Big Business wants a way to make to take down any streaming site they choose with little or no evidence that wrong doing is being done. As crazy as it sounds, this bill could kill YouTube. I just signed it and hope you will too. Don't let these major corporations control the Internet which has always been free.
Since most of those congressmen pushing this bill are right wingers, they may find this site and shut it down because in some way they perceive it as a problem.
fuck the bullshit these types of wankers wanted to sue the balls off people that linked youtube videos on sites :smt100
With a US Supreme Court that is decidedly tilted toward "Conservative" ideals, politicians on the take to represent those with the deepest pockets or look the other way while legislation slides through unnoticed until the ink is dry, and corporations, who are only concerned with profits and growth, we can only expect more infringements/erosion on what we perceive as rights/benefits/entitlements/opportunities. Throw in a public that has been systematically "trained" to act to the stimuli provided through media advertising (who doesn't own a mobile phone or have satellite television?), and react only when the resulting reality is painful, we can only expect more of the same. I'm waiting for the day that internet access becomes cost prohibitive for the poor but necessary to conduct any business/transaction... The new poll tax, so to speak... further alienating the havenots from the rest of America... Voices of the 99% are disjointed because potential leaders capable of unifying and presenting the issues as one voice that's inspiring the disenfranchised to show they are fed up and angry get bought out and brought into those corporate boardrooms, or brainwashed, discredited or assassinated, until the dissenting clamor becomes a dull roar again.