In all the body slapping between Desmond and the 11 different mothers, one of the 12 adults felt compelled enough to take birth control seriously......with all the free and abundant forms of birth control, literature and warnings, none of these adults took parenting and bringing another needy child into this world at a disadvantage seriously...........Well..... we know Desmond and men like Desmond are prone to this behavior, but kind what of women, in our society, also prone to this kind of behaviour,.....Like a breeding animal out of wedlock, she is willing to concede away marriage as a prerequisite over and over.....What kind of woman is prone to use the number of her children as determining factor for attaining more free government subsidies....... What kind of woman is prone to further impoverish her self and her unmanageable number of children and then cry unfairness in class warfare.......Sometimes a woman has to take the lead and look past a man and his dick...........
I can't understand what kind of mentality one has to father all those kids and the women who laid down and had them with this fool. Is it fucking raw? Is it the feeling like you're "the man"? WTF? Then with the women.....I can't even fathom their thought processes.... I was flabbergasted when I heard he had NINE more.