Life is pointless and stupid.

Discussion in 'Religion, Spirituality and Philosophy' started by Brittney, Dec 27, 2012.

  1. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    This song perfectly fits this thread...and my mood at the moment.

  2. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    Well lets stick to what we know, the one thing we ALL have been doing is learning since the day we have been born. I don't think anyone here can argue with that. Also the more we learn, the more we are able to develop ourselves as individuals by what we gather from our experiences and observations of the universe. There are others involved in the process and it is ok to care about them. Why make it more than what it is? Why does it have to mean anything? It is ok to vent sometimes, but that is my take on it.
  3. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    trust me it seems that way. A few years ago maybe two three....I wanted to give up. Then I thought.....if I quit then what?

    lets do this.....who will it hurt, who will gain, who will lose if you give up?

    you really dont know if :

    1) give up

    2) allow hurt and hate and other self destructive negative thoughts over take love for self which will overflow so much that others will benefit because you have some to share.

    3) once they taste the sweet nectar of love and compassion then they would want to share and they do.....

    yes they may remember you or they may forget you but it was your purpose and you left a rippling effect that may last forever or not but it did enuff to be shared to others.
  4. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    Habit, familiarity. Plus, I've always been the clingy type anyway. And I've always been a What Ifer. What if what's after this is even more meaningless? Like nothing. Familiarity and meaninglessness might still be better than something as incomprehensible as whatever happens after you've died. :smt102

    And I'm sleepy so this is all I'm going to say about it today. :smt015
  5. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    Then walk a fine line between sorrow and despair. The hell we weave in our minds are far too great, but never out of reach when answers are needed.

  6. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    I don't think there is supposed to be a point to it. But that doesn't mean we still shouldn't do our best with the time allotted. It sucks and it may seem fatalistic at times, but keeping focused on my personal best helps me beat despair, whether it's sentimentally, professionally or financially based. Hang in there. It's like a long distance race. You don't have to place first to win. The victory is in not giving up.
  7. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    To add to that beautiful post. I think putting out as much love as you can while you have the chance, put a smile on peoples face, help where you can, alleviate pain where you can, make things easier for other people where we can. That is what puts whatever meaning into our existence, to not add to peoples burden, but it alleviate. If we do that, then, we have done a lot.

    Will that be written somewhere or be universally celebrated in order for it to count? No, that is the beauty of it all. And isnt it arrogant for us to expect that in order to make sense of it all? I truly think that is the beauty of humanity, that IS the heart of it all. That in the big picture, it is meaningless, and yet, we make such a beauty of it, even though we know it can be gone tomorrow. I celebrate that, truly. How beautiful isn't that. Read dalai lama, you get what I'm rambling about. He gets all that, and yet, find beauty in all of it.
  8. jaisee

    jaisee Well-Known Member

    Somewhere between overwhelming pessimism and dogmatic optimism lies the cold hard truth. Life == is and is == pointless. There really is no end goal, your spirit will not ascend to heaven, nor be damned to hell. Your current realization Britty is the first step to truly finding happiness. One thing that we all do is categorize life experiences. This is good or this is bad. Instead of accepting that this 'is'. Ever wonder why one person can lose a job and think it's the worst thing in the world, while another person loses a job and sees it as an opportunity to do better? Why one person can lose a relationship and feel that their life has ended, while another sees it as an opportunity to be free until they find someone better? It's because somewhere between the optimism and pessimism, somewhere between the positivity and negativity in these events lies the truth which is just that nothing really matters.
  9. Gorath

    Gorath Well-Known Member

    The saying,"The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step," is appropriate. One's journey in life is unique. We're not going to succeed the same way as the other person next to us. And we must not fool ourselves into thinking we have to change who we are as individuals to get to that success. We can give it a go and try to succeed. But, sometimes we find that what we want would not make us happy. So, then, we end up feeling like our lives suck and there is no point in living. I think life is a combination of who we are, who we want to be, where we are going, what we have and what we are doing.
  10. Devorn

    Devorn Member

    All illusions come and go but your Infinite Soul remains unchanged. That seems to be the purpose of life, to realize nothing besides your (self) is real. It makes you appreciate your eternity.
  11. APPIAH

    APPIAH Well-Known Member

    I dont think Carlos Selim(or Slim?), Warren Buffet or Bill Gates will be losing their money anytime soon. I live on the most deprived continent with pestilence, sickness, hunger, war and everything negative associated with it. But you go to villages and expect all of them to be depressed and dejected, yet you see smiles and a sense of hope among the very poor and you realise one's life is really not that bad.
  12. stiletoes

    stiletoes Well-Known Member

    Only if you want it to be
  13. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    Interesting point, it kind of puts thing into perspective when I hear of the global financial crisis, economic issues in Greece/Spain/Italy/Portugal/etc.

    Then I think to myself I'm from a nation originally where we made do with what is available, literally, the government don't do shit for you.

    Growing up in Guyana I didn't even think I was dirt poor, but I was. Everyone around me lived the same way and so you never had this notion of inequality and the have and have nots.

    The problem is now that I am fattened up on Western comforts, could I go back and live that way. Hmmmm. :confused:
  14. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    Here is the thing about this Brittney, you have to live this life and just make the most of it that you can, because as you said who knows about tomorrow.

    A speeding car could sideswipe you and take your life, a tree could fall and kill you, but whatever your fate is, you can only live life until such time.

    Say fuck it and try to enjoy the time on Earth we have. :D

    Maybe our ultimate goal in this life is to simply procreate, pass on our genes and die, like most life forms in nature.

    To me happiness is not money or materials, it is a state of mind, a comfort and sense of peace in one's life.

    In our society too often we see folks worshipping the almighty dollar to the detriment of everything else and it leaves them no more happy.
  15. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry but I'm kind of drunk right now. I'm just like one of those kids who keeps asking why, why, why, why. Why do we live, why is that the reason, why is that reason the reason etc etc. Why is maybe our ultimate goal to procreate? Procreate for what? I mean I could use some procreating right now, but shhh! But why? Why oh why. Why sucks. Sometimes maybe I should stop asking it. What's that thing about not having all the answers and it's OK not to? But I'm a delver that delves into the depths of the depths of the depths until the depth can be delved no more. Where's Saty? I miss him. He could tell me.
  16. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    Shouldn't there be something like a batman signal for saty? But instead of a bat, it's a brain or a tongue in the form of a fork?
  17. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    LOL, I see.

    Look at it this way in nature the individual isn't important, the continuation of the species is what is paramount.

    Nature doesn't care if a member of the herd dies as long as the species carries on.

    You, I or any other individual is indeed inconsequential as a singular entity, it is as a larger grouping that it becomes important.

    We procreate I suppose because nature demands it, our natural urges have been shaped to do it, there are always exceptions; of course but on average we all share those urges. No coincidence, we are wired that way through natural evolution of appeal.

    ROFL @ you can use some procreating right now.

    I suppose your why is akin to asking the meaning of life, at the end of the day no one really knows, we are here for our allotted time and then we are gone.

    All we can do is strive to enjoy that time and during that time nature demands its reward, an offspring to carry on the human species.

    Even though we as humans don't think of it that simplistically in our cultural framework of relationships, all our urges, a woman's monthly menstruation, being turned on by the scent of your partner leads us to the basic reality. :D

    Maybe the whole point is just to live our allotted time on this Earth, contribute to the survival of the species and then leave when our number is up.

    Perfect time to post the pic of the baby latching on to the doctors finger that has been in the news. :)

    Last edited: Jan 4, 2013
  18. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    If you feel your own life is meaningless, the only way to live a life full of MEANING is to POSITIVELY change the lives of OTHERS.

    A self-centered life IS meaningless.

    People who have this nihilist point of view usually IMO have allowed themselves to become too focused on just 'ME'.

    Conceit is not a virtue.
  19. Archman

    Archman Well-Known Member

    ......Life is like a very long hallway with sporadic lighting...sometimes you can see clearly and far ahead, and sometimes times you have to wade slowly in the dark..........And like most hallways, there are many doors through which you can peep in for a visit.....But there is a special door which is never closed, never locked and full of light as you walk by...and even as you continue to walk away down the hall, the light from that door will continue to light your path until you and your shadow are out of sight...When you find some time, look for that door again Britty, your young life experience should not sum up to nothing..........
  20. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member


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