Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by jellybird, Nov 20, 2007.




    The BullShit is strong in this thread!

    Lemme see if I can throw some more shit up in this... let it hit the fan!


    The Jews have the market cornered on victimhood. They get paid for that too. Lemme know when that changes.

    White males don't like any other males...period. Moreso, Black ones. Why the Black ones? An eternal question. Perhaps, we can look at the animal kingdom? I sense a conundrum.

    White males tend not to treat their White females equally. Yet, also place them on a pedestal. Another conundrum?

    White females wanna be equal to the males who have the most power on this planet. Who dat be? White males. Yet, they never seem to be taken seriously at work. Hmmm. Even more conundrums?

    Other males wanna be like the White male...hence they copy what White males do/have done/are doing...and get pretty good at it too. Yet never really seem to get respect. Real respect. Maybe they need bigger deadlier nuclear weapons? Hmmmmm. Can you say conundrum?

    White females are copied by other females...even if these other females deny it. Conun...well you know.


  2. fnnysmrtprtty

    fnnysmrtprtty New Member

    :lol: :lol: You're a rabble rouser!!
  3. INJERA70

    INJERA70 New Member

    There are a lot of black men and women doing positive things out in the world they just get overshadowed by the negative. I hope you know that black people get jumped by white people also shit happens you have assholes of all races. I get from your posts that you don't seem to think black folks got anything positive going for themselves. If I am wrong correct me.
  4. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    You're wrong!

    We all know that a lot of people, no matter how they categorize them self (black, women, gay etc etc), are doing a lot to improve their own situation.

    However, most people are much better when it comes to talking and complaining than actually doing something. JB seems to be one of those... and frankly that's just tiresome.

    Can we please let this tread die now?
  5. INJERA70

    INJERA70 New Member

    Ronja did you read what I wrote or was that sarcasm?
  6. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member


    Ok you stand corrected!

    I think there are many who have acheived success, but there is room for many more.

    Nuff said.
  7. INJERA70

    INJERA70 New Member

    I believe in pulling yourself up by the bootstraps trust me.
  8. porcelainsnowbird

    porcelainsnowbird Restricted

    All groups have reason to complain about something, but it doesn't negate anyone's ability to move themselves forward at the same time.
  9. porcelainsnowbird

    porcelainsnowbird Restricted

    I agree, but there's room for improvement on all sides IMO.
  10. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    You know what's really funny...

    I referenced things that were done to other black men in the last 10 years (except for E. Till) and never stated or implied anything was done to me or said that I have suffered in any way, (I could be an SUV suburbanite), but, then others come in with things that have been done to them and their friends (I'm not trying to discount them), but I'm the one filled with self pity.
    The "pie" thing was clearly a joke and anyone who read it will agree, but I'm the spinmaster.
    I'm not the one calling others names, but I'm the one filled with hate. (I think people are reading anger where there is none, or if it does sound angry, that was not my intention.)

    When I started this thread, it was cautionary "warning," if you will, to black men. Anyone who has been on this site more than a month has read posts where it's been stated or implied that "it's so much easier now to date inter-racially and that racism is disappearing. And to say that it disturbed me would be an understatement.

    The reason I used those "fallen" men as examples is that in the context of history, ten years is nothing. And in the U.S. we like to "think" we are superior to the rest of the world and we are the shining example for others to follow, but this is just a small example of the things that go on in our country.

    Now we (black people) have experienced a lot of economic prosperity in this most recent generation. But sometimes I wonder if we forget about the efforts and sacrifices of those (not just black, but all people) before us. And personally, I see things like the Jenna Six as a "wake up" not to be complacent. (The white students who hung the nooses deserve more than school suspension, the beating of the white kid was wrong, regardless of what he did, but beating him up isn't attempted murder.)

    Now, one mistake I want to admit to is commenting on JasieS' situation regarding her children. I don't have any children, so I can't be critical or comment on how a mother feels when her children are hurt. SO, JASIES, I WOULD LIKE TO TAKE THIS TIME TO APOLOGIZE FOR THAT COMMENT!

    However, I stand by my initial statement that not just white people, but no one, who isn't black in America should be critical of the plight, condition, success, or failures of blacks here. (There is a difference between commenting and being critical!) You can't walk in our shoes no more than I can walk in JasieS' shoes as a parent to her children.

    And to answer your questions ronja...yes and yes; yes; no, I believe in voting, but not monetary support of political parties; no, and yes.




    Jellybird, don't you know that: Critical Black Man = Angry Black Man?

    It's best if you STFU, go suck on a lemon and don't rock da boat.

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