Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by jellybird, Nov 20, 2007.

  1. jellybird

    jellybird New Member


    Your logic is flawed. And I could go on and on about what's said here, but your words speak for themselves...
  2. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member

    Well, my logic can't be all that flawed, because I've gained the success, and respect that I'm speaking about. In my world, I am the man. I have white tenants, as well as black ones in my apartments, and all do respect me, because I am in control of their lives to a very important certain extent, (where they live). I have that power that I'm telling you about my young brother, what do you have that makes people look up to, or respect you? With power comes respect, I doubt you'll reach any level of success, if you can't grasp that concept. That's all I'm trying to say.

  3. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    I started to respond to this (I guess I am, in a sense) and say something prophetic, but I realized that it would be a waste of time...
  4. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member

    We don't need prophets, we need movers, and shakers my man. But I understand if this is beyond you. I promise you one day it will make sense. At least that is my hope.

  5. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    (Damn! I've let this fool come and hijack the thread with his nonsense.)
  6. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member

    That's "Mister" Fool to you!
  7. Patterson

    Patterson New Member

    Jellybird and rinnaye06, both of you make good points. However, rinnaye06 I think the issue of racism is greater than just skin color. Racism against blacks isn't strictly about skin color; it’s a little deeper than that I hate to say. Skin color, hair texture and physical features are just the superficial components of racism, but not the totality of it. Unfortunately, today and throughout history we have always had highly respected and blatantly racist Scientist, Professors, Intellectuals etc who have been promoting propaganda about Blacks/Africans being intellectually inferior to Whites/Europeans as a fact, with little or no debate to counter them.

    I'm sure we are all aware that this same propaganda had a lot to do with slavery, and was used to justify it. IMO, some people will never accept or respect blacks, no matter how much blacks achieve/sucesseed. Jews are prime example that racism isn't just about skin color, Jews are some of the most successful and wealthy Americans, on top of looking white, yet they are still hated by a lot of people. They are and were never attacked about their mental abilities or IQ scores. With blacks its skin color, intelligence, physical abilities and appearance, behavior, sexuality among other things. Again, IMO I don't see those ideas and beliefs that have been around for hundreds of years and thought of as facts about Africans/blacks will just disappear because of the success of more blacks.
  8. JasieS

    JasieS New Member

    Extremely well said and I agree. :!:
  9. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    JasieS, don't "agree" with something that YOU are ill equipped to comment on. I really hate it when white people think they can be an authority on overcoming racism and racial barriers. As if you have any experience with it. I guess your going to tell me that "racism isn't a problem"...or "it's not as bad as it seems."

    When the U.S. turns "black" and you are fired because someone is afraid of your white skin, let me know.

    And rinnaye has said some of the dumbest things I have read here. Going on about "people kissing ass" and "controling people's lives." What a buffoon!
  10. fnnysmrtprtty

    fnnysmrtprtty New Member

    Who are you to tell her she is ill-equipped to comment? And then to suggest she can't have an opinion - or an effect - on stopping racism or working to remove social barriers simply b/c she is white. What a load of crap. She never said racism isn't a problem, in fact her posts here have shown she has dealt with repeatedly through the experiences of her kids. At least be respectful of the people on these boards.
  11. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member

    Thanks JasieS.

    I'm sure you know it is not my intention to completely indict my race, but rather to bring together a common philosophical division between our races, so that a better understanding can be reached between us black men, and the women we love, which will hopefully help us all to better get along with eachother. I'm saying what many whites are too scared to say, for fear of being labeled racists.

    Question: Please tell me how do I insert quotes into my replies.
  12. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    I say that she is ill equipped because she is not black so she can tell me very little about achieving "success" or overcoming obstacles in this world as a black person. It would be like me commenting on the plight of women. I don't know jack about the sexist crap a woman would go through in the workplace, so I'm not going to sit here and comment or criticize on it. For every woman so says no glass ceiling exists, I sure that I can find two who say there is one.

    She can have an opinion. And I didn't say she said racism doesn't exist. Get the facts straight. But there is a difference between fighting discrimination, seeing others discriminated against (even if it is her children), and being discriminated against.
  13. fnnysmrtprtty

    fnnysmrtprtty New Member

    You don't need to be a woman to see the glass ceiling and/or form an opinion on it. Plenty of men on this board have commented about that very subject. You don't get to sit back and badger another board member into being quiet just b/c she isn't black.

    And in your post you very strongly suggested that her next step was to say racism doesn't exist.

    Of course there is a difference b/t seeing discrimination and experiencing it - that difference doesn't lessen the validity of her post or make her 'ill-equipped' to comment.
  14. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member


    You told him right! This is just one example of why there is such a divide between the races, fortunately he is in the minority in this beautiful place of racial harmony. We can't let trolls like this try to stir the pot, and cause friction between us. This dude is obviously very young, and wet behind the ears. He seems to have a pretty good sized chip on his shoulders, and an unhealthy dose of hatered in his heart. I've chosen to just ignore his ignorance. Plus he can't spell, which is another sign of his lack of knowledge.
  15. fnnysmrtprtty

    fnnysmrtprtty New Member

    I don't think he's a troll - just passionate and over-stepping boundaries in the comment to Jasie. You both have interesting points...
  16. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member

    Care to enlighten me on what might be his interesting point?
  17. fnnysmrtprtty

    fnnysmrtprtty New Member

    His interesting point being that success doesn't have to measured in titles and property. I would guess that he is championing a more internal measure. But that's my interpretation, not his words - and actually not much more was said b/t you two before you started insulting each other. Which is too bad, b/c it's always fun to read the conversations b/t people who have strongly held beliefs. :wink: Anyway, I am glad you are both here, posting, and livening the boards.
  18. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    fnnysmrtprtty, it's called sarcasm. And for every man here who says there is a glass ceiling, there are 10 that say women are lazy and use sex as an excuse. Who's right? None of them, because a man would know nothing about the first-hand challenges a woman would face in the workplace. So men should shut up and listen to what women have to say on the matter. Not generalize and use a few token examples as the deterioration of the glass ceiling.

    Rinnaye, before you size me up based on the few posts I've made and criticize my spelling...realize there's only one "e" in "hatred."
  19. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member

    I HATE black on black crime, I should not have stooped to such a level to cause an audience of onlookers to this battle royale between ignorance, and intelligence. Lol. But I still do not get his point, and I appreciate your futile attempt to explain it.


    I can now rest easy.

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