Love at first sight..

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Madiba, Dec 9, 2008.

  1. scylla

    scylla New Member

    Jag gissar på vår närmsta nordvästliga granne. Men jag är dålig på att skilja på språken...

    Sorry for the language shift guys. I know its rude.

    Maybe its a genetical thing, that when you find your genetical match, you can stand the gravital pull.. ?
  2. untitled1985

    untitled1985 Member

    its a scam
  3. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    Nei, svensker er ikke så flinkte til å skille de to...
    Men, jeg har stor forståelse for hvorfor det er lettere for nordmenn og dansker å skille mellom norsk/dansk/svensk enn det er for svensker. Det er fordi norsk og dansk er så like hverandre (skriftlig). Dere skiller dere mere ut.

    Men ja, du har helt rett. Jeg er nordvestlig nabo. Og har både hytte og nisselue :)

    Genetics don't explain love at first e-mail though, does it? But I can buy why it could explain love at first sight. :D
  4. scylla

    scylla New Member


    Ok, you are right about the problematics with genetical attraction through email.. I guess that must be a pure linguistical attraction. On the other hand, human beings bond through verbal communication quite a lot, so it's not surprising that we can see text as symbols for more than the actual word, but also for the person... It requires quite a good ability to leap to conclusions with the help of mere abstracts, but a fair amount of reading e-mails should create the ability to single out social markings and personality factors through style of writing...
  5. Ronja

    Ronja New Member


    I was breath taken by the way he wrote. He didn't write anything very romantic/sentimental or something like that. But he had a writing style and a humour that just made me go "WOW"...
  6. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    youre crazy.....and hopeless romantic

    There is no way in the burning heat of africa can you fall inlove with someone without seeing them. No fucking way......I dunno, maybe im being negative, but i need to see the pussy first (observe it, critisize it, analyze it, and conclude whether its worth more than a buck),before she gets the keys to my heart....And even if my conclusion is that her pussy is worth a couple of bucks, she might still not get the keys. That key is something she has to earn baby. I dont care how sexy you or your coochie be looking, but you aint getting my keys at first sight, write, site, or anything...

    I know, im romantic like that :smt006
  7. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    Posts like these (and Craigslist ads) make me feel like I'm stuck in the XV-th century... so hopelessly behind life that I can't even see it anymore.
  8. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    NO NO and NO.

    Writing skill is very similar to drawing skill.

    Just because a person is a great "drawer" doesnt mean hes a great person. Its the same with writing. Some people just know how string together a chord of verbs, trust me. Ive known ppl that have been reading adult novels since they were 4 or 6, and all of them are incredible writers. Non of them are attractive (no hommo)
  9. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    Coming from you this is a big compliment. So TY.

    Sure it is. :smt045

    It happens all the time too. It's not like I'm the only one who have done it.
  10. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    me and my ex started talking at the phone before meeting in person. obviously it wasn't love but i felt some chemestry. i tried to imagine him ugly so that when i met him i wouldn't be deceived.
    i was deceived anyways, but we kept talking and at the second date i was crazy for him inspite i didn't like him physically at our first date.
    i think it's because i was already "in love" with his personality when we talked at the phone.
  11. veema

    veema Member

    I definately think that two people can feel an immediate connection and that feeling can lead to love. But is that immediate feeling love per se? I think that love is more of a harmonic convergence of the emotional, physical, and intellectual. Very rarely do we get the opportunity to really know someone that well "at first sight." However, that immediate connection can certainly be strong enough to propel two people to continue learning about and ultimately loving each other. Doesn't sound as magical as "love at first sight" but when you experience it, it truly is magical.
  12. GirlieGirl74

    GirlieGirl74 Well-Known Member

    Isn't it wonderful when you feel that chemistry with someone? I've met people before that I was so attracted to on first sight. Then, when I talked to them, they weren't nearly as attractive as I thought they were. I've also met people that I wasn't physically attracted to, but once I got to know them, I thought they were some of the most beautiful people in the world. Beauty is definitely in the eye of the beholder.

    The romantic in me wants to believe in love at first sight, but the realist in me thinks that it takes longer than one look to feel true love. Of course, I don't know what you do with the cases where people get married within days, and they are still married 50 years later. They obviously knew something at first sight.
  13. felicia

    felicia New Member

    Love at first sight is an emotional condition whereby a
    person feels romantic attraction for a stranger on the first encounter with the stranger. The term may be used to refer to a mere
    sexual attraction or Crush, but it usually refers to actually falling in love with someone literally the very first time one sees him or her, along with the deep desire to have an intimate relationship with that person. The stranger may or may not be aware that the other person has any such notion, and may not even be aware of the other person's presence (such as in a crowded place). Sometimes two people experience this phenomenon towards each other at the same time, usually when their eyes meet.

    So yes I do Believe in first love. One day we will find it.
  14. scylla

    scylla New Member

    I think you are wrong. But it's nice to hear you voice an opinion that doesn't contain calling females sluts. ^___^

    With adult novels, do you refer to erotica or books for adults?
    There is a difference between writing a comprehensive or even good story with a language that feels adequate, and communicating via textbased media (two way communication, realtime, or "half real time" as forums).
    A person that is well rooted in a social structure, will inevitably have hirs language affected by it, and also style of writing.
    There is a huge HUGE difference between how I "speak" via textbased media and how I write fiction/non fiction/poetry. Its not really comparable.

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