Why have i never seen this thread? I had no idea Elisabeth was dating Maxwell back then. She is absolutely stunning. She's the only reason i ever watch Law and Order.
I agree. This guy looks like a weasel. By the way, I meant she had been seeing Maxwell in the past tense. Sorry if anyone misunderstood.
No problem...thanks for the info 'cause at least we now know that Miss Law & Order did some black (and maybe more:smt104) back in the day.:smt045
Talk about shallow! Wow, I am so surprised and disappointed to hear this "white women are old at 50" kind of talk. I mean, I know men are visual creatures, but is it all about youth for you BMs? Don't you know that wisdom is cumulative, and that a woman of middle age is much more open, experimental and expert than some young thing? I have to say, my last two lovers (both black) were 15-20 years younger than me, and I didn't hear any complaints. That said, the sun does its damage to one of Irish complexion like myself ... you've got to be careful, young WW's - sunscreen!
Co-sign, I thought that was a rather silly comment. There are no genes that makes a woman from a specific ethnic background age better or worse. It has more to do with what relationship some cultures (Edit: and within cultures as well: some WW protect their skin as if it were gold and some worship the sun) have to the sun/alcohol/smoking and other unheathly behavior When it comes to cosmetic surgery, granted there are clearly more WW who do that, but that does not mean that WW need it more or are more prone to do it BECAUSE they are white - it is purely a socio-economic question.