Since there has been some conversation about those who meet through internet personals, or even forums such as this....I thought it might be interesting to discuss long distance relationships. Assuming that you connected via the internet: Would you have a long distance relationship? If so, how far of a distance would you be ok with? How soon would you need to meet the person face to face? Would you consider yourself committed prior to meeting face to face? if not, after how many meetings? How often would you feel you would need to communicate? How often would you need to see each other? How soon (if ever) would someone need to be moving? Hmmm there are probably other questions I'm not thinking of.
Is it really necessary to be such an ass? If you don't want to participate...simply skip the thread. Some people are actually interested in conversing.
Would you have a long distance relationship? -Yeah, I think it would suit me better actually. If so, how far of a distance would you be ok with? -Where ever How soon would you need to meet the person face to face? -I'd like to meet them pretty soon after talking... no waiting a year or whatever. Would you consider yourself committed prior to meeting face to face? if not, after how many meetings? -Hmm, I don't know how I'd feel about committment. How often would you feel you would need to communicate? -Every day, or every other day. How often would you need to see each other? -Err... depends how far, in the UK every few weeks, any other country not sure. How soon (if ever) would someone need to be moving? -I think you'd just know... no real time limit. Hmmm there are probably other questions I'm not thinking of.
Would you have a long distance relationship? Yes I have and I married the woman. If so, how far of a distance would you be ok with? She lived in Russia, that's pretty far. How soon would you need to meet the person face to face? I never rushed to visit her initially however after 6-7 months I made my first trip to see her. Would you consider yourself committed prior to meeting face to face? if not, after how many meetings? No however after my initial visit then I became committed. How often would you feel you would need to communicate? We emailed in the beginning as her English improved we spoke more often. How often would you need to see each other? I saw her every 9-14 months roughly. How soon (if ever) would someone need to be moving? We married in her country she came to the states about 9 months later, so far so good.
Would you have a long distance relationship? Eh. I've tried it before, I'm not a big fan. Too distrusting. If so, how far of a distance would you be ok with? Reasonably close, excepting special circumstances. Close enough that it could be driven for at least weekend visits. How soon would you need to meet the person face to face? As soon as I figure they're not trying to steal one of my kidneys or hack me to bits. Would you consider yourself committed prior to meeting face to face? if not, after how many meetings? Probably not. It'd take some really strong feelings. How often would you feel you would need to communicate? Every day. How often would you need to see each other? At least on the weekends. How soon (if ever) would someone need to be moving? That really depends on how the relationship develops, if it develops at all.
I'll prefer to stay within the 30 mile radius. I've been alone for long enough and when I get a man, I'll want to BE with him.:smt057:smt008:smt056:smt058:smt021
Well I already know the guy, but it is an LD relationship, so I'll start where I am! I don't know if I could be exclusive with someone I had never met. Would you have a long distance relationship? Never though I would because my ex-husband and I had one for 3 years before I married him and I didn't get to know him very well. But since I met this guy and he got a job change shortly after, I figured, why not try it, and see, it could be different. So far it's been great. If so, how far of a distance would you be ok with? I would rather he be close, so we could see each other at least a couple of times a month, but if not communication is the key. How soon would you need to meet the person face to face? I think if I didn't know him I would want to meet within the first 6 months to a year. Would you consider yourself committed prior to meeting face to face? if not, after how many meetings? Probably not. How often would you feel you would need to communicate? I like at least a couple of times a week, email, phone calls, or (maybe text more often) I don't like it when a guy calls every day even in a committed relationship, I think it shows a neediness, I don't care for. Unless there are plans to be made or some need to talk. How often would you need to see each other? Hopefully every couple of weeks but he lived very far, I would say every couple of months. For me that isn't able to happen and I wish he could come more, but it's a long trip from Iraq. How soon (if ever) would someone need to be moving? At least within a couple of years, if I decide to stay serious with him. I don't want to have thing linger in limbo forever.