out of control!
In this day and age I don't think we should point the finger or look to the parent's for the inappropriate things kids do. People of all ages just have too much freedom now-a-days to the point where you'd need military level technology to keep them under your watch.
Where the hell are their PARENTS?! That's what i'm talking about where are the parents???...i was born and raised there and it was tough but not this damn bad and you can't pay me to go and visit i hate Chicago i love the food,love my fam that's there,but you can't get visit from me, or give me a million to live there again.Chi-town sucks!They need to break out the guard on them ass hole, or unleash that police force like they use to be back in Richard J. Daley day, not the son Richard M. Daley(last mayor)the daddy the police was like rabid dogs on people asses...Chicago need LA. style policing Then the people would cry foul. That city and their thugs need a reality check fast.This shit don't make sense.
I so disagree. Values and morals are first taught at home by parents or guardians. That should never change, imo. Others build on that foundation.
Source: Internal Association of Forensic Science, an article written by FBI Special Agent Robert K. Ressler "The Serial Killer," Harold Schechter Fourteen Characteristics of a Serial Killer Could you be raising a criminal? Acts of violence don't come out of nowhere, and every parent should be aware of the clues along the way. For the most violent of criminals, there are warning signs that often start in childhood. Below is a list of the 14 most common traits of serial killers. 1. Over 90 percent of serial killers are male. 2. They tend to be intelligent, with IQ's in the "bright normal" range. 3. They do poorly in school, have trouble holding down jobs, and often work as unskilled laborers. 4. They tend to come from markedly unstable families. 5. As children, they are abandoned by their fathers and raised by domineering mothers. 6. Their families often have criminal, psychiatric and alcoholic histories. 7. They hate their fathers and mothers. 8. They are commonly abused as children — psychologically, physically and sexually. Often the abuse is by a family member. 9. Many serial killers spend time in institutions as children and have records of early psychiatric problems. 10. They have high rates of suicide attempts. 11. From an early age, many are intensely interested in voyeurism, fetishism, and sado-masochistic pornography. 12. More than 60 percent of serial killers wet their beds beyond the age of 12. 13. Many serial killers are fascinated with fire starting. 14. They are involved with sadistic activity or tormenting small creatures
It all starts at home. then you can lead them to the water but you can't make'm drink it...the parents are afraid of their kids nowadays... they are friends with their kids... so how are children gonna respect the parent that is acting like them, doing as they do, so if they don't respect home, they sure in the hell ain't gonna respect that tourist from out of state..But i still say a strong home base kids wouldn't do this.but for murders, them some special mofo's there..but i bet this shit will stop if Hudud punishment was established, don't nobody feel me on this, but gurantee you it will stop.
My point Ches is that great parenting doesnt always yield great people. Culture and peer pressure influences kids to do all kinds of dumb shit
Great schooling him. I was about to respond what bs @ 'Plenty have good parents" Total hogwash. Jails are full of murderers with piss-poor parents. Half the time they try to excuse their actions at their trial because of a horrible/abusive/neglectful home environment. Look at the GA teen who looked a terrified 1 yr old baby in his face and calmly shot him between the eyes. His mother doesn't say, 'Son, how could you do this, turn yourself in now!!' No, the whole degenerate family lies crying 'He was with us, he is a good boy" and hides the gun for him. That is fucking bottom of the barrel who raised a scum-bag killer.
Sociopathic behavior can happen devoid good parenting. Plenty of people have decent parents yet you still have people who steal and kill. Most of our politicians come from "goid" homes same with corporate elites and they do horrific things as well. I dont know what came first the chicken or the egg but some times you can raise a kid right and they still grow up to be assholes. To be honest I think its a result of this disconnected from people but connected to tech culture. They have zero connection to people so have very little respect for life outside their own
True, but I think that is the exception rather than the rule. If parents are involved and listening/paying attention to their kids, chances are they will stay the course. On the other hand, I haven't had a chance to read the OP's article but from what others are saying here - I can't explain a mob of 500 teenagers behaving badly other than to say it's peer pressure. Kids sometimes get caught up in this stuff thinking it's cool. They give no thought to the repercussions. And that is youth moreso than bad values. So, in that I will agree with you. When I was at college, there was a huge food fight in the cafeteria. We knew about it for at least 2 weeks. Word got around - day, time, etc. I had class at that time so I missed it and I was so disappointed!!! I thought it would be hilarious! As did many of my classmates. Afterward, I was glad I wasn't there. The administration didn't think it was funny at all, nor did they appreciate the damages the fight caused. Students were disciplined, damages were made to be paid back. I was a pretty good kid. Parents were strict. But it was still tempting to get caught up in it. Now, a college food fight is nothing compared to some of the mayhem that kids are getting into today. But the point I'm trying to make is that when you're young, you don't always think beyond the moment. Not that I'm excusing the behavior of these kids. But stuff like this is not always the result of bad parenting. However, I do truly believe that your child is less likely to get caught up in mayhem if parents are a vital part of their children's lives and as CC4U said, they are PARENTS not friends. We need to teach our kids that it's ok to swim upstream at the right times.
I agree with you. I dont know what the answer is for Chicago. I would really hate to see martial law happen but if it does mark my words. Chicago will be the first American city to see American citizens killed by police drones.
Wouldn't my statement go with what you said? You say morals and values start at home. Not all parents teach their kids the same morals and standards everyone else does, if at all. What I'm saying is that we shouldn't even think of the parents in this scenario, blame the individual teens who commit crimes. Teens have minds of their owns and will do actions based on what they think is right, even if taught wrong from right they still have room for their own opinion. We can't force people, no matter the age, to be good.
Of course there are exceptions to the rule, we know this...but the pattern of abnormalities of their upbringing to the point that it's a profile is your evidence. The standard is: murderers, serial rapists and killers hail from shitty parenting. Are the parents all bad, probably not, but they either didn't care, weren't there, abused, or trained them to become deviants. Kids are like sponges. If the kid tortures an animal you don't IGNORE that shit assuming he will grow out of it. You can't treat your child any old way you want either. Some parents abuse and torture and act surprised when their kids don't come out mentally stable adults. I doubt it's tech culture, these teens going on rampages have parents who have lost control, DGAF or rampage on them.
Idk. I think of situations like Colombine where it wasnt a result of bad patenting but constant bullying or a lot of dudes who end up in gangs becoming murderers because they live in shitholes like Chicago where its kill or be killed. I feel like there are too many outside factors to asign it to parenting alone.
Unless you have been following previous assaults in Chicago, the problem is that it keeps happening. It's not a one-off thing. The crowds of the teens are getting larger, however. It's not peer pressure. Many of these teens DO NOT KNOW EACH OTHER. They look for these organized riots on Twitter and show up. So no peer-pressure is involved.
But somehow, these kids have come to think of things like this as "cool." It's not peer pressure in the sense that you have to do what your friends are doing so as not to look like a dud, but there is something about this that is dangerous and/or cool to them. So they want to participate to be cool, to be like everyone else they admire. But I can't sit here and say that 500 of these kids are the products of terrible parenting.
No one is assigning it to parenting alone. But it's a HUGE factor. Your parents or lack of them has a HUGE HUGE influence/impact on a child's life. To say otherwise is disingenuous.