Good for you but what gives you or anyone else the right to dictate how others should go about it? Like I said if you aren't personally going to take the kids in then forever hold your peace my friend.
My tax dollars are being spent conducting abortions then damn right I do have a say. If I could opt out then I would have much less to say on the matter. In 08-09 Planned Parenthood got $360 million in government money...Not good.
And when you start spending your own money to put a morsel of food in all these unaborted babies you are so concerned about..then it can be said that you are putting your money where their mouth is. Until then it's all good intention and hot air. Those are the pathway to hell and do nothing until acted upon.
Can someone please throw up the stats showing that planned parenthood spends a small fraction on abortion
If you are so smart then research what services Planned Parenthood offers. Only small mind fools believe their main service is abortions. Go look. We'll wait. :smt069
The reason it can appear to be abortion centric (when it isn't) is because PP is the only provider on a national level that performs abortions. In comparison to what they do (and the batshit crazy pro-lifers) who focus on only that..abortion is the smallest percentage of actual woman services they provide. Well-woman care is much larger and it is to THAT your tax dollars go. Pity you should care that a woman might get a mammogram but not one word about how your tax dollars are spent to fund two totally uncalled for wars. Oh, and btw, government money never goes to the funding of abortions. That is paid for by the person having the abortion. Oh, noes! What shall we think now about this plight among mankind now that the FACTS have been laid out? Whatever shall we do now? Oh, right. Keep regurgitating the same conservative talking points that are full of lies. Carry on then.
I am a woman, a registered Repub (although I voted Dem this last election) ,and I'm pro-life. Does that automatically make me batshit crazy & racist?!
Of course it doesn't. A person's beliefs don't always determine the type of person he or she is; it's the person's behavior.
Lol Who is this DJ guy? With his holier than thou post, never seen him post b4. Anywhooo, This pro-lifers thought process never cease to amaze me. You want to impose your morals on some stranger that you never met without any knowledge of that individual's life situation, very interesting......Now you want to punish a woman that has been raped to carry a product of undesired conception? GTFO I don't care if the fetus is 9 months and 2 weeks old (This # is a little exagerated to make a point, but you get my drift). If the woman who is carrying it does not want any part of it, then it is her fucken right. Who the hell are you telling her to do what YOU WANT to her body. Are you gonna be there financially, physically and emotionally to raise that child? Ah,ah...... I don't think so. So then why don't you ride your holier than thou horse back to the stone age!!!! And this is coming from an independent Voter who is a Christian.
I think even most pro choice folk aren't advocating third trimester abortions, in fact unless the health of the mother is at risk, most abortion providers will deny a 3rd trimester abortion. After a woman's first trimester, IMO she should carry the baby to term. It's counter-intuitive to say but I believe once a woman becomes pregnant, the decision to have or not to have an abortion should be made within a week. The actual quote from Rep. Akin was; "From what I understand from doctors, that's really rare," said Akin said of pregnancy caused by rape. "If it's a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down. But let's assume maybe that didn't work or something. I think there should be some punishment, but the punishment ought to be on the rapist." Bat shit crazy talk.:smt102
If you feel that your stance in those areas some how gives you the right to deny women an abortion because YOU wouldn't have one for any of those three reasons...then it lands you in the camp of those are are. Women as a whole are paying close attention to these men (and women) who spout such unbelievable ignorance. And while it doesn't make every last republican certainly leaves a nasty taste behind for those of us who know better.
I think there out to be some punishment, but the punishment out to be on the rapist. There's a novel concept right there. And by *some* punishment.. Is he talking 6 months worth of some punishment? 1 year of some punishment? Less than two years? I say this ignorant fool be tied up and the sodomized. We will see how fast he changes his *some* punishment theme. Sexual violation stays with you indefinitely. You don't do *some* suffering and bam! All done!
You need to rethink your thought process because only 3% of the government funded money through Planned Parenthood goes to abortions. Here are the what all that money is for: Contraception (including reversible contraception, emergency contraception, vasectomies and tubal sterilizations): 4,009,549 services Sexually transmitted infections testing and treatment: 3,955,916 services Cancer screening and prevention: 1,830,811 services Other women’s health services (including pregnancy tests and prenatal care): 1,178,369 services Abortions: 332,278 procedures Miscellaneous (including primary care and adoption referrals): 76,977 Total services: 11,383,900 Notice how abortion fundings are very minimal compared to the other things? Furthermore, there are a plethora of reasons (justifiably so) to actually have abortions. Whether we're talking overpopulation of the planet (sustainability), There are a lot of inconsistencies if you profess to be pro-life, yet unwilling to give your money towards government funded programs to actually help those in need take care of the lower income people who definitely need assistance. If you're living in state, with strong anti-abortion laws, then it's only fair that you put forth more of your taxes and resources into helping out people. Secondly, adoption would be considered a viable option, but children who are orphaned and then are adopted aren't really better off. Now granted, adoption agencies have improved slightly over the years, but really, if they didn't want to have kids in the first place, then spend the dollars and just abort the accident.
Only if your behavior is out of control, while wearing a pair of crocs, covered in piss and Christmas bulbs.
As someone who believes in a Creator, I believe that no life is a mistake. It may be to us humans, but the fact that that life was created did not somehow get past God. Where is the child's right to life, if this is only about the woman & her body?