Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by jellybird, Nov 20, 2007.

  1. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member

    For those who would like to spell check my posts, I encourage you to go back, and find more than one mistake in my spelling. And I promise to find a ratio of more than three to one of that same individual's incorrect spelling.
  2. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    I couldn't have said it better myself. Thanks, fsp. :smt114
  3. fnnysmrtprtty

    fnnysmrtprtty New Member

    It's spelloff, everybody, a spelloff!! :lol:

    [visions of Zoolander dancing in my head]

    just kidding with you, rinnaye... :wink:
  4. fnnysmrtprtty

    fnnysmrtprtty New Member

    No problem...I'm not an unreasonable bitch! :lol:
  5. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    Unreasonable...personally I think I agree with 99.9% of your views.

    Now just tell me you made sweet potato pie and not pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving and I'm putty in your hands.
  6. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member


    I know you're just kidding, anything to keep it lighthearted sweetie. Lol.

    The main point that was addressed had nothing to do with success, but respect, and how black men are viewed as "inferior", and what helps to give a bigot his platform, as per the author of this post indicated. I merely provided my $.02 on what we can do to help change the way we are being viewed by other races. Success is perhaps a byproduct of respect, and slightly off one of his original topics.

    I believe black men acheiving respect will help to make I/R's, and many other issues we're faced with, more palatable in our mainstream society. Which ultimately will render this topic, "Living in the Twilight Zone" null, and void. He, for the most part seems to reject my reasoning, and I don't understand his.
  7. Chigirl

    Chigirl New Member

    Hmm Jelly so a WW can blow you but can not really comment on or try to come up with suggestions or solutions to the racism you experience eh? I see you have all it takes to enter into a constructive IR relationship.
  8. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    chi...can't you read girl...jelly just really wants a woman that can make sweet potato pie...LMFAO
  9. Chigirl

    Chigirl New Member

    Yup, because Pumpkin pie is so racist (not that I would know anything about that being a WW and all that!) and he would never have a Pumpkin pie maker blow him! Hell to the NO!
  10. fnnysmrtprtty

    fnnysmrtprtty New Member

    :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Racist, blow-job giving, pumpkin pie makers!! :lol: :lol: When did this thread become about Rachel Ray?
  11. Chigirl

    Chigirl New Member

    I don't know.... let's ask Oprah :lol:
  12. infiniti

    infiniti New Member

    I would say that black on black crimes trump any sort of interracial crime. I would even go further to say that it is rising at a rate far greater than 8%. Certainly there is racism in America. An educated, observant black male (by the virtue of being one) knows how to deal with racism and ends up getting to where they need to get. Now the simple fact that you need to have a strategy to deal with racism is messed up, but there are methodical ways to deal with it (most BM that i hang out with do this without thinking about it) and not let it hold them down. There is nothing creative about racism, it happens in the same old way every time. Attention to details and patterns affords you preparation to deal with it.

    From my experience, there are more hold backs in the black community itself than from the outside. This is a very big topic and I won't go too much into it. If you want to know where i stand, I suggest reading "Taylor's death a grim reminder for all of us". I believe it was written by Jason withlock and it was on MSN yesterday (sport section).

    I never get to the point where I can't date a white women because she "reminds" me of racism. There are plenty of good white people (men and women) doing amazing work everyday. I am in medicine and I see lots of these people everyday. It is hard and racist (i might add) to lump them into the same group as racists. As a matter of fact, I would say from a numerical stand point (in USA) that I see more white people doing stuff that turns out to be beneficial to me than black people in general.

    The percieved attack on "whiteness" (that i have been accused of in debates) has more to do with the underserved (meaning no reason why everyone shouldn't have a shot at it) "privilege" that comes with the skin color. It has nothing to do with individuals who are white.

    hopefully, It is obvious that I have also seen a lot of black people doing good things. I just don't feel the need to emphasize this (as I was raised and mingle with this sort of people everyday).
  13. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    I absolutely agree with all of the points you made. Black on black crime is a huge problem in the U.S. should never be put on the back burner. And I think that the black community has too many social and economic problems to list here in this forum.

    But the point of this thread was to remind everyone here that racism isn't dead and we must continuously fight all forms of racism. If one black person is killed by a hate crime vs. five the year before,that's progress but that's still one too many.

    Chigirl...I don't have a problem with a WW or a person trying to come up with suggestions/suggestions to solve racism, but I don't like it when "others" tell me "what's wrong" with black people or why black people "can't get ahead." Just like I have a problem with black people who achieve a certain amount of "success" and say, "see, I did it, and you can too, but your just lazy!" Or they say, "you need to do 'this, this, and this' in order to be considered successful, productive black person." That type of judgmental BS pisses me off!

    And I refuse to read anything written by Jason Whitlock anymore. He is one of the most self-hating (black), exploitive (black or white) journalist I have ever read.
  14. BronzeSaint

    BronzeSaint New Member


    I hear you about how messed up the US is when it comes to skin color. In my opinion, it's the main reason we keep voting for idiots like George Bush and get into wars like that in Iraq (and why our entire country is falling apart....just like the housing crisis we're having).

    But, yeah, believe it or not, white people and black people and Asian people and American Indians (which are really Asians that migrated from Russia into Alaska) are, SCIENTIFICALLY, the very same race.

    Here is the leading scientist in the world that can explain it all:

    Does "race" exist in our mind, making the fallacy real in our country? Yes.

    Is race scientifically real? Nope. It's total and complete BS.

    But that's as much as I'll write. Nobody wants to hear this in America (not "Black" people or "White" people or anyone else in the USA) .

    You can get your butt strung up from a tree for saying the truth...especially in America (which is why a lot of smart people keep their mouths closed).

    My 2 cents. Take it for what it's worth and "someone else" wrote this (not me).

  15. aozora

    aozora New Member

    You definitely made a good point bronzesaint. I thought that we are humans but because of genetic mutations away from the equator and climate that humans have different complexions and hair because of the different periods. I honestly believe that "race" has to be a social construct and that you have to believe that people who believe people of African descent/ancestry are lower in intelligence than other groups is not true. I do believe however that there are ethnic groups tying to how European descent people are really tied to every other human being in another ethnic group an ancestor in Africa which keeps coming up. Even with the problems in sub-saharan Africa, this is attributed because of the idea of race but because of social problems with in countries such as Somalia, Zaire, Tanzania and other countries. Well, I just wanted to give my two cents and I always don't like it how people believe that we are different in intelligence because of race. It is reflects your social environment and how you are raised.
  16. Patterson

    Patterson New Member

    Co-sign! I totally agree with you, especially the bolded parts. Each individuals road to success certainly wont be the same, what worked for some may not work for others. Also, everyone has a different opinon of how they define success, to some success might mean a penthouse and a bently, to others that could mean getting up out of the ghetto working a regular 9-5 and renting an apartment. To each his or her own, but I hate people with holier than thou judgmental attitudes torwards others who are less fortunate or troubled. People need to remember everyones circumstances and life experiences are different, some good, some bad and some very very bad. So its good to keep an open mind and reach out to our youngsters who may be troubled or just need that extra push in the right direction.
  17. Chigirl

    Chigirl New Member

    OK a few comments

    First Jelly, I still call BS on your posts to Jasie. You agreed with Rinnaye's post yet when Jasie did the exact same thing you called her out on it. So the issue is you don't want a WW to comment on issues in the black community. That is a sad....

    2nd assessing and talking about what is wrong in a community, whether it is black, latino or white does not automatically mean that it's a judgement or that we are leaving the youngsters to themselves.

    Any community with issues needs help, does it matter if this help comes from within our outside? I don't think so.

    My friend tutors a 5th grader. She has tutored her for the past 3 years. They formed a bond and they sporadically spend time together when my friend takes her bowling, to a movie or spends a holiday lunch with her. You better believe that my friend and I talk about the situation this girl is in (living with a sick grandma who is not able to care for her and her siblings as they need it, parents not present and don't care etc.) and how much better the chances for her would become if certain things were different for her. Are we judging her? No! Do we wish things could be different for her? Absolutely! But I guess since my friend and I are white and that girl is black we better shut up?
  18. aozora

    aozora New Member

    I can see from Jellybird's point of view. You have to realize that black people have to empower themselves though I do see every little helps. I think that people such as chigirl's friend is making a positive role model on the young girl in Chicago. I realize that for the most part that girl's life is bleak. I am blessed enough with parents with financial resources for me to have a good life. My dad always said something to my mom and I "you guys are living like kings" so I guess I guess I have always looked upon my well being for granted.
  19. JasieS

    JasieS New Member

    jellybird----you are out of control. I think you really might be a troll. I've seen you post on other subjects and you sure do have a lot of anger for white people in general, it seems. I can't see any ww wanting to be in a relationship with you.

    I shouldn't be commenting since I'm not black? Are you kidding me? You are the kind of man I get tired of real quick. Nothing but "poor me, I'm treated so shitty by everyone". Get over yourself JB, really. I'm sorry but when my children get called n---ers by other kids, I take that real personally and they might as well be calling me that b/c that's how I'm feeling. You think I havnen't been told I've got jungle fever and teased b/c of my preference in men? Do you think I haven't been at a restaurant and places with my husband and we get seated last even though we were there first??? You think I don't wonder why the fuck that shit happens? You got it all fucked up JB.

    And you talk about white people being racist? Who made the comment of
    ? I believe that was you and what kind of a comment was that? Sounds a little racist me to, like the other girls said, is pumpin pie to white for you???

    To rinnaye06. If you're still needing to know. Just hit the quote button at the top of the reply page, copy and paste your quote, then hit the quote button again at the end of the message you are quoting. If you preview it, it should come out right. Play with it a little and you will figure it out.

    And last but definitely not least, thanks fnnysmrtprtty for the back up. Some people just go too far and JB is one of them.
  20. BronzeSaint

    BronzeSaint New Member

    Thanks Aozora.

    "I thought that we are humans but because of genetic mutations away from the equator and climate that humans have different complexions and hair because of the different periods."

    Exactly correct. The blood (DNA) does not lie. In fact, you or I could be more related to a Polish man living in Gdansk than anyone else in the world (scientifically speaking).

    Our complexions may be different. The common ancestry is not.

    "I honestly believe that "race" has to be a social construct..."

    Yes again. In Belfast, there are two "races": Protestant and Catholic. And to even date across these two "racial" lines can lead to the couple's death...even today. Unfortunately, that's exactly what happened to an Irish couple several years ago.

    "It is reflects your social environment and how you are raised."

    There's another poster on this board (she knows who she is) that I have incredible rapport with. The fact that she was raised in Northern California literally freed her from having all of the many hangups that people have in other areas of the country. Because of this, she does not have to carry a 50 pound weight on her back called ignorance. She could go off to London, see how well Black & White people socialize over there, and fit right in very quickly. She's free.

    Yup. It's environment and how you were raised.

    Excellent post.


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