i'm on the fence with this one... on one hand, I realize there are dangers associated with unlicensed (even licensed) food services...but on the other hand, it seems like we're going away from the country, that immortalizes the little kids and their beverage stands.
That is some bullshit, this never happen when I was a child, that is the local Government looking to make a quick buck in this struggling economy. I wish the local health inspector rolled up on my daughter selling Lemonade to make a few dollars. I'll give him a knuckle sandwich.
kid...they talking about buck-twenty for a 'temporary restaurant' license. lol nothing more than someone trying to line their pockets like you said
That's nothing. There was a Blogger on The Keiser Report. He lives in Riverside County (in the desert). He used to be a loan broker I think. His name is George Hemminger, you can search him on You Tube. Anyway local Governments are looking for any excuse to up fees or fines. George said Riverside County is charing $500 for running a red-light! I also heard parking tickets have skyrocketed. And like I said some want to maintain the Status Que, this is going to lead to riots...
They said on the news ithat the Police Chief said it was handled incorrectly by the cops and that they will not go after kids w lemonade stands.
Girl don't you know PR spin when you hear it? The Government got caught with their hand in the cookie jar. This is not a public health issue. Nothing has changed from the late 1970's when we sold lemonade on the corner in our neighborhood. This has basically never happen, but counties and cities are feeling the pinch.
Oh dont I know it. but as it were - they were caught and hopefully they know that the eyes on them when it comes to these type of things. They take u for shiet they didnt take you for before.. so yes, they want money everywhere... wer circling the drain in CA Look up The City of Bell (a LA city of about 30,00) and the a whole scandal there with the City manager giving himself a salaray of twice that of The President! Its old news now - I was going to put up the stiry but decided not to.
I don't really remember seeing lemonade stands that much as a kid, because the kids around my way, would put on dancing shows to make money, not sell food, but here recently, I saw 2 different kids selling lemonade. I thought it was funny cause I've gone so many years not seeing one till now.
you dont have to drink it..i know i dont trust many people myself including kids.. but it's all about supporting them...they get to practice operating their own business, counting money, and stuff like what if they're giving the money to their parents so they can buy more dope.. IT ALL BOUT KIDS :smt114
You mean, I can't sell quarter waters up on 3rd st without somebody asking me for a business license??
basically that's some raw ass you KNOW Calif on a hurt piece when it comes to loose change... they'll take the money you made AND make you pay a separate fine aint that about a bitch I bet the Oakland police would come out for some bullshit like that.... but let a mufug get robbed.........
Why the lack of trust? America is a scared society... An ex-coworker was telling me he doesn't keep his house locked. I asked why and he said, whatever material possessions I have can be replaced, I have insurance. He has a point. If people steal from you, they must have wanted it more than you do or for some other reason. Why do people steal? Jealously? Drug Habit? Need The Money for Food/Housing/Health Reasons? Greed? Random Murders are just that RANDOM. You are usually murdered by somebody you know, a business deal gone south, double crossing somebody, screwing somebody's their significant other? Put these things in perspective. There was a guy that had been sleeping in our tool shed. One night he made too much noise. So I went outside, I saw him, he must have went to get something as he might have been there earlier. Why have ill will? He needed a shelter.... This is the most cynical and selfish society on the planet. Think about it, we are the land of convenience. Things are open on Sunday (The Sabbath), things are open 24/7, things are open late. People have complete conniptions if they don't get their way no matter how minor it is. People demand cheap electronics, don't care were it comes from or how poorly the people that made it are treated. I'm sure Foxxconn paying workers a shabby wage never entered the mind of any of you that bought an Iphone. That's why I've had it up to hear and events like this are only going to get worst.
Yep and the best Bacon Hot Dogs are on Sunset and Santa Monica. This is false flag Public Health BS - [YOUTUBE]<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]
I don't know about this. When I was 8 years old I was really badly infected with e-coli O157 and almost died. I narrowly escaped having to get a kidney transplant. How was I infected? By homemade goat's cheese that a girl took to school to sell or something as part of a school project. It seemed harmless enough but in this day and age you can never be too careful.
which is why i'll reiterate the fact that I don't eat behind, or accept food from anyone. You even have to watch family members sometimes too. I have an ederly grandmom, who didn't know the mayonaise was going bad one time. She kept using it for our sandwiches and shit like that. One day, I decided to look under the bread and seen the shit looking like water. I checked the jar, and low-n-behold, the mayo was spoiled. It was definitely past the use by date, and the shit had the consistency of a fluid. I never caught any bad infections tho. Guess I got off lucky. In a perfect society, we would trust everyone and take care of each other, like the tribes and villages did in the old days. Back when people knew everyone's names, watched and smacked each other's kids with no problem. People now...I just don't know. Like I said also, I wouldn't drink the kid's lemonade, but I would support her nonetheless. A cup of juice isn't shit and it would put a smile on her face. And maybe..just maybe, she has a good reason to be selling it. Maybe she's trying to help her family with a valiant effort, doing something that she knows how to do.
I'm going to blow this up right here. Despite our Government being captured and the USDA being largely bought off by factory farms, the agencies largely do these jobs. Also food poisoning is WAY more likely to happen from a restaurant! The Corporations are more likely to kill you then some street vendor is, open your eyes and you would have no legal recourse either, you would basically just be fucked. [YOUTUBE]<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE] Like I said how many of you have I-phones, Playstations and god only knows what else Foxxconn makes (Motherboards in Dell Computers) and know they pay Chinese works slave wages you would never work for yourself. So the true cost of these items you use everyday and not reflected in the true cost to make the items. People have the nerve to complain about the cost of a PS3 or some other expensive gadget.