Make $104 per person Referral. Great EXTRA income.

Discussion in 'Getting Ahead: Careers, Finance and Productivity' started by hellified, Sep 9, 2011.

  1. hellified

    hellified Active Member

    Job Title & Description:

    ZipNadaZilch is hiring Marketing Reps for major Fortune 500 companies to introduce people to try their products/services on a trial basis to gain more customers. Google the company ZipNadaZilch for fantastic reviews.

    Job Requirements: Candidates must possess the following: A computer with internet access, Have a valid e-mail address, Have a credit, debit, or registered prepaid card to complete your trial offers to qualify for commissions. The offers we recommend are FREE.

    Job Duties & Compensation: For simply referring someone to you will earn $20 - $104 per referral. $20 for 1 trial on step one and $84 for 4 or 5 free trials on step 2 totaling $104. On step 3 they get their own free marketing system so they can market and get paid too. It’s totally free for you and your referral. *

    Payments are made daily via Paypal and checks are optional as well. Paypal is suggested *to cash out daily. You will be working as an independent contractor on a full time or part time basis and you can set your own hours.

    Hiring Process: YOUR HIRED NOW!! All reps must complete offer(s) to qualify for commissions. When completing your profile, do not use a PO Box. You must use a physical address. If not, your account will go on hold. Also use your own WiFi at home not from a library or Public place for verification purposes

    Complete the following steps below:

    To *get started Go to this link *- * * * ZNZ Big Cash

    Fill out your name, email and best number to reach you then it will redirect you to the 3 steps to get started.

    Step 1: Once redirected register at the site below & complete the requirements for ZNZ one. *Complete 1 offer only. We highly recommend the FREE & INSTANT trial offer ( Cancellation # 877-297-7790

    Step 2: ZNZ Big Cash * - *Do these FREE & INSTANT offers to add up to 1 credit – Identity IQ 877-875-4347, Evoice 866-761-8109, Efax 800-958-2983, Identity Lookout 866-960-6943 and Intuit Websites 800-450-8098- Cancel the Trials within the Trial period if you do not want to keep them. Use a registered prepaid debit card *such as a Greendot from Walgreens/CVS or a prepaid Walmart card if you do not want to use your own personal card.

    Step 3: ZNZ will setup your own free Marketing setup page then start earning up to $104 for every person you sign up. *Earning potential: Some Reps average $3,000 a week.

    For questions contact via PM
  2. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Wow we totally agree for once.
  3. swirlman07

    swirlman07 Well-Known Member

    Probably outright fraud, and no one receives anything. I similar ad is making its way into email mailboxes right now.

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