Martin Vs Richie Incognito

Discussion in 'Sports' started by z, Nov 7, 2013.

  1. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Miami Dolphin case....

    The bully Richie Incognito is considered "honorary black" by some Miami black NFLers, lmao.

    That dirt bag is viewed as black or a n* or whatever word they use to characterize brotherhood in the locker room, he probably felt he had the latitude to leave such an outrageous voicemail, unfucken believable

    Martin is considered "soft" by his teammates and that's a reason he's not readily accepted by some of the players, particularly the black players. His background -- Stanford educated and the son of highly educated people, both his parents Harvard graduate, I believe his dad is a professor and his mom is a corporate lawyer, he has 9 family members who graduated from Harvard-- so this caused him to be not necessarily seen as a strength or a positive by some black players????? and it perpetuated in the way Martin carried himself.

    Its funny Martin has a background more like Barack Obama. They don't like Martin because he's not "black enough" but they vote for and support Obama to the death because he is black. The only problem is Martin = Obama!

    Sometimes folks don't make any sense, especially blk folks. Come on brothers let's get our shit together.
  2. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    there is a lot more to this story than the tidbits we are getting...incognito is claiming that he was encouraged to toughen up martin because he was too soft...I think it's a bunch of bs that these other players are claiming they didn't know it was going on...

    incognito is know as the dirtiest player in the entire NFL...not only will he never play for Miami again I can't even fathom another team picking him up...

  3. blackbull1970

    blackbull1970 Well-Known Member

    There has to be more to this story than what is being reported.
  4. arbncdt1

    arbncdt1 Member

    I know Richie Incognito! My wife has cooked for Richie Incognito! Richie is not racist! Richie is a nice guy and a hard worker! When I saw Richie with black players, he and the black players were having a great time together!!!

    The locker room in professional football is not politically correct, and full of testosterone and egos, in which fans and media pay a lot of money to view. As a person who has been involved with collegiate, elite amateur, and professional sports and athletes, I believe society as blown sports and competition out of proportion. As a very well respected strength and conditioning coach said "It's all fucking entertainment, and that's it!" All the crap involved in elite sports, as in most things in life are not worth the time and effort, in my most humble opinion. This is why I do not involve myself in sports, in any manner, because I believe there are more critical issues in our world, than the Richie Incognito and Jonathan Martin incident.

    Furthermore, if fans and or media personnel are to going criticize an athlete, coach, or team, why don't fans and or media personnel prove they can perform better than the person she, he, or they are criticizing? The fans and media personnel cannot perform better, thereby being jealous, resentful, and hypocritical; yet, living vicariously through players, coaches, and teams.
  5. RaiderLL

    RaiderLL Well-Known Member

    IMO it's not about needing to prove that I can perform better than him on a football field. No one (that I've heard) is questioning his athleticism. It's frustrating to me when people try to justify racist comments. Period. Happened everywhere you looked when the Riley Cooper incident was front and center. That man had people defending him because he was drunk when he made those comments. That, to me, is bullshit. He had the balls to say drunk, what he on some level thought/felt, sober. No excuses for racist ways IMO. That's what's so frustrating. I think this should be a big deal. The bullying, the racism, all of it. He doesn't get a pass IMO just because he's famous, he doesn't get a pass just because coaches were egging him on...he's a grown man who should know right from wrong. I think we need to stop brushing these sorts of things aside as "normal parts of life/sports" and really work to change the fact that this behavior is tolerated.
  6. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    Or, here's a different thought. People will say the most cutting thing they can think of to someone when they're angry and WANT to hurt someone. For instance, a person who struggles with their weight, thinks they're fat, etc. What's the worst thing you can say to that individual? Call him/her a fat, sloppy lump of a person. (Or worse). Does that mean the person saying it truly feels that way? Or are they just hellbent on hurting that person in the moment, so they say the very thing that will cut the deepest? I say this from second-hand experience. My cousin used to be very heavy. One day, in the heat of an argument, her husband called her a fat cow. Now, he fell in love with and married her as a BBW. Loved her very much that way, actually. But he knew SHE wasn't happy with herself that way. In the heat of the moment, he said the one thing he knew would hurt because he was angry and wanted to get back at her for something she said to him. He never had a problem with her weight, but he knew she did and used that against her.

    Is Riley Cooper truly a racist? I don't know. But it's very possible that he may have said, in anger, the one thing he knew would cut the deepest in that moment. But again, my idea of what a racist is and what others define as being racist seems to be different. I'm not necessarily defending the guy. I just know I've said hurtful things in anger, that were just that: angry words I knew would affect the person I said them to, not a hidden belief that emerged when I was angry.
  7. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Your last paragraph is ridiculous. Firstly, sports figures are oftentimes "heroes" to young people. Do you really want your child's "hero" to be threatening to kill someone else?

    This media blitz against Incognito has absolutely NOTHING to do with jealousy and everything to do with WHAT HE SAID AND THREATENED TO DO to Martin. So get off of it.

    As for sports being entertainment, I agree. My brother works with a guy whose father was a sports doctor for a major sports team and got out of it because he said it's all lies. He said teams purposely lose to extend playoffs and championship games. I can totally buy that. He said that when the Blackhawks won in Game 6 of the finals a couple of years ago, they weren't supposed to win in Philly. They were supposed to bring it back to Chicago for Game 7 and win it there, but the players were so excited they just "screwed up" and won it in Game 6 instead.

    There really are storylines, etc to sports.

    However, I love football, so I don't care. LOL. But I do care when players treat THEIR TEAMMATES with such disrespect. I sincerely hope Incognito never plays in the NFL again.

    Didn't he basically threaten to kill Martin? That right there goes way above and beyond hazing and bullying.

    This Incognito guy is a douche and he shouldn't be playing sports.
  8. RaiderLL

    RaiderLL Well-Known Member

    I agree that some people use others (perceived) weaknesses against them in the heat of an argument, but I'm sure we can both agree that that's not right. Maybe I'm too sensitive when it comes to race, but there are just some lines IMO that you don't cross. I'm glad that the media is all over's spurring discussion about what we tolerate as a society, and it's encouraging conversations to be had about bullying. I hope he never plays another snap in the NFL.

    As for Cooper...he nauseates me. He's getting a pass because he's having a decent season. Utterly ridiculous. I truly believe anyone who speaks ill of another race does so from their heart (whether intoxicated or sober). Because of his comments, I do think he's a what level I don't know, nor do I care. His words showed me all I need to know about Riley Cooper.

    Yes, he did. How some can defend him is beyond me. :confused:
  9. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    Not according to a lot of Philly fans...

    I guess we will have to disagree on RC. I don't know him so I can't say for sure that he is or isn't a racist. But I don't necessarily believe that his comment dictates that he is one, any more than I think someone who calls his wife a fat cow in anger hates fat people. :smt102
  10. natedogg2772

    natedogg2772 New Member

    There will be more that comes out when this whole thing is investigated. I am ticked as well that a guy who is white guy who is thuggish and has had a history of being an idiot and is allowed to us the "n" word is considered more "black" than a black guy who is smart, educated and comes from a family of Harvard. I think hip-hop culture has a lot to do to black folk thinking like this but that's a whole nother story

    There is a lack of leadership down there in Miami. There is no way your coaches can be totally ignorant of conflict between two players for over a year! Plus, that team lost a lot of veteran players from the previous year. The fact you would have Incognito with his history of problems to be on your "leadership council" goes to show you how clueless those coaches were. We don't know all the details of what went on, but I'll give the benefit of the doubt that they smart guy who left the team and refused to do something physical to the guy trying to bully him versus the guy who's got a bad rap sheet. One thing is certain; neither man will play for the Dolphins again.
  11. arbncdt1

    arbncdt1 Member

    To all who replied to my post, thank you for your response. I will make no more comments/response on this issue. As I have stated, I believe there are more important issues in the world, and I would to like to devote my energies to those issues.
  12. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    I always suspected this.
  13. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Me too.

    I just always found it weird when a team would win 3 straight and then all of a sudden lose the next 3 so they'd HAVE to play the 7th game.

    When championship/playoff series' last until the last possible game or close to it, it makes one suspicious. Though people could argue that it's because they're well-matched. Maybe in some cases, but not in all cases. There are teams that somehow sneak into the playoffs that truly aren't worthy, some of the time.
  14. RaiderLL

    RaiderLL Well-Known Member

    Watch these guys every single Sunday and they spoke of this topic again this morning. They showed clips of players around the league...some justifying Incognito's behavior, some calling out the leadership of the Dolphins for not stepping in and stopping it, and many saying this ISN'T "standard behavior" for NFL locker rooms.

    I can't find a clip from todays conversation, but here's their previous conversation. 100% on point...all of them. Brings tears to my eyes listening to the hurt and frustration, especially out of Tommy Jackson and Cris Carter.


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