Hi guys , Do you believe in life after death ? what about reincarnation ? Do you believe we existed prior this life ?
Hi all Yeah I belive in past live and reincarnation you can check it by oberving what you like and dislike , be them place food or even rea of hostory . to have a good start I'll recommand you Dreams, Past Lives and Soul Travel by Harold Klemp
Yes, I believe in life after death! No I don't believe in reincarnation! No I do not believe we existed prior to this life. My belief is based on the Bible, that imediately upon conception a new soul is formed, and that child will grow to be very unique person. When that person reaches the age of accounability, they will have to make a choice about whether to accpet Jesus Christ and the sacrifice He made for them, or they will reject it. The person may make such a decision right away or later in life. But the lack of acceptance is in fact a rejection. That persons soul will then face judgement on judgement day depending on that decision and it will then be determined whether that person goes to heaven or hell. I do not believe we get another chance to make it right.
First Law of Thermodynamics: Energy can be changed from one form to another, but it cannot be created or destroyed. The total amount of energy and matter in the Universe remains constant, merely changing from one form to another. The First Law of Thermodynamics (Conservation) states that energy is always conserved, it cannot be created or destroyed. In essence, energy can be converted from one form into another. Click here for another page (developed by Dr. John Pratte, Clayton State Univ., GA) covering thermodynamics.
Once upon a time, in some out of the way corner of that universe which is dispersed into numberless twinkling solar systems, there was a star upon which clever beasts invented knowledge. That was the most arrogant and mendacious minute of "world history," but nevertheless, it was only a minute. After nature had drawn a few breaths, the star cooled and congealed, and the clever beasts had to die. One might invent such a fable, and yet he still would not have adequately illustrated how miserable, how shadowy and transient, how aimless and arbitrary the human intellect looks within nature. There were eternities during which it did not exist. And when it is all over with the human intellect, nothing will have happened. - Friedrich Nietzsche
Hi Thinkerbell , Thanks for your inputs , but could you please explain these few things : 1) If you beleive in life after death , why can't you believe we lived prior this life? 2) Talking about the bible , is there any verse in the bible that denies the pre-existence? 3) About reincarnation, how can you explain the talent that some people are born with/ How can you explain a 14 year-old man doing his phd in mathematics ? [youtube]_EWwzFwUOxA [/youtube]
Question does anyone think you were just made to live work go to school marry have a few kids get old and die and that's it? I don't, I believe in a higher purpose, I believe in life after death. No I don't believe in reincarnation
Well, you asked so here goes! In the Bible there are many, many verses that state we all were "in the loins" of our fathers, all of humanity was created in the loins of Adam. So in that sense we did pre-esist, and if you were talking about an inherited memory of some sort, (kinda like elephants have) I would agree that may very well happen, as science and scripture seem to agree that each and every cell does have life, because the life is in the blood which came from Adam. But as to re-incarnation, that is not possible if we are a new creature, and if we were in the loins of out father. This can be very well understood if you understand some basics about demonic activity in the earth today. There are spirits, called by Scripture to be "familiar spirits" these are the demons, who spoke to the woman that who claimed to be able to speak to the dead, You'll find her story in the book of Samuel, when Samuel acutally did apear to her, she nearly past out because it was not her familiar spirits that she was used to seeing, and she knew this was the real thing. Please bare in mind, not all demons are trying to kill the person, but demons have a system of hirarchy and as do angels, some are asigned to people just to watch them and report to their lord Satan. (He is not omni-present as God is.) Familiar spirits become familiar with an individual because they are assigned to that person and are with that person thoughout that persons life, or stages of life, and when that person dies, that spirit has to find a new home. They have to gain access to a host and that is more complicated that you would think. They must somehow be allowed in by the host. Once they are allowed into the host they can transfer memories that belonged to the original person to the new host. The can make that person "believe a lie". I haven't studied this particular one because it is a more recent cartoon, but I have been told by some Christians that they believe "Teletubies" to be a dangerous cartoon for children to watch spiritually. This may be where the young child in the video got his "demon." These types of things can become very dangerous to people who play around with them, they are not to be dealt with lightly. So I do not want a crazy discussion about it. If someone asks a serious question I'll answer to the best of my knowledge. Now before all you athiests and others get all hot under the collar, remember that maghalil asked so I answered. Now about the mathmatics genius, he may be just that, science says we only use about one tenth of our brain power today, maybe when we were originally created we could use much more, some of us have some tallents others have others. I think the original man and woman were probably capable of doing pretty much anything they put their mind to. Eve spoke with a snake and it didn't seem to surprise her in the least, Adam named all the animals in the Garden and he may very well have discussed it with them before naming them. Who knows what the human brain is cabable of? We are created in the image of Almighty God, and that is an awesome thing!!
Hello Thinkerbell , could you please give me some concrete bible verses. In the book of (Matt.11:13-14 ) , In the episode were Jesus-Christ identified John the Baptist as a reincarnation of Eliah the prophet ... the bible says : " For all the prophets and the law have prophesied until John. And if you are willing to receive it, he is Elijah who was to come." the above passage, Jesus clearly identifies John the Baptist as the reincarnation of Elijah the prophet. Later in Matthew's gospel Jesus reiterates it. And the disciples asked him, saying, "Why then do the scribes say that Elijah must come first?" But he answered them and said, "Elijah indeed is to come and will restore all things. But I say to you that Elijah has come already, and they did not know him, but did to him whatever they wished. So also shall the Son of Man suffer at their hand." Then the disciples understood that he had spoken of John the Baptist." (Matt. 17:10-13) In very explicit language, Jesus identified John the Baptist as the reincarnation of Elijah. Even the disciples of Jesus understood what Jesus was saying. This identification of John to be the reincarnation of Elijah is very important when it comes to Bible prophecy. By identifying the John with Elijah, Jesus identified himself as the Messiah. The Hebrew scriptures mentions specific signs that would precede the coming of the Messiah. One of them is that Elijah will return first. Behold I will send you Elijah the prophet, before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord. (Mal. 4:5) This is one of the major Messianic promises from God that is found in the Bible. And these John is Elijah references clearly demonstrate the reality of reincarnation. So there are two important conclusions we can draw from this: (1) The Hebrew scriptures prophesied that Elijah himself - not someone like him or someone in the same ministry as him but Elijah himself - would return before the advent of the Messiah. (2) Jesus declared John to be Elijah when he stated that Elijah has come. Adam is indeed the father of our physical bodies. The concept of reincarnation is the spirit that inherit different body through the birth process (This is my understanding). so i will not consider Adam as he is not the father of our spirits. Science do not believe in the story of Adam , The same science do not believe in the existence of God , so they stands on the big-bang concept but they cannot tell us what cause the Big-Bang to happen ( obviously that Big-bang did not happen by itself). Talking about the human brain i will say " yes " if you talking about things that you learn from school or in this world , but there are kids that remember things that they never being thought of. Check on youtube with the keyword reincarnation there various video about it.
Yes, sir, that may be the case, but Elijah, never died, so that is still not the same as any kind of modern interpretation of reincarnation. Well some science does agree, you can find some links here in the religious section that I posted some time ago. I believe in the "big bang" but the sound was the "voice" of God creating all things that we know, literally splitting the nothingness around Him by His very voice, and Word, into all of Creation. First of all, just cuz it's on youtube, doesn't make it so, but I do believe it is a spiritual phenomenon, and there may very well be demons involved.
As far as my understanding on reincarnation is concerned , it is the spirits dwelling in a different physical body (Most time through birth), so if it is so they might be right. I am aware of verses whereby the bible is against this concept , but some people may say that the Bible contradict itself (i don't agree with that). Talking about the Bible contradicting itself , do you agree with that ? Do you know who compiled the holly books we have in today's " Holly Bible " ? Some people claims that many reincarnations topics as been removed from the Holly bible .... Well some science does agree, you can find some links here in the religious section that I posted some time ago. I believe in the "big bang" but the sound was the "voice" of God creating all things that we know, literally splitting the nothingness around Him by His very voice, and Word, into all of Creation. First of all, just cuz it's on youtube, doesn't make it so, but I do believe it is a spiritual phenomenon, and there may very well be demons involved.
I am not a historian, but my understanding is not that books were removed, but that they were not included, I know the Catholic Bible has more books than the Protestant, but there really is no disagreement amongst them. No the Holy Bible does not "contradict" itself, if you see something that appears to you have to delve deeper and check the original language textt to see what the real meaning was. The Bible says the "spirit" comes from God, and some Christians believe that is new with each life, others believe it is God ever living Spirit that is the life giving substance. But in cases of "reincarnation" you are talking about what I know as the "soul" the conscious mind of that person, their memories, and life experiences. I do believe the "soul is unique to each person, and the Bible talks about it's judgment after death, there are no second chances, if some people got them and others didn't God would not be a just God. But those life experiences and memories are well known by the demonic realm and those demons can absolutely implant "false" memories into a persons psyche.:smt077