Make It or Break Its

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by KnCA, Sep 6, 2008.

  1. KnCA

    KnCA New Member

    Someone once asked me this and I thought it was rather interesting, so thought I would toss it out there for conversation.

    What are your make it or break it's when it comes to being in a relationship?

    1. Sexually?

    2. Emotionally?

    3. Career/Financially?

    4. Anything Else?
  2. Bryant

    Bryant New Member

    Communication. If it's lacking, there's no use.
  3. KnCA

    KnCA New Member

    I would definitely agree that Communication is key. However, I've noticed that different people have very different ideas on what that really means.
  4. Bryant

    Bryant New Member

    I agree. I guess to me, communication is just spending time talking. You know, it doesn't even matter what you're talking about, what matters is just sitting and listening to each other, and conversing. When that's gone, it's only a matter of time before the relationship completely crumbles IMO.
  5. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

    That right there says it all. End of thread. :smt045
  6. Canelle

    Canelle New Member

    Communication and attraction.
  7. Be-you-tiful86

    Be-you-tiful86 Well-Known Member

    Deal makers:
    -An open mind
    -Communication skills
    -Mutual attraction
    -Enough things in common but a few opposites as well
    -The knowledge that relationship needs both partners to work on it
    -Compatibility in important points
    -Self confidence
    -Got a romantic side

    Deal breakers:
    -Lack of humor and intelligence
    -Hardly and communication skills
    -Bashing his ex and calling her names
    -Thuggish attitude
    -Lack of self confidence
    -A high grade of egoism
    -Men who think their opinion is the nonplusultra and everyone else is wrong

    Those were the first things that came to my mind. May sound picky but hey it's good to know what you want and what not
  8. shortygirl09

    shortygirl09 New Member

    Ignorance. I guess I'm just flat out turned off by ignorance in general. I know that's a vague response, but that would be it, to me. That, and lack of ambition.
  9. Madiba

    Madiba New Member

    Poor personal hygiene..

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