How do you explain children born with a preexisting condition? Or physically deformed children with missing body parts? Or perhaps those that painstakingly murder the mother from within? If your Creator feel that there are no mistakes, then surely there's some logic that could be considered as a grand scale, twisted sense of humor.
When the baby will suffer horribly as a result of being born, then yes the concern should be about the woman and her body. Answer me this Ches; When a child suffers injustice and abuse as a result of its birth by its parents... Where is your creator then? Where is he Ches?
What bothers me about some pro life advocates is that many of them, if not all, are PRO DEATH PENALTY. Civil right versus religious morality. If a fetus isn't viable outside the body of the mother, IMO it's not a 'human being'.
I don’t have an easy answer to your question, Ali. And I hear the pain behind it. Even though I’m a believer I, too, question God about things that don’t seem right, fair or are just downright wrong (in my eyes). It’s the same question asked when someone (especially a child) dies before we think it’s time. What I can say is this: God’s desire was for mankind to live in relationship with him. He created us as perfect beings. When sin entered the world, it introduced all manner of pain, sickness and destruction. Why would a loving God allow that? Because he created us with a free will. The story of Adam and Eve represents every man and woman ever to walk this earth. If given a choice to obey/honor God, we will not always choose to do so. Disobedience brought sin and death into this world. We live in a fallen world. Humans treat other humans in despicably painful ways. I don’t know why God seemingly doesn’t protect a child from abuse. But I know he didn’t orchestrate it. He allowed it, but it was not designed and executed by Him. What I also know is that he offers healing and restoration from the destruction. I also know that he can use that broken child, once healed, to minister to others who are similarly broken. We – human beings – made the choice to bring sin and death into the world. God did not create the world this way, according to his Word. But, he also offers healing and freedom from eternal death, in the birth, death & resurrection of his Son. And He will use any and every experience in our lives to turn us to Himself. Even, and especially, child abuse.
I dont know if you have a daughter but if you do, are you going to have this same train of thought if God forbid she finds herself in a similar situation and she doesnt want to have a vile rapist's baby?
God Spoke to Me (Deuteronomy 22:28-29 NLT) God: "He who rapeth thy woman, shall he take her hand in marriage."
This is a well-thought out answer. I respect your opinion on this matter, even though I don't agree with it. Thank you for posting your thoughts.
It really doesn't make sense on the surface. I agree that abortions should be legal until the fetus can concievably be able to live outside of the womb. After that, it should be akin to murder. Abortions have been going on for millenia. You may not agree with it, but it beats the alternative - too many people in this world. Oh wait, we already have that. :smt011
Thankfully there is the separation of church and state otherwise some people will impose their religious views on others and even make it a crime to abort after being raped by a drunken, vile, rapist.SMGDMFH tragic, I hope people like this moronic man lose the election.
That's a ridiculous statement. By that logic if God wanted the life to happen it would be so since God is the alpha and the omega, all knowing and all powerful. You can't have it both ways. Either God is in total control or he controls very little so then he's not God. I have a really cool book for you to read if you're open to it.
Ok BBW I might have to concede a little on Christians/people of faith having neurological problems. I mean wow come on.
It took you that long? Stances like this is what will push a lot of people with common sense away from certain religions.
I'm not understanding your point. I'm saying he is in control. What we might deem a mistake, is not necessarily so to him. He knew that life would be formed. Psalm 139:13 says "For you created my inmost being, you knit me together in my mother's womb." What's the book?
Wow. So now I'm neurologically impaired. You're a work of art, TDK. I have a really cool book for you to read. It's called the Bible.
The Divine plan is not man's plan. What is life?? What is suffering?? What is the purpose??? People who criticize those in the faith based community mess up when they continue to describe the Divine in human terms, or a 'puppet master'. But I still think abortion should be legal, although I can't think of many instances where I would advocate for it.
Conversations With God An Uncommon Dialogue by Neale Donald Walsh. Completely changed my life. By the way read the bible multiple times. I went to Catholic school growing up. From what I gather its a great book for stories and fables but nothing to take literally. Its a guide not a literal blueprint. Just my interpretation. If we took the bible literally God is nothing but an insecure little child who demands he gets his own way no matter who gets hurt or suffers and we're suppose to sit back with a smile and just accept it. Doesn't sound good to me at all.
If my baby mama or any other person EVER told my daughter not to have an abortion after being raped, i will hurt them.