I bet she was already high when that camera rolled. If there is a home movie of her and one of the Kennedy brothers it would worth a whole lot of money.
What I wanna know is, who is the dyke she is smoking with? I think there is more to this story than just her smoking some pot.
Because somethings women just know and that woman is dyke if I ever seen one. And I am not trying to be inflammatory, I find it quite funny. I keep forgetting everything on this forum has to be daisies and bunnies. Jesus you guys are fucking boring. Cant make fun of a dead celebrity for cozying up to a gay woman. Its too inflammatory! :smt088
I agree with you. You can sense it. Like there is no woman in the world who has been shocked by Chastity/Chaz Bono. If you say you are you are a liar.
I have to agree with Jordan and Fly on this. Seriously I thought that was a guy for the first few seconds he/she was on camera. So that's either a slightly (very slightly) effeminate man or a masculine looking woman. I don't know how you can tell if Marilyn is smoking pot though? Just looks like a cigarette to me.