Man Says He Was Fired Because He Didn't Want to Have Sex With His Two Female Bosses

Discussion in 'In the News' started by 4north1side2, Apr 17, 2014.

  1. JBunny

    JBunny New Member

    What?! You wouldn't auction off your vagina? You should reconsider.
  2. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member


    35K in NYC is struggle pay, I want to live.
  3. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    No, you would have to pay someone to take your virginity.

    *Prepares for the ducktales of how wanted you are*
  4. JBunny

    JBunny New Member

    Now you're just getting silly. Why would I need to say how wanted I am? That's ridiculous but you know that.
  5. Thump

    Thump Well-Known Member

    Maybe he was trying to be this:


    And those women were making him feel like this:

  6. samson1701

    samson1701 Well-Known Member

    I never said he should have had sex with them if he did not want to. I'm saying, unless they withheld raises, promotions, denied him other benefits that other employees got or put their hands on him after he's told them not to, then there should be no cause for sexual harassment. People try to pick up other people. It's only human.

    I say the same for women as I do men. If one can't handle being hit on, he or she, should not be in the work place (or out of the house for that matter) were they'd have to interact daily with people who might find that person attractive and act on that attraction. If it were someone he thought was cute, he'd have no problem at all being hit on. Whether he chose to smash or not. Dude would prolly giggle, blush, play with his hair and say "Stooooop ..." while batting his eyelashes like any other woman.

    What it really is is that someone got into dude's ear and told him he could get cashed out pretty quickly. This will settle before you know it. That's the only real harassment going on here.

    To know the truth, just follow the money.
  7. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    They actually increased his workload because he would not play their game. Guess you Missed that.
  8. samson1701

    samson1701 Well-Known Member

    More like Dude is this:


    When he wants to be this:

  9. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    This is a flawed strategy. If you meet a lady that has a high position in a company, and you are trying to get your foot in the door, then its worth a shot. Fucking your boss is something entirely different and is more likely to cost you your job and create an enemy. What makes matters worse is that you would also likely have less of a case if you were to try to sue afterwards. Your example of the Facebook CO is a false equivalency.
  10. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member


    I'm totally going to use this term when I think someones a billy bullshitter:D
  11. samson1701

    samson1701 Well-Known Member

    That's what he alleges. Doesn't mean it's true. If they did increase his work load maybe it's because business picked up, maybe another employee was let go or isn't doing his or her share and they needed him to pick up the slack until they got someone new in. Or, it could have been something else that had nothing to do with him other than their belief in his ability to get the job done when it's crunch time.

    The article really only gives his side of the story. Not much else is known beyond that.

    As with most things legal or monetary, the devil is in the details.
  12. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    He could be lying. Then the question is why did he get fired??
  13. JBunny

    JBunny New Member

    I agree. I've had 3 male bosses "sexually harass" me. One just made inappropriate comments, one kissed me but it wasn't forced although I was caught off guard, and one literally hemmed me up in the stock room and put his tongue in my mouth! The first guy was harmless and just talk..the second is still my friend to this day and all I had to do was tell him I wasn't having an inappropriate relationship with a married man (he divorced n is remarried now). The third one actually grossed me out n made threats regarding my job. My sister encouraged me to file a suit but I just found another job cus I agree it's part of being human. He was a moron for putting his job on the line, but I wasn't gonna be the one to hang him out to dry. Some people are much more eager to take advantage of that kind of opportunity though...which I'm sure is what this guy is doing. Anyone in a management position should be aware of this shit so they kinda deserve it for being so sloppy.
  14. samson1701

    samson1701 Well-Known Member

    That's the thing. We really don't know. I'll give him this: if he did get fired or passed over for not having sex, he should be cashed out. But, if it was just because he was whining about women coming on to him, then I don't feel sorry for him. There are ways to handle unwanted attention without running and telling your boss like a little kid who can't navigate human interaction. That would make me fire him. I'd never have someone on my team who can't handle themselves in those kinds of situations.

    Yeah, that last guy should have been told on. I draw the line at physical force or coercion. Threatening someone's job is worth getting canned over.
  15. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Sexual harassment is sexual harassment. I didn't read the whole article, but the point has been made.

    Some of you guys saying he should have screwed them are wrong.

    There is no place for sexual harassment in the workplace. Period.
  16. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Conceptually I have a hard time believing a man can be truly sexually harassed in the workplace. Unless he's weak-minded.
  17. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    That's faulty thinking.
  18. whikle

    whikle Well-Known Member

    Are you suggesting women are sexually harassed in the workplace only when they're weak minded, too?
  19. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Increase or decrease, surest way to make someone want to quit or used as punishment against them.

    Completely agree with your first paragraph.

    BTW, he did complain directly to them... then he went to above them...

    "...All the while, Jackson says he complained about the harassment, making it known how uncomfortable he was..."

    Also. in the actual lawsuit which goes deeper, he says he always stated he didn't want a romantic relationship with them. He was not the only employee harassed, either.
  20. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member



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