You'll be waiting for a while. Not to mention you'd have to first extract the already 223,552,000 million Whites living here. Of that next 50 mill immigration you desperately want to upsurge this country with, statistical odds will put it that 25 million of them will be racially White, while 6% and 2.5% will be racially Multi-racial and Black, respectively. And that's just from Mexico. (I didn't even get into Cuban whites.) Still want em? Ah what the ya go...the racial make-up of Cuba is as follows - 7,272,000 million White 2,779,000 million "mulattoes" 1,127,000 million Black So now, will you be part of the welcoming committee?
Interesting statisitics Kunoichi. The key to where North America is heading is what we see in the Americas south of our border. The history of the Latin American nations in terms of demographics is an area od study to see where the U.S. is heading. We should not be afraid of the change which will come. Thanks for the information.
I have spoken about and cont to speak about the pain, suffering and massacre my ppl had to go thru, so this thread is not about that. And trust me I am big, I mean huge in criticizing my country. But this thread is about adding 50 million illegals, most of them are prolly unskilled, under educated and have difficulty speaking the language.
I'll be politically incorrect and say that the proliferation of latin culture is not good for America. They are largely backwards looking cultures influenced by Catholicism and stultifying gender roles that champion old world Spanish patriarchy. The model of Spanish/Portuguese culture that was left behind when Mexico and the rest of Latin America found liberation hasn't budged that much. As someone who's spent a significant amount of time in Mexico, the quality of organization down there is generally mediocre to piss-poor. Unlike the conservatism you see in Asian (or even Anglo) cultures, there isn't much of a "get shit done correctly" ethic in latin cultures. I see some of that being transported into Southern California and am not a fan.
im reading these comments like damn didnt know people were this racist/xenophobic and or afraid of other nationalities
I would like to know how many of these non-white women have college degrees? How many are married? In today's economy, it's crazy to have multiple children without the finances to raise them.
wouldnt be surprised. It has been said that the census predict that whites will be the minority in 2050 due to the hispanic population growth
Being that whites are on the top of the income, education, and social ladder, this doesn't come as a surprise. Generally when you have a bit more education you understand that babies cost money, and limit the amount of resource that you have and can provide. ...the poor don't get it. Also, abortion is a big issue. Culturally Blacks, Asians, and Latinos frown upon this. Not so much in the white community.
That's a scapegoat. There are too many people on the planet and the world is depleting itself of its resources at a very rapid pace. And from what I can recall, it's quite the opposite...whites tend to be bigger dicks about it. Blacks and other minorities tend to not care as much. Well... ...maybe Hispanics would be more concerned about it.
I think if you did more than a cursory research you will find that abortion is more excepted in the White community than not. In fact, the real push against abortion can be contributed to the very issue we are talking about. That and again those who are more educated and earn more tend to have less children. When I say resources I mean micro. The resources that a family has to care for and raise children. The less children you have the more resources (money, time) you have to dedicate to the children you do have. LOL...I wasn't talking global.
If you're talking strictly by numbers like THIS, it doesn't really indicate that it's more "accepted" since that word is really a bit of a stretch. Yes, blacks and other minorities are less likely to get abortions, but there are numerous reasons for that and care isn't really one of them. Maybe you do have a certain point, but I want to know if you're referring to simply personal means or on a political level? They are pretty different in many cases.