Maher panel responds to footage of Mississippi voters

Discussion in 'Politics' started by JordanC, Mar 11, 2012.

  1. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    The Pelosi video is the first 4 minutes. You have to go to the link to see video. It won't embed. [​IMG]

    Filmmaker (and daughter of former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi) Alexandra Pelosi traveled to Mississippi at the behest of Real Time with Bill Maher to film voters and get their opinions of the 2012 Republican primary. Before showing the footage, Maher explained to the audience and his panel of guests that the people in the video were not “cherry-picked” and that the intent of the video was not to make fun of anyone.

    However, it becomes clear fairly quickly that some of these people are not going to be shortlisted for MacArthur “Genius Grants” any time soon. After the clip, panelists John Hamm from AMC’s series Mad Men and former RNC Chairman Michael Steele joked about the number of teeth the interviewees possessed, but otherwise refrained from poking too much fun.

    Former SEIU head Andy Stern, however, points out that the Democratic Party has no plans in place or any sort of programs to win over rural and working-class voters, saying, “Democrats have to learn how to speak to people, too.”

    Watch the video, embedded via Mediaite, below:

  2. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    This is where I gotta be fair. If they did this shit in Parkchester, BX this shit would most likely be identical just black people saying it. People would flip their shit and have Maher fired so I gotta say it looks like they took a cheap shot.
  3. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    It is not hard to see why Mississippi continues to remain the poorest state in the Union, year after year, decade after decade.

    I've seen images of parts of Mississippi that looked no better than a developing world country in its dusty, dirt roads, and run down houses.

    Having grown up around such settings in Guyana, I am very familiar with those environments. Just lift up Mississippi off the map and drop it into a developing world country and voila it would fit right in.
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2012
  4. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    LOL, pretty true.

    Like the folks that we would probably encounter talking about the "man" is keeping them down, while collecting their checks at the welfare office line.

    Just like those folks need to move on from the man, those folks in Mississippi, need to realize its 2012, the Civil War ended 147 years ago.

    No amount of screaming God, the Yankees and driving around in rebel flag license plates with a gun rack mounted on your pickup will make the South rise again.

    Rise from what exactly might I add, its not like Mississippi today is serving much purpose to the Union as an economic hub either.

    Some of these folks exist in an antiquated, antebellum era of thinking where logic and reason has failed them in progressing with the rest of America.
  5. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    As a history graduate I have often asked myself, I can only imagine what it was like to live in those parts of the South at the height of the Jim Crow era.

    If these folks still think this way today, imagine how they must have behaved when it was more socially acceptable, with legal, discriminatory laws on the judicial books.

    To be a black person who lived there during that time period you had to have tough skin to tolerate such disrespect and contemptuous bastards every day of your life. I couldn't imagine it.

    I generally am an open minded, free thinking person and respect others and their cultures but some of these folks would truly require a higher level of tolerance for me to stomach their mentality for too long.

    Its like all they think about is God, racially based politics and Hunting, ad nauseam. :)
  6. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    That is the part that always got me thinking like W.T.F.

    You have all these black athletes representing and winning games for your University and you embrace this old, racist filth of a bygone era because it is what gives you meaning in your life in some way.

    I'm always amazed when I see a college football game and mostly black players are coming out of the tunnels for Alabama or Mississippi knowing their history about blacks at every level of their states.

    This is why I stated these folks are stuck in time and something is off about them. They can't be rationally thinking folks who think this way and then go to a game cheering when mostly black players represent your university on the Collegiate football level.
  7. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    The irony of ironies indeed considering collegiate football and basketball are the biggest form of sports entertainment in those places like Mississippi and Alabama, since they have no pro teams and the majority of the players in those two sports on the college level are "black". :)
  8. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    Just to show you how different mindsets operate in this world.

    I remember watching EuroNews the other day on my cable system and they had a story about a party in Slovakia that came to power.

    The candidate who will become President said during an interview he would like to move quickly towards building a stronger welfare state.

    Could you imagine if any U.S. President made that comment. ROFL.

    It would be Armageddon if those words were uttered by any candidate.
  9. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    Does the term "welfare state" mean the same in Slovakia as it does here. Some places it means more of a civic duty to take care of the elderly or sick. Here it mean....means .....lazy. So what is a bad connotation to us may have a slightly less to another country.
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2012
  10. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    That is a very good point you raise.

    The difference is even if a candidate in American politics was to utter those words, it would be presented as giving taxpayers money to social freeloaders, irrespective of intent.

    There are even those who want to do away with Social Security.

    The political parrots in our current system would lose a nerve if someone even mentioned the term socialist in their political policies.

    Amazing as an elected president in America Obama was labelled

    Not a born American citizen
    Radical when they tried to link him to Rev. Jeremiah Wright

    And as the clip you posted showed people still continue to utter these foolishness as though it is fact.

    Sheer willful ignorance of the lowest denominator.

    TERRASTAR18 Well-Known Member

    To be fair this is what you get when you have massive poverty. mississippi is the poorest state and the bronx is the poorest community in the country. when there is no jobs and no education, will be a place where ignorance takes hold. mind you i'm not blaming obama, but when he recieves just as much money from wall street as republicans, and only givesv lip service it's hard not to agree with some of what these ppl say. and as far as the panelists, all they were concerned with was making fun of them instead of talking about the issues and possible solutions. to me bill maher comes off as a pompous prick.
  12. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    You make a very good point in regards to the shared commonality being poverty.

    One should wonder why in a nation as rich as the United States, Mississippi is continually the worst performing state "statistically economically" each and every year. Then yet again the same can be said for many inner city communities as well.

    As far as the politicians and money well we know how that works.

    It is what wins elections in this country, how much bank you got. Its about the money.

    Apropos for them when they take the stage on election night would be old school Wu-Tang Clan, Cream (Cash Rules Everything Around Me)


    TERRASTAR18 Well-Known Member

    good points yourself especially with the wu link...
  14. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    LOL, that would be the perfect anthem for them to step out on stage to at their rallies.

    I've often said we live in a Monetacracy, where its all about the dollar bills when it comes to politics and influence in decision making.

    If you can pay for the lobbyists to parade the corridors of Washington D.C. you'll get your wishes granted. If you can't then enjoy the empty rhetoric.
  15. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Mississippians have a warped sense of reality. Those White are dumb as bats!
  16. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    I generally respect others cultures, way of life, etc, but folks with that mindset really push my level of tolerance for others when they start speaking in tones that reflect utterly high levels of purely self wallowing ignorance.
  17. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Here's the "Liberal" follow up to the initial Mississippi footage shot in New York.

  18. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    And there we go shows you ignorant is as ignorant does.

    These cats just didn't give a fuck in the least.

    The one dude talking about he has 5 kids with 4 baby mamas.

    They didn't even have any shame in their game, including the one standing in the welfare line and trying to holla at a woman walking on the sidewalk.

    You can't make this shit up.
  19. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Holy shit did I call that or what. Knew it would be shot in NY lol
  20. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    I thought she was going to go into one of the housing projects or something.

    But she might not have been that ballsy to go there asking them about welfare. :)

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