Lookism? Beauty Standards?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Bhayes, Mar 16, 2011.

  1. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    You guys are great ego boosters :)
  2. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    These statements are truth in regards to the modeling industry and the megastar acting industries.

    Actors can be unattractive and still get jobs, but they rarely get the starring roles in big budget blockbusters. Look at Paul Giamatti and Steve Buscemi as examples. Both are fantastic actors, definitely not attractive, so they are almost always limited to supporting actor status or character actor status.

    Models MUST have symmetrical faces, otherwise they can't be models.

    Beauty standards (with a possible quirk only) are all about symmetry in the faces. :smt023
  3. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    On one hand, you have women claiming they want a smart/intelligent man, on the other hand, if you go to the ladies room, you will never find a thread about "smart men", where as "hot men" threads are plenty. So you see even minor observations will reveal the fact that women dont know what the fuck they talking about.

    And why is it that the picture threads generates the most hits?

    Lets face it, looks matter (100%) for sex. And there is a growing trend of uber-ly horny women (something in the water maybe?)

    For relationships, however, as some have already mentioned, its 50/50 (looks vs personality).

    People (both men and women) have exponential expectations and over estimate their looks. In terms of relationships, the fact of the matter is that if a man is considered a 5 on the hot or not scale, there is no way in hell hes going to land a hottie. Ive seen this shit with my own eyes at the mall, pretty women generally dont even look at a man if they dont find him attractive, and ive never in my life seen a "babe" give a look to an average guy. So some guys neglect their protuding bellies and general undesirebilities and expect a woman to look like a model?.....not gonna happen.

    But I wont just attack the men in this regard, like i said, women also have high expectations. If a woman is super hot and sexy then by all means, she should be picky and have the cream of the crop in terms of looks (and they always do). But if she's average, she should just play her cards wiithout acting like men that are on her level are not good-enough for her. You see, this is where the interracial phenomenon comes in handy. First you have some white women that have high expectations, and that is all fine and dandy, but they know that with their looks, they will never get a good looking white guy to look at them, so they go for handsome black men instead, and become some kind of sugar mamas to some good-looking "baby boy". But because looks arent everything ,such relationships fail gradually because eventually the woman comes to her senses and realizes that you can take a man from da hood, but you cant take the hood from a man. Too bad, by then shes already popped out mixed kids and then starts going for men in her looks range, who by the way, see her as nothing more than a sex toy, a play thing to fuck hard, and drop even harder.

    You see, looks matter. Both men and woman should just date people in their looks range and not aim too high on their pursuit for "true happiness". If you are lucky and GOD HIMSELF sends you a pretty angel, then GOD BLESS YOU (you lucky bastard), but other wise you have to play your cards. You can use your mind to get money (both men and women) and that could land you the woman/man of your dreams to fall inlove with the person you are and find you attractive despite your poor cover, but thats a rarity. What money will do is attract gold diggers who will suck you dry and as soon as the money goes,,,,so will they. But hey, that could also be said about looks. eh?

    So as petty said, life aint fair// Just make your money and break hearts without care.:cool:
  4. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I agreed with you on several points but I have seen average dudes with great looking girls my whole life hell even I've been known to bat a 1000 at times (although its rare) because girls don't focus on looks the way we do like a dude can be 6'5 and chubby and pull a hot girl because height is sexy to women unfortunately the inverse doest work for men infact women normally over 6ft don't get that much attention unless they're exceptionally good looking. Money makes a man look attractive because it says he's powerful and accomplished all money does for a woman is get her used. No one is breaking down Roseanne Arnold's door at any point in her career but there are women who will find Tom Arnold attractive because he's funny and has money. A woman having money doesn't do shit for most guys because we're raised to take care of ourselves, its nice if someone can pull her own weight but her having millions or not means nothing to me since I have to pull my own weight.
    Confidence plays a big role because in my own life I think women are far better at picking mates then men are. They more than likely marry up because in my own area the thinking of a lot of men is I can probably do better looks wise but will she be a great life partner women on the other hand will hold out for the best option. They rarely settle. Walk around Soho at night and you will see these young guys making damn near a million a year dating an average girl when you'd think they should be dating models. Its mind boggling.
    I also liked how you touched on the racism I often see in ir dating. I often see ww on dating sites who are average or below seriously demanding great looking bm that they wouldn't find amongst wm. Not all and none that I've seen on here or can remember but there is a sentiment I've observed of white priviledge else where. Kind of like wm with bw, more often then not I see them with great looking bw,aw,and lw. Just my two cents.
  5. Leksola

    Leksola New Member

    Yeah well, it's hard to put up a picture of a man's grey matter. You can't use an internet forum to gain valid stats on this stuff, a forum is a visual medium so obviously it would be skewed.

    People might come looking for certain things but it's not the way they run their whole life. Do you guys get outside and do a close up look of women's asses and pussies just like the pictures you check out here?.. nooo not for the most part I'd say.

    I can't find dumb guys attractive.. sorry, but it's true. Even after a few minutes talking.. the fire just goes..Looks are one thing but intelligence is a whole 'nother.. it's critical.

    What you are saying is not correct, for the most part. Giving a look to a man and actually getting with them are completely different, you should know that by now.
  6. Leksola

    Leksola New Member

    Actually, often you'd find women who have earnt that money are smart enough not to get used. Or its an arrangement that suits them. I get your point though.
  7. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    What do you consider dumb?
  8. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    Excellent post. I couldn't have said it better. :smt023
  9. Leksola

    Leksola New Member

    I know that sounds unnecessarily harsh, I'm in a fired up mood today.
    I think what I am trying to say is he needs to be passionate about something, and also able to hold a conversation. There are just some guys that will ask you a whole heap of really silly questions, or make assumptions about you...this is the type of guy I'm thinking about.

    Being boastful about being bright is a turn off too but then again, so is explaining yourself all the time.. yes, I'm making things difficult here. I'm most attracted to men that have a quiet intensity, where you know something is going on up there even if they don't broadcast it.

    When I met my guy his French and other languages were far better than his English, and he had trouble writing English because he had grown up speaking French. However it was obvious how intelligent he was, where some women had assumed otherwise just because he happened to speak (3) languages that weren't English. Whereas I'd come from a pretty straightforward school/college/education/white collar background, except for the fact my parents were migrants..but the way he is as a musician is something else.. so I'm not really just talking about book smart.
  10. Leksola

    Leksola New Member

    :rolleyes::rolleyes: THanks
  11. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    That is exactly what I was gonna write!!! You beat me to it. LOL.
  12. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

  13. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Money makes the world go round and round, so does beauty, lol

    Real talk-I aint never seen a rich or a good looking guy alone on Valentines day but seen lots of intelligent folks philosophizing at a coffee shop tho, LMAO. Looks matter so does money, for us to say it doesnt then we are being dishonest. If that is the case Trump would've be a loner long ago.
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Don't waste your breath fam. Many of them are far mature than us mere mortals lol
  15. Bhayes

    Bhayes New Member

    OMG people i can't believe this thread is still going. nice discussion. Well i'm very happy to see that people have different opinions. i know i'm screwed up as a person. but hey no body is perfect. i'm improving everyday.

    my POV is unfortunately a byproduct of my upbringing. I suffer from the same problem that michael jackson suffered from. Its called self-hatred. MJ is an example of a BM who was a pretty handsome guy who destroyed himself because somewhere along the line he learned to hate himself. I know its very hard for alot of white people to understand this but alot of us learn to hate ourselves very early in life.


    in my little world of black people (not only african-ameican) but brown people (indian, hispanic, other ethnic mixees of brown) who are light skin, pretty and have white-caucasian features are exhalted and praised. That type of person is treated as special.


    just as this 20/20 special indicates - beautiful people tend to have it easier than average or ugly people.


    now i have learned that lookism standards vary according to the culture in which a person is raised. So not all cultures are the same, thank god! what is looked as undesireable, ugly and passable here is thought to be exotic and special somewhere else.

    In my stupid little world i was raised in the Detek Jeters, Vin Diesels, and LL Cool J's are praised and exhalted. they can get away with murder because the "look good"

    I recently looked at a family photo of myself at 11 years old with a younger female cousin. Back then i had low self-esteem. But looking back i see that i was a beautiful child. I recall that it was a photo from a family reunion (my great grandparents had 10 kids - and one of them had children with a WM) so there is a whole faction of of my family that look like mariah carrerys, mya harrisons, derek jeters, and vin diesels.

    i remember when a younger female cousin from the fair skin side of the family approached me and said to me "yuck - your are so ugly!" and i remember how hard that hit me at the time. Its no different than Joe jackson (MJ's father) telling michael jackson that he had a an ugly nose growing up.

    Its the same thing.

    I'm glad that i have had the opportunity to look outside of my little stupid world and escape the non-sense. Its been really hard.

    If i ever have children, and that's a big if, i will make certain that they speak several languages and be world travelers. My father always put alot of pressure on my growing up to have a "dime honey" he really means a woman who looks like this.


    and i think because of the rough time i had. i have a deep prejudice towards attractive light skin brown women. I do. I don't find HOT black women attractive anymore but i have a special dislike of light skin hot black woman, because they're egos are usually so damn big. And now i have a deep rooted prejudice towards. I know that its not fair to pidgeonhole all women who look like this but can you really blame me.

    they make you feel like unless you have derek jeter looks


    that you are a worthless nothing. and ontop of that you have to have this in addition to looks.


    in a previous thread along time ago i talked about this.

    or if you don't have the LOOKS then you have to have 'personality' but what that really means is you have to be something like a cross between a eddie-murphy and one of these rapper turned actors.


    a comedian who has a aggressive - crass sense of humor and who can rap freestyle and that is somehow supposed to make up for what you don't have in looks. saying "i need a man to make me laugh" to alot of american BW really means you have to be chris rock funny. knowing a few jokes is not enoguh.

    SO when i started looking at foreign movies i started seeing the prominent french actresses. Alot of them are not super divas. they're beautiful WW who are nice and caring. They're socially concious. Alot of them are philanthropists on the side. And both on the movie screen and in their personal lives they don't have unrealistic standards for the men they date/marry. Infact the men they go with tend to go into the AVERAGE category. Meaning they aren't male models.


    so seeing this has given me something to look foward to. So everyday i train real hard and try to keep my head up and realize that all things come to an end and that while life isn't fiar, that i shouldn't throw the towell in.
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2011
  16. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    Bhayes, no homosexual but your a good looking lad (from what I seen in your avatar) so I don't know why you feel like that. Your traps is bigger than my body lol.
  17. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    sweet booty mofos representin' fiercely

  18. OpenHeart

    OpenHeart New Member

    I wish you the best. Derek is not handsome to me, but if you believe this based on his color, then wow...that's interesting. Question...is this "self hatred" thing common among blacks or is this just a rare thing that happened to happen to you? Will marrying outside your race make you feel better about yourself?
  19. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

  20. xoxo

    xoxo Well-Known Member


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