As it turns out, a BM/WM couple
Here's the video. Very touching story,0,2616203.story
Yo I tried to watch the video but I couldn't watch it all at once. Too many watery eyes made my eyes get water too.
Congrats, he stuck by her side thru chemo and radiation, good couple. The old white dude in the background of the video probably saying "fucken mudd shark", lol.
mudshark- 1. A white woman that dates black men, usually because of low self-esteem, 2. a bottom feeder. 3. A white woman that fucks black guys. 4. A white chick that is trying to impress her friends/make a point to her father by banging black guys. White men refer to these women as ruined, damaged goods. I didn't come up with it, blame America, lol
the white men who say those things cant get women them selfs, the ones who come out with that stuff are intimidated and need some comfort from the sight of a ww with a bm that so badly damages thier self esteem :wink: but it just shows you how intimidated and insecure alot of men in other races are of black men, its always "she wants him to impress her friends so they will all want a black guy" "they only want a black guy because of what they saw on tv" "only to piss daddy off" hmm but daddy these days love his little mixed race grandbabys his daughter popped out :wink:
exactly and people love try and step over this and deny it, ww always have to be a n lover, mud shark etc, but other races of women with wm dont get called shit
Crybaby downlow young ass wedding ring no type of self worth uncle tom dancing sell out coon! Props! I wish them all the happiness.