*loving to laugh*

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by suprchic73, Jun 29, 2008.

  1. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    so, if any of you guys are like me....you love to laugh. right? :lol: my husband and i were just watching comicview on BET, and i was thinking that maybe we should have a comedian/comedienne thread. if nothing else, maybe this will just lighten the boards up a little. :wink:

    personally, i'm a fan of jerry seinfeld, penn & teller, vince morris.....and kevin james is my favorite!! and although, i've never seen him do standup, i think jim belushi is hilarious. there are tons more though!! :lol:
  2. Madiba

    Madiba New Member

  3. Be-you-tiful86

    Be-you-tiful86 Well-Known Member

    I love Adam Sandler as a comedian.

    And this English comedy show "Little Britain" by Matt Lucas and another guy
  4. Newpowermoves

    Newpowermoves New Member

    Richard Pryor will probably always be my favorite. I used to sneak downstairs to listen to my father's albums. I can recite most of his albums line by line as if they're the Gettysburg Address.
  5. Madiba

    Madiba New Member

    Yep, little Britain can be funny. A lot the sketches are UK specific though. Do you find the character vicki Pollard funny?
  6. u2orjustme

    u2orjustme New Member

    First, let me say RIP George Carlin and Richard Pryor
    Lost two comedy giants right there that spoke the real.

    Love Chris Rock. The Wayans brothers are great nowadays but I feel they were a lot better back in the In Living Color days. I love sketch comedy. MadTV was nice but they went into what I'd call a writer's slump or material slump a few years back. Haven't watched them lately to see if they've pulled out but I did see that Hillary/Obama thing. Hilarious.

    I like a lot of old stuff. Good Times(The James Evans Sr. era, after that the writers lost their minds except for a few really good episodes here and there), Jeffersons and Sanford and Son.....etc etc
  7. Bryant

    Bryant New Member

    Chris Tucker, Chris Rock, and Paul Mooney are some of my favorite comedians. Paul Mooney can go on these long rants about race, but other than that he's extremely funny. I don't think Chris Tucker does stand up anymore, but i wish he did. He was absolutely hilarious. :wink:
  8. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    Dave Chappelle - he is WRONG but hilarious.
  9. Bryant

    Bryant New Member

    He sure is. I miss the Chappelle show too much!

    By the way, somebody who used to be funny, but isn't anymore is Eddie Murphy. What in the world happened to that guy? He used to be a comedic legend. Now he's making stupid movie, after stupid movie. I just don't get it.
  10. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    i forgot about chris tucker...he is hilarious! :)
  11. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

    Wait a minute, hold up!!!

    BET is still on the air?!

    I'll be damned. :smt102
  12. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    Russell Peters...."Somebody's gonna get a hurt real bad"....or "Be a man!!"....or....."34.50"....his imitations and stand up regarding the differences between Chinese, Koreans and Vietnamese...as well as Indians is hilarious...check it on YouTube

    Steve Harvey........"but every now and then she's gonna call up good ole' Mandingo....man can't hardly spell his name but when they get in the bedroom....."

    Cedric the Entertainer...I like a lot of his impersonations. "Ain't no mo' green beans..."

    George Lopez....straight funny...especially if you live in California, Arizona, New Mexico or Texas....you will know exactly what he's talking about and most of what he says...you've either seen it or have had it done to you....."Hey...you memer....you don't memer....come on you memer"

    Bernie Mac..."why yo' ass down here early in the morning??? To get some milk an' cookies"

    Chris Rock

    Dave Chapelle...."What did the five fingers say to the face.....SLAP!!!"

    Redd Foxx....didn't get to hear much of him....but still one of the greats

    Robin Williams....sometimes he gets a little out there but when he's imitating black people....it's the funniest stuff you've ever heard...and his explanation for the origins of golf and the musings of drunk Scotsman is classic

    Martin Lawrence....I think he's better doing sketches/T.V. than standup...."I say Jerome's in da house, I say Jerome's in da house...watch ya mouth"....or "what cha say, what cha say mellow yellow...ole' Otis gotcha sprung huh....ole' Otis gotcha sprung"

    Jeff Foxworthy...."You know you're a redneck if......"

    Lavell Crawford...."I know I'm fat...I don't need you to tell me that"

    Bruce Bruce...."What's up...fat boy"

    Katt Williams....haven't seen him as much..but what I have seen is pretty good

    Larry the Cable Guy...."Git-r-done"....nuff said.

    Eddie Murphy...in his prime was among the best...."everytime a Rocky movie comes out...Italian guys start acting tough....look at this big f****** moulie....."

    Bill Bellamy...when he started out on DefJam was pretty good

    And the list goes on and on

    I personally like any comedian that can highlight racial differences and similarities. Sex jokes are OK but they get a little stale.
  13. Be-you-tiful86

    Be-you-tiful86 Well-Known Member

    I don't know either but I would like the old Eddie back :)
  14. Be-you-tiful86

    Be-you-tiful86 Well-Known Member

    Yea i saw Katt Williams in ROAST FLAVA FLAV.

    That was funny. Martin Lawrence is funny too
  15. ladeda

    ladeda New Member

    good thread. just a short list of comedians that are really funny

    daniel tosh
    paterice o'neil
    bob saget
    im gaffigan
    dave attel
    dimitri martin
  16. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    lol, bob saget! my brother saw him a few months ago here at the university of florida....he can get pretty raw, but he's hilarious.
  17. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    you mentioned jeff foxworthy and larry the cable guy....they are funny, but they're my least favorite of the 4 guys from blue collar comedy tour...have you seen that? ron white is so wrong, but so hilarious...and i love bill engvall too..."here's your sign", lol! :smt081

    and i totally agree the about the sex jokes and racial differences thing. good stuff!! i'm not a big fan of many women comedians either...alot of them just try too hard or somethin', i dunno.
  18. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    I haven't seen as much of Ron White but Bill Engvall is hilarious :p

    Maybe there is a little double standard in that a man and woman can make the same joke but often...a man will be seen as funnier.

    I've always wondered what it is...but I think I know....

    Men will talk about race, politics etc. while female comics tend to joke about their personal experiences. When you talk about buying feminine hygeine products or bad dates with men....you have already locked yourself in to only grabbing half of the audience (at the most). When you talk about race, politics, famous people etc., you find more common ground with both genders....

    another factor is that lot of male comedians are good at using impersonations...they can imitate famous men and can still sound funny imitating a woman (like their girlfriend or grandmother).

    A lot of lady comics don't utilize impersonations...whether it's stock characters or actual people....the lady comedians that use impersonations well always make me laugh my pants off (no pun intended....sort of) 8)
  19. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    My all-time favorite comedian is Jake Johannsen. Whenever I say his name, people always say, "who?". LOL! But, he's hilarious. I used to love Kevin Meaney, too. But, I haven't seen him in a long while. He might not be as funny anymore. :lol:

    A few months ago, I saw Tony Rock at the Improv, on a whim and he was hilarious! Now, Chris Rock is coming to town soon, I really want to get tickets for his show.
  20. GirlieGirl74

    GirlieGirl74 Well-Known Member

    ChosenOne, you posted a lot of my favorite comedians, but Cedric is probably my favorite. Just thinking about some of his performances makes me laugh. :D He has a smile and laugh that is just contagious. 'The Original Kings of Comedy' was really good. I wish they would do another one.

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